Holidays in quarters. Holidays in quarters How we walk in January

10.07.2024 Services

Both adults and children always look forward to the New Year holidays. This is due to the fact that it is during this winter period that a special atmosphere reigns. Only convinced skeptics deny that there is still a certain spirit of New Year and Christmas. However, adults also have their own reasons to wait for the main winter holiday - after all, the Russian state will provide them with the opportunity to once again feel like children studying at school and enjoy a long break from work. Considering that the New Year holiday schedule changes from year to year, it will be useful to find out how we relax during the New Year holidays in 2017.

Official holidays for the New Year: dates

In the Russian Federation, New Year and Christmas have long been legally considered official holidays, which are indicated in the calendar in red; on these days you do not officially have to go to work. It's no secret that the New Year is invariably celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1, and Christmas (for Orthodox Christians) on January 7.

On the very last day of the year, December 31, careful preparations for the holiday are underway in all homes. Housewives buy food, start cooking, tidying up, decorating their homes and Christmas trees. It is difficult to have time to do all this before that cherished moment when the clock strikes midnight and the New Year looks into every home. December 31, despite the fact that it is a pre-holiday day during which a lot of things need to be done, unfortunately, is not an official day off. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pre-holiday days, if they fall on a working day, are reduced by one working hour. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not enough to get everything done, so many people prefer to prepare for the holiday in advance, as soon as they find a free minute.

In 2016, by chance, December 31st falls on a Saturday, when many people have a day off. But this does not exempt from work those whose work schedule is designed for 6 days, or those who have a shift work schedule. The government decree on how to relax during the New Year holidays in 2017 is usually approved and signed 100 days before the New Year. Therefore, you can already find information about how we relax during the New Year holidays in 2017.

As statistics show, a series of New Year's “vacations” for all Russians always lasts up to 10 days. Many people worry that if official holidays on which they do not have to go to work fall on an already day off (Saturday or Sunday), then their vacation will be shortened. But for this reason, a resolution was passed on how we relax during the New Year holidays 2017, which provides for such cases and makes various transfers so that citizens do not feel deprived and can fully enjoy the wonderful time of the New Year holidays. Also, in many cases, transfers are convenient because they can be adjusted to other major holidays, for example the May holidays, or February 23 and March 8.
In 2017, all transfers from the New Year holidays mostly take place on the May holidays.

So, let's see how we will relax during the New Year holidays in 2017 and analyze all the upcoming transfers.

31.12.2016 – a day off for working citizens on a five-day schedule. For those who work six days a week or whose shift falls on a weekend, the working day is reduced by one hour (exceptions include private enterprises, where working conditions on weekends and holidays are specified in the employment contract).

01.01.2017 - holiday, New Year. Since the holiday falls on a Sunday, this day is moved to 02/24/2017, which means that the holiday on February 23 will be one day longer.

02.01.2017-05.01.2017 – the period from Monday to Thursday inclusive is a series of holidays, adding another 4 days to the weekend, when you can forget about work and spend time with your family, friends, or even go on a short trip.

- this is a pre-holiday day, Christmas Eve before Christmas, a day off.

January 7- the great holiday of Christmas, officially a non-working day, a day off. Since in 2017 Christmas also falls on a Saturday, a day off, it is moved to May 8, thereby giving citizens another day off dedicated to the holiday of the Great Victory in World War II - May 9.

08.01.2017 – falls on Sunday, a day off.

If we summarize all of the above, it turns out that citizens of the Russian Federation will begin their long New Year holidays on December 31, 2016. You will need to return to work and school desks on January 9, 2017. If we include in this series of holidays December 31, which will simply be a day off by chance, then it turns out that Russians are given as many as 9 days for rest. By the way, in 2016, Russians had one day more rest and their New Year holidays lasted for a decade.

Already official, the holidays will last from 12/31/2016 to 01/10/2017.

Attention! This New Year holiday schedule applies to most working citizens, however, those who work in the trade sector will need to go to work as early as 01/02/201. The list of exceptions also includes those workers who have a shift schedule.

