How to remove yellow stains on white clothes at home. Yellow stains on white: instant disappearance Wash off old yellow stains on clothes

Light-colored items appear in any person’s wardrobe mainly in the summer. Their spectacular and fresh appearance is maintained until the natural whiteness of the fabric is disturbed. High air temperatures and active activity of the sebaceous glands lead to the appearance of unsightly dark stains on underwear. How to remove yellow stains on white clothes from fabric? This question is asked by the majority of owners of light-colored items. Let's look at the problem from all sides.

Preparing the best remedies for yellow stains

Unsightly dark stains appear on things for various reasons. The most common of them are traces of deodorants, tea, and sweat. How to remove a yellow stain on white after active work or careless handling of perfume? Regular home remedies will come to the rescue.

How to properly remove stains on white? (We make a note in a notepad):

  • It is strictly forbidden to use hot water to clean soiled items. High temperatures are detrimental to contaminated fabric and the effect will be the opposite: the unsightly mark will eat into the clothing and remain in its fibers. How to remove yellow stains from white clothes and remove them forever? Cool water, preferably at room temperature, is suitable for this.
  • Natural fabric can be discolored by laying the product out in the sun. Ultraviolet light will give an excellent whitening effect.
  • How to properly remove yellow stains on white clothes with a removing agent? Chlorine bleach is often used for these purposes. However, its use leads to the following results: stains on the fabric become even brighter due to the interaction of sweat proteins with chlorine. Vinegar, acetone and gasoline-based solvents are not suitable for delicate fabrics.
  • How to remove yellow stains from white things and remove them correctly? Do not use excessive physical effort during the cleaning process. Careful handling will keep the color and texture of the fabric intact.
  • Hydrochloric and nitric acid are unsuitable for cotton, and alkali is not used for woolen and silk items.
  • How to remove yellow stains from white clothes and choose the right, worthy product?

Attention! Any new method must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​matter, so that an accidental failure does not spoil its external data.

  • How to remove a yellow stain on white after it has clearly taken its place on the fabric? Treating the contaminated area from the reverse side will help you avoid the double problem of spreading marks. To do this, nearby fibers are moistened with water and sprinkled with chalk.
  • How to remove sweat stains from clothes and bleach them? Treating the stained area with a solution of hydrogen peroxide has an excellent effect. After treatment, the fabric is thoroughly rinsed to avoid exposure to sunlight. (Ultraviolet will have the opposite effect).

Advice! How to remove sweat stains from things we are used to? Salt stains will not penetrate the fabric if you wash it immediately after wearing it. If unsightly marks still remain after washing, they are soaked in a special solution.

We can deal with a yellow stain on white fabric in a jiffy!

How to remove a yellow stain from a white fabric and get rid of it instantly? Regular soda will help bring the item into proper shape. It is diluted in the following proportion: 4 tablespoons of dry powder per 100 ml of water. Rub the mixture onto the contaminated area and leave until completely absorbed. After the yellowness has discolored a little, it is washed away with the usual product.

How to remove and remove yellow stains on white? You can use water and vinegar diluted in equal proportions. The finished composition is similarly applied to the problem area before the main wash. Removing yellow spots with gasoline also gives good results; the use of this radical remedy pushes the question of “how to remove it” into the background. First, the area is treated with an oil refinery product, then with ammonia, covering a slightly larger area of ​​contamination. Then rinse in soapy water.

Sweaty marks on white things: quickly remove yellowness

The active work of the sweat glands, especially during hot periods, brings a lot of trouble in the form of unsightly stains on the back, chest, and armpit. To clearly understand how to remove sweat stains on white things, you can sift through a lot of literature, but the answer will turn out to be ingeniously simple. The most basic and affordable remedy for various kinds of unsightly marks on laundry is regular washing powder. (Pre-soaking the product will help to achieve an enhanced effect).

How to remove sweat stains from white clothes and wash them most effectively:

  1. Persol bleach is diluted with water, taking 1 teaspoon of the product per glass of water. Gently rub the composition with a soft brush, leaving for 1 hour