Career or family for a man. Career or family - what does a modern woman choose? A woman strives to combine career and family

11.04.2023 Services

Make it a rule in everything and always give preference to your family. In our modern world, it is very easy to lose your footing. Sometimes you can quite often observe how more and more time is devoted to work, while less and less time is allocated for family and other important people.

To truly become a happy person, you should develop the habit of finding and maintaining balance between your personal life and work.

Set the priorities that are important to you What is more important: family or work??

Do your work at a clearly set time. As soon as you arrive at the office, immediately start your work and work hard all day long.

When you come home, try to always spend almost all your free time with your loved ones. The most important thing in your relationship with your family is communication and direct contact. Remember, nothing will ever replace your family. Set a goal each day to increase your personal time with your loved one and your children. This will greatly strengthen your family relationships, and you will not lose anything here. When you come home in the evening, try not to give in to the temptation to immediately pick up the TV remote control and turn it on. Try not to include anything. Spend the first hour at home with loved ones, thereby strengthening your relationships.

Communicate with your family

Develop the habit of spending enough time with those who are truly dear and important to you. If possible, then talk to him one-on-one, but if due to certain circumstances this is not possible, then talk to him on the phone. At the end of their lives, as a rule, people begin to regret that they spent little time with their family, and spent it mostly on work and so on. Try not to let this happen to you.

Train yourself to make special time for those closest to you. Typically, the effectiveness of communication is determined by the amount of time that is usually allocated to it. To build and maintain good family relationships, you should regularly and continuously communicate with your loved ones for thirty, sixty, and sometimes more than ninety minutes.

It is also very important to develop the habit of spending weekends with your wife or husband, and if we are talking about vacations, then relaxing with the whole family. At the same time, it is important to order tours and tickets in advance and pay for them, thereby not canceling the trip if something happens.

In addition, it is worth developing the habit of being polite and friendly in all relationships with loved ones. Nothing can highlight a person who is pleasant in all respects more than the habit of being amiable in a given situation.

Perhaps the most important habit needed for a long and happy life is the habit of being able to forgive. The ability to forgive will certainly open the doors to the world of spirituality. By forgiving people, you can free yourself from and become a completely different person.

To continue living without negative emotions and to free yourself from the grievances of the past, you should forgive four categories of people.

The first category is parents. Forgive your father and mother for all the mistakes they made regarding your upbringing. All parents make mistakes. They wish you only the best, doing everything in their power and based on personal experience, but they cannot help but make mistakes. This is a given.

The second category of people you should forgive are those who were once dear to you, but towards whom you still harbor anger.
People who once caused you suffering and pain constitute the third category of those whom you should sincerely and from the bottom of your heart forgive.

But the fourth category is you yourself. It is ourselves who need to be forgiven. It's amazing how most of us feel bad about ourselves because of insensitivity, weakness, heartlessness or stupidity that we exhibited a long time ago.

But the most amazing thing about the habit of forgiveness is that thanks to it you can gain freedom. This habit also gives freedom to those whom you have been able to forgive. Forgiveness is the most empowering and liberating human relationship habit that one can develop.

You should strive to achieve a state of mind in which you do not feel resentment or anger towards any events or people.

Decide from now on to try to develop all those habits of many women and men who throughout their lives know how to maintain wonderful relationships with each other. Forget about what caused you pain and resentment in the past. What's important is what's happening now. So focus your attention on making others feel important.

Get into the habit of saying and doing only what can make the people around you, your closest relatives or just acquaintances, feel respect for yourself and increase your level of self-esteem.

Copyright © 2013 Victor Kozlov

Since ancient times, it was believed that a woman is the keeper of the hearth, whose job is to wash, clean, cook and raise children, and everything that is washed, what to clean and what to cook with is the man’s concern. But times are changing and today being a businesswoman is much more interesting for many women. And so the question arises: is career or family more important for a woman? Everyone sets their own priorities when making choices.