Discussions about canceling the New Year holidays for Russians

A bill was submitted to the State Duma for consideration so that Russians could relax at any time of the year, instead of the approved New Year's weekend. The bill implies maintaining only January 1 as a legal holiday, and providing paid leave to workers for the next 10 days. Citizens can use this paid leave of 10 days at any time of the year, regardless of the New Year holidays, and it is also added to the main leave. That is, Russian citizens will have the opportunity to take vacation twice. Also, such a mini-vacation can be taken as a supplement to the main vacation, thereby increasing its duration.

This decision is being considered due to the fact that it will have a positive impact on the country's economy. According to the authors of the bill, according to statistics, during the New Year holidays, when most enterprises are empty, the Russian economy suffers losses equal to 3 trillion Russian national currency.

If you want to plan your vacation for the future for 2017, then it will be useful for you to find out what vacation days await all residents of Russia in 2017.

Let me make a reservation right away that the information about how we relax in 2017 is initially relevant for those who work a five-day work week. If the employment contract establishes a different work schedule, this information does not apply to such situations.

In relation to issues of vacation planning in 2017, I will specifically draw your attention to a circumstance that employers are often silent about when providing vacations to their employees. Employees often either don’t know about this or forget.

The point is that, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer must have a vacation schedule, according to which employees both have the right and must take annual paid leave. The vacation schedule must be formed and approved by the employer no later than 2 weeks before the start of the calendar year. And the vacation schedule is mandatory for both parties to the employment contract: the employer and the employee.

Therefore, if you now already know what days of rest are planned in 2017, then you will have enough time so that by the time your employer approves the vacation schedule, you will be ready and have a clear idea of ​​when it will be convenient for you personally to schedule your annual vacation.

Rest days in 2017

(including all transfers).

1. January 2017
from December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2016 inclusive

New Year holidays will begin on December 31, 2016, which is a Saturday. From January 1 to January 6 and January 8, 2017 there will be New Year holidays, and January 7, 2017 will be Christmas.

— day off, Sunday, January 1, 2017 is moved to Friday, February 24, 2017,

In 2017 after the New Year first working day - January 9, 2017.

Those who are especially attentive should have a question: what about January 8, 2017, since it is both a day off and a non-working holiday? About this special occasion you can

2. February 2017
From 23 to 26 February 2017
3. March 2017
March 8, 2017
4. April 2017

In April there are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends, Saturday and Sunday.

5. May 2017
from April 29, 2017 to May 1, 2017 inclusive, from May 6 to May 9, 2017 inclusive.
6. June 2017
from June 10, 2017 to June 12, 2017 inclusive.
7. July 2017
8. August 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

9. September 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

10. October 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

11. November 2017
From November 4 to November 6, 2017 inclusive.

— November 4, 2017 — National Unity Day, a non-working holiday coinciding with a day off, Saturday.

12. December 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

The weekend at the junction of 2017 and 2018 will begin on Saturday, December 30, 2017, and will most likely last 9 (Nine) days, until January 7, 2018 inclusive.

Detailed information about weekends and transfers of rest days in 2018 is described in the article “POSTPONEMENTS OF REST DAYS IN 2018, OR ALL WEEKENDS IN 2018”.

Hi all. Today we will talk about the most pleasant, joyful and expected things. And what may be the most anticipated since November. Of course New Year.

This is probably the only holiday in our country that does not cause controversy or confusion and is celebrated by everyone, regardless of gender, age, political or any other beliefs.

In this regard, the New Year can safely be called a holiday of universal unification. Although everyone has already become accustomed to the timing of the celebration of this event. However, on the eve of the holiday, everyone is still worried about the question: how many days will this celebration last?

Out of 31 calendar days in January, we will rest for 14 days. The remaining 17 days are working days. The New Year holidays traditionally begin on December 31, and the working day and school hours will begin on January 9, 2017. Thus, 9 days are allotted for holiday festivities. But workers in certain industries will have to work from January 2.

As already mentioned, people begin to rest on December 31, when everyone is preparing en masse for New Year's Eve. And this despite the fact that 31 is, although shortened, but still a working day. On this day, few people think about work, everyone is in anticipation of the holiday, they are purchasing food and preparing for the feast itself. Therefore, there has long been an opinion among people that the 31st should also be made an official day off. But for now this remains only in public discussion. By law, December 31 is a pre-holiday working day and, according to Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is shortened by an hour. The only thing is when this day falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday, as this year, for example), then it becomes a full day off.

How we relax in Russia in January 2017... (Weekends for New Year holidays in 2017 in January)

Since our country decided to celebrate another church holiday, Christmas, this day merged with the New Year's holidays and formed such a large New Year's holiday.

How we relax during the New Year holidays

In general, only two holidays have state status during the New Year holidays - New Year and Christmas. But since one begins the holidays, and the other ends them, they decided not to put working days between them. So, from December 31st we sorted it out. What's next?

  • January 1st Sunday. People continue to celebrate the New Year. True, many people go to bed in the morning after New Year's Eve. Since January 1st falls on a Sunday, the day off is moved to Friday February 24th
  • January 2-5 are non-working days. Apparently this was done deliberately in order to allow people to recover a little after a stormy New Year's Eve and prepare for Christmas.
  • January 6th Friday. According to the church calendar, this is Christmas Eve before Christmas, and on Saturday, January 7, the Nativity of Christ itself is celebrated. Since this day falls on Saturday, the day off is moved to Monday, May 8th.
  • January 8th falls on a Sunday. Therefore, it is clear that this day is a day off.
  • January 9 Monday. Start of the week, start of work. Everything is as logical as possible.
  • Well, the next weekend on Saturday-Sunday, which falls on the following days: 14-15, 21-22, 28-29

On the cancellation of New Year holidays for adults

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, in which Russians are invited to relax at any time of the year, instead of the fixed New Year's weekend. The bill was developed by deputies Yaroslav Nilovoy, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexey Didenko, Mikhail Degtyarev. It is planned to retain only January 1 as legal days off during the New Year holidays, providing Russians with a paid vacation of 10 days. Employees will be able to use this additional leave at any time convenient for them, as well as add it to their main leave. It is assumed that the cancellation of all-Russian New Year holidays is very beneficial for the country's industry and economy. The authors of the initiative say that at the moment, due to downtime during the New Year period, the Russian economy is losing about 3 trillion. rubles, and the level of decline in industrial production ranges from 15 to 20% annually. If the relevant bill is approved, the proposed changes will come into force on January 1, 2017.

This is a very controversial initiative and many people have different attitudes towards it. The question of this comes up constantly before the New Year holidays. Another argument in favor of canceling such long holidays is that after the holidays the number of divorce proceedings increases.

But, one way or another, how many people, so many opinions. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether they need such big holidays.

The New Year holidays are getting closer, which means that many are already planning how they will relax in January 2020. Let's look at which days will be weekends and holidays in December 2019 and January 2020.

The New Year holidays in 2020 will last from January 1 to January 8. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has already signed a government decree on postponing days off, and the document has been published on the Cabinet website. Well, let's read it!

Weekends in December 2019

In the outgoing 2019, before the New Year, we will rest on Saturday and Sunday, December 21 and 22, which, of course, will not be very happy for those who celebrate Catholic Christmas on December 25.

And the last weekend of 2019 will be Saturday and Sunday, December 28 and 29. Then we have two working days on December 30 and 31. And then the most natural New Year holidays - 2020 - will begin with their trips to the Christmas tree with children and joyful communication with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. And someone will probably go to ski resorts these days or, conversely, to warm countries...

New Year holidays 2020: how many days do we rest in January?

According to the official calendar of weekends and holidays approved by the Government, the New Year holidays in 2020 will last from January 1 to January 8. Accordingly, we celebrate the New Year from Tuesday to Wednesday, and the first working day of 2020 will only be Thursday, January 9.

In this case, the weekends, Saturday and Sunday, January 4 and 5, will be moved to Monday – Tuesday, May 4 and 5, respectively.