Career ladder

A modern woman wants to have financial independence from men. Work for a woman is not only a means of earning money, but also increasing self-esteem, confidence and self-realization. Often the fair sex thinks about their own business or moving up the career ladder even before starting a family. In this case, it may turn out that there is simply no free time to create a family and its further development. Many people say that family is a woman’s main career, but for some, family is work.

Advantages and disadvantages when choosing a career


  • The opportunity to devote your life to what you like;
  • Financial independence;
  • Authority and respect of colleagues;
  • Broadening your horizons and self-realization;
  • A more interesting, rich life.


  • Combining career and family, a woman cannot fully give love, affection and tenderness to her children;
  • Chronic lack of free time;
  • Conflicts in the family;
  • Stress and overwork of the body, which leads to sleep disturbances and irritability;
  • Great competition and male chauvinism;
  • Loss of old social circle (and lack of time to find new ones).

Family hearth

A housewife woman devotes all her strength to her family: she takes care of her children and husband, and furnishes the house. This option is ideal for almost every man: the house is always clean, there is always a delicious dinner waiting for you after work, the children do not decompose in front of the TV, receiving proper education. In the first couple of days, the woman is also incredibly happy about this coincidence of circumstances, because she spends the whole day with those who love her and whom she loves. Why does the question arise, what is more important: work or family? Being at home all day, women do not receive enough opportunities to develop the personal qualities and skills that professional work can provide. This can lead to depression, an inferiority complex and questions about “what have I achieved?” Even if you have a job, there can be no talk of career growth. After all, you need to come home on time, cook dinner, prepare clothes for the children for school, and so on. In general, choosing a family also has its pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Ability to keep the house in order and be close to children;
  • Take care of yourself and your health;
  • Meet with friends periodically;
  • Go to various events with children.


  • Financial dependence;
  • Caring for home and loved ones becomes a responsibility;
  • Monotonous life “according to schedule”;
  • Lack of husband and his help.

For Wonder Women

Sometimes it happens that working is not a woman’s simple desire, but a need due to lack of funds. Not every man can feed the whole family on his own, and then a discussion about what is more important, what is better and more correct does not even arise in the minds of the spouses. Then the couple should adhere to some simple rules.

  1. The first thing to do is to distribute household responsibilities between husband and wife. This will help reduce the burden on a woman and allow her to successfully climb the career ladder.
  2. Don’t abuse your work: you can’t achieve all the heights, you can’t earn all the money. But household chores and loved ones may well suffer from overwork.
  3. Separate work and home. If at work you are a stern boss, then at home you should transform into the most tender and loving parent that your child so needs.
  4. Do not discuss work issues at home; rather, talk about your impressions of the day and plans for the future. This will not only bring you closer to your family, but will also allow you to relieve the stress accumulated during the day in an attempt to find a way out in a particular project.
  5. Don't forget that your husband also needs care and attention. Therefore, whenever possible, try to compensate for all overtime work.
  6. In life, you should not forget about the most important, golden rule: a career should be built through professionalism and unique skills, and not by increasing working hours.

I would like to add some more advice from psychologist Elena Tararina. “A woman who started a family and gave birth to children, but realized that she lacks such an option as a career and self-realization, must honestly tell herself that this is a huge piece of nerves, strength and internal discipline,” notes the psychologist. She says that you should not believe in the stereotype that a woman is not capable of being a wonderful wife and mother and at the same time having a successful career.

This article only talked about some of the nuances of choice in this matter, and you must decide for yourself what is best for you and your family.

In ancient times, a woman had a simple and understandable goal - family, husband and child. Today, the second half of humanity is not inclined to limit its destiny to the narrow biological role of procreation. After all, this is what sets man apart from the animal world, that in addition to instincts, he also has reason and self-awareness. So a woman faces the question of what is more important: career or family.

Naturally, when the survival of the clan was associated with the strict implementation of gender roles, the customs and traditions of the tribe assigned the woman the role of mother-guardian of the family hearth, and left the man with the duty of obtaining food for the family.