The first working week of 2020 will be so short that no one will have time to get tired. It will last only two days: Thursday the 9th and Friday the 10th of January. One can even assume that many Russians will need it only in order to continue celebrating at work with the team.

Well, after two days of corporate events, we will go away again for the weekend - Saturday and Sunday on January 11 and 12.

As a result, it turns out that you can celebrate the New Year this winter with a short break for 10 days - from January 1 to January 8, and then January 11 and 12!

Some will say that you don’t need to rest for so long, but remember the children! Schoolchildren are on winter break at this time, which means adults have a great opportunity to spend the first days of 2019 with their children.

What days will be holidays in 2020

We must indicate the same way we will rest on other holidays in 2020.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2020, we rest for three days - Saturday the 22nd, Sunday the 23rd and Monday the 24th of February. In this case, the day off from Sunday, February 23rd is moved to Monday, February 24th.

In March, on International Women's Day, we will also have a three-day holiday - from Saturday the 7th to Monday the 9th of March. In this case, the day off from Sunday, March 8, is moved to Monday, March 9.

There are already five days off for the May holidays 2020 - from Friday, May 1 to Tuesday, May 5. (As mentioned above, the weekends moved to May 4 and 5 for Saturday and Sunday, January 4 and 5).

But National Unity Day (November 4) this coming year falls on Wednesday and breaks the work week into two parts. Well, it’s also nice to rest for one day!

By the way

What holiday dates are fixed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 112):

We wish everyone to spend the weekend joyfully and profitably. May your holidays and working days be happy!

January has always been characterized by an abundance of days off. It's all about the January holidays, because big celebrations - New Year and - are celebrated in the first month of the year. Many people know about this and look forward to the time when the number of days off exceeds all norms. In order to properly plan a vacation, buy tickets in advance and arrange a vacation, Russian residents are already searching on the Internet for upcoming weekends in January 2017. According to the production calendar, there are many carefree days ahead. Let's find out how we relax in January 2017, and how to make a vacation plan based on the schedule of public holidays.

How are we relaxing in Russia in January 2017?

According to , out of 31 calendar days, Russians will have to rest for 14 days. But you still have to work hard, because 17 days remain working days. It is worth considering that the official holiday schedule in January 2017 applies only to officially employed people and students: the rest will have to work depending on the whim of the employer. Next, we will consider in detail each day of official rest that Russians are entitled to.

Official holidays in Russia in January 2017

In 2017, the government of the Russian Federation will delight the population of the country by making the New Year holidays a full-fledged vacation. So, working people will rest on the following calendar days in January:

  • January 1 is the first day of 2017, which is assigned the status of an official holiday. On this day, the population of Russia always rests. Moreover, this year the 1st is Sunday, so rest is simply indicated;
  • January 2 and 3 are traditionally also non-working days. The government is giving the population time to gain strength and energy after the New Year celebrations. In 2017, these dates fall on Monday and Tuesday, so recognizing them as official holidays couldn’t come at a better time;
  • January 4 and 5 will also be closed in 2017. The whole point is that the government decided not to make just two days work, but to give people the opportunity to fully relax. Thus, Wednesday and Thursday are removed from the week;
  • January 6 and 7 are official holidays in the Russian Federation. The 6th is not a non-working day in all government agencies, but politicians give employers the opportunity to release their subordinates on this day. However, in 2017, January 6, like January 7, is an official day off;
  • January 8 – falls on a Sunday. In addition, this day is always an official holiday, because the population needs to recover from the winter festivities. Therefore, if you are wondering when to go to work in January 2017, the answer is January 9;
  • 14-15, 21-22, 28-29 – scheduled weekends that fall on Saturday-Sunday.

This gives a total of 14 non-working days. Considering that December 31 is a Saturday, the total is 9 continuous weekends. From December 31 to January 8, 2017 inclusive, residents of Russia will have real holidays, during which they can go on a long vacation or just have a good rest.

Production calendar for January 2017

For clarity, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the production calendar for January 2017:

In red designated holidays

Yellow– days off