European civilization has long gotten rid of the need to adhere to the rules developed by their ancestors, and ladies have discovered a huge field of activity for self-realization.

Wives and girlfriends rushed into a world previously owned by men, who were surprised to find that those who had been assigned a place in the kitchen ended up at their posts.

Everything at once: how to combine career and family

The modern average citizen of planet Earth lives in an era of consumption. This applies not only to objects of the material world, but also to behavioral reactions. At the same time, the pace of life has increased.

A child is hard work and a lot of wasted time until he reaches puberty. Why waste your best years vegetating as a mother and housewife, when the world provides plenty of opportunities to have a great time and you can choose a career? But it's not that simple.

A survey was conducted among working German women under the age of 30, and the results amazed the researchers. It turns out that among 1000 career-oriented ladies surveyed, for 90% their own child is a priority! But at the same time, they want to maintain independence from their husband in the family and not live on handouts from the state.

None of the girls want to solve the dilemma of family or career. Western women get married after reaching a certain level of material wealth.

Career won't keep you warm at night, family is more important

Every year, Hollywood films about women who successfully combine their personal lives and work appear on television screens. The main character is a woman who has enough time for everything: for children, for her husband, for managing a company and for the small delights of life. However, how does a fairy tale fit into reality? In reality, it all depends on the career that the woman has chosen for herself.

For example, if your friend wants to join the board of directors of Gazprom without being close to the world of oil tycoons, then her whole life will be spent achieving her goal without the right to a family and children. Oksana came to Moscow from the outback to make a dizzying career.

Looking with wide eyes at life in the capital, the woman promised herself to achieve a place in the sun. After 18 years, the woman rose from an ordinary clerk to a regional sales manager.

She has everything that young girls dream of: an apartment in the center, a luxury car, clothes from the best world brands and impeccable appearance, cherished in expensive spa salons. There is only one person who would love her - her husband and children. Although no, there is a medal-winning Pekingese dog named Lucy.

Oksana is the first at work in the morning and the last to leave. She has no days off, and overtime has long been the norm. Personal life is limited to occasional sex without commitment. Her career absorbed the young woman, becoming her raison d'être. Instead of a family, the woman decided to choose a career.

Popularity played a cruel joke on Marilyn Monroe. The woman wanted to become famous and achieved worldwide recognition. But did this bring her happiness? “A career is a wonderful thing. But will it warm you up on a cold night? - said the untimely deceased star of millions. Of course, there are people who sacrifice their entire lives on the altar of their career. But there are not many of them. Although we admire them, we do not always want to follow their path. It makes much more sense to have a family and a career.

Until the age of 30, Natalya was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel: she worked at a company and at the same time received a second higher education. When she turned 30, she started thinking about the future. She had good prospects for growth ahead, but a child and a family remained an unattainable dream.

Family is more important, the girl decided and asked to be demoted so that she, like other people, could leave work at 5 o’clock and have days off. The management was amazed. They tried to prove to her that her career was more important and promised to double her salary, but she refused.

Now Natalia has a wonderful husband and a charming child. Stay for overtime? No, family is more important.

Working women get married and have children without the world turning upside down. Sometimes it seems that career is more important than personal happiness. Then weigh all the pros and cons so as not to end up with nothing later.

The average family is when both parents work. This is fine. They come home and leave their official duties at the door, because family is more important than career. Women get married, become mothers and loved ones. They fulfill their traditional family roles, and the child sees this. The secret is to keep career and home separate.

When you come to your family, forget about business, career, relax and unwind. Find time to fully communicate with your family. Let it be drinking tea together in the kitchen or watching TV when the whole family has gathered. If you are a businesswoman, take time to spend a weekend or vacation with your family. The child needs the attention of the mother, especially if she is rarely at home. Create a schedule and avoid overwork.

Fatigue tends to accumulate gradually, especially when a woman works every day and overtime. As a result, a nervous breakdown occurs and, first of all, the family suffers from this. Despite the abundance of work problems, show your feelings with your family: kiss, hug, listen to what your child tells you.

Choice: career or family?

In principle, the question of choosing a career or a family does not exist at all. A person should live a fulfilling life without distortions. The modern woman is neither an overworked housewife nor a workhorse of the global economic space.

She is a harmoniously developed personality who has realized herself at home and at work. She does not forget about personal time and does not think that career is more important than family. A real woman has everything: a career, family happiness and a child.

What is more important for a woman: work or family – this is the main question today. Modern women are becoming more and more involved in their careers and paying less and less attention to family. No matter how sad it may sound, it is true. Statistics provide deplorable data: currently 60–65% of young women give preference to a career. Moreover, 10–15 years ago women after 40 years of age aspired to success in their careers, but nowadays young girls who have just received a professional education dream about a career. This article will help you understand what is better, according to women, and is it possible to combine family and career?

What is more important for a woman - career or family?

First, let's look at all the pros and cons of being a career woman. A modern woman in most cases gives preference to a career, which is becoming very popular today. Moreover, this fashion came from Europe, where in the mid-20th century the issue of feminism became acute. The signs of a careerist are:

  1. Complete independence, which women believe a good career can give.
  2. A feminist will never make concessions to a man, even in work.
  3. She decides for herself what she needs and does not feel obligated to anyone.

That is why many representatives of the fair sex today give preference to a career. They don’t want to be obligated to anyone in their life: neither their husband, nor their children.

If her professional activity is important to a girl, and she has a husband, then it is necessary that he understands and supports her. Otherwise, constant scandals will begin in the family and, most likely, divorce in this case is inevitable.

Having made a choice in favor of a career, a family woman, without realizing it, creates a lack of attention, love and care for her children and husband. She gradually moves away from her family. Sure, many men value independent women and are somewhat tolerant of housewives, but none of them imagine a feminist in the role of their wife. A man loves to be cared for and loved, but he does not accept coldness and lack of attention.

But the maternal instinct and the role of the keeper of the hearth, intended for women by nature, have not atrophied in all modern girls. There are also representatives of the fair sex who consider family to be a woman’s main career.

Very often, career women, having achieved everything they wanted in their lives, begin to understand that the most important thing in their lives was never there - family. This most often happens after the age of forty. Having retired, they realize that there is no loved one nearby who will love you not for your excellent work and excellent performance, but for the fact that you simply exist.

The psychologist's advice is quite simple: before you make your choice, you need to understand yourself and your inner world, understand what is needed for happiness. This is necessary so that you don’t regret your choice later.

Is it possible for a woman to combine career and family?

This discussion can go on for a long time, citing the positive and negative aspects of both career and family. But there are situations when a woman does not have such a choice. This happens because she needs to work to help her husband support his family. In this case, a woman has to adapt to circumstances and learn to combine work and caring for her loved ones. There are several tips to help cope with this situation:

  1. Learn to distribute responsibilities. In order for a wife to have the opportunity to work and earn money, she needs help. Having made this decision, calmly discuss with your husband what household responsibilities he can take on.
  2. Use your working time wisely. Organize your work process in such a way that you can spend time after work only with your family. Try to perform all your job duties during working hours so that your husband and children do not suffer because of this.
  3. Separate home and work. At work, not a word about home, and at home, not a word about work. Dedicate your free evenings and weekends only to your loved ones, and try to forget work moments from your mind.
  4. If at one point you start earning more than your spouse, then do not reproach him in any way. On the contrary, show him that you have reached your heights by relying on him. Be grateful for the help given to you, but do not humiliate your dignity.
  5. Show an active interest in your children's activities and hobbies. Sometimes you need to sacrifice career growth for the sake of the people closest to you in the world. Remember that no amount of money or the most expensive toys can replace maternal affection and warmth.
  6. Do not deprive your husband of your attention, who also needs love and affection. Try to set aside time that you can spend together, even if it’s just having breakfast together in bed.
  7. Don't take on overtime work, it will take you away from your loved ones.

Video on the topic of the article

Traditionally, a woman was considered the keeper of the family hearth. Roles in the family were distributed in such a way that the wife ran the household, took care of the children, and the men's shoulders fell on the concerns of material well-being. But times have changed and today this model of family relationships is no longer familiar and unconditional. More and more women are faced with the problem of choosing between family and career. To make the right choice, it is worth understanding the pros and cons of each option.

Career growth

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity choose successful career advancement or organizing and managing their own business as a life priority. A woman who works is not only financially independent and confident in the future. She feels successful and in demand, and experiences moral satisfaction doing what she loves.

Some begin to successfully build a career even before marriage and are completely immersed in their chosen professional field. However, in this case there is practically no time and energy left for personal life. And if after getting married, there is no time left to take care of the house, communicate with your husband and children.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Choosing a Career

Among the career benefits, the following incentives are fundamental:

  • self-realization;
  • increasing self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • financial independence.

Every person dreams of self-realization. Modern girls increasingly do not know how to restore order and comfort in the house or do not know how to cook at all, but at the same time they thoroughly understand the principles of business and organizing work in a large team. It is difficult for them to be proud of a clean apartment, washed clothes or a delicious dinner, but they are fulfilled professionally and career wise. Also, many are attracted by financial freedom, when they do not need to depend on their husband for their needs and desires, and they do not need to coordinate their own expenses.

However, dedication at work often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts in the family. A woman has practically no free time, she experiences constant stress and overwork due to high responsibility and a busy schedule, and often loses old friends and family ties.

Family happiness

The opposite situation is a woman who is a housewife. She devotes herself entirely to arranging her home and supporting her family. At home, a man is greeted by cleanliness and order, a delicious lunch. Children are always supervised. Everyone should be satisfied and happy. But in fact, such a situation may no longer suit a woman. There is a feeling of unfulfillment, isolation from society and interesting things.

In search of self-expression, a woman may begin to surround her household with even greater care, which often leads to conflicts and even destroys a completely happy marriage. It happens that a woman works, but does not choose her favorite activity, but is guided only by proximity to home, a convenient schedule and a non-conflict team. Such work does not bring self-satisfaction, and of course there can be no talk of any career here.

Advantages and disadvantages of choosing a family

The main advantages of choosing a home and family are as follows:

  • the opportunity to pay attention to your husband and raise children;
  • having time to take care of yourself, your appearance and health;
  • the opportunity to meet with family and friends more often.

A woman who has chosen a family feels quite confident while her husband is just starting to earn money and move on in his career, while the children are still small and cannot do without guardianship. However, when the husband has already achieved certain successes at work, and he does not need psychological support at home, when the children become adults and independent, the woman may lose direction in life and feel unhappy.

From an excess of free time comes boredom; housework no longer brings satisfaction, but turns into a duty to which household members have become accustomed and which they no longer value. Complete financial dependence on your husband can cause irritation and stress.

Finding a compromise

The best option for a woman is to try to combine career and family. You shouldn’t completely neglect your career, but you shouldn’t give up your personal happiness either.

Researchers and sociologists have noticed that women begin to achieve the greatest success in their careers after maternity leave. During this period, the joys of motherhood have already been experienced, but there are still opportunities to combine family and work and improve in the profession. Such women are distinguished by a balanced and thoughtful approach to business, do not get involved in dubious adventures and do not chase unfulfilled dreams.

How to combine such global concepts as success at work and peace in the family? First of all, separate these two concepts for yourself. Be a leader and a purposeful businessman at work, and remain a loving wife and mother at home. Leave all work troubles and problems outside the walls of your home, turn off your work phone and relax.

You should not constantly be torn between family and home. If you need to stay late at work, just warn your family and ask them to handle household chores on their own today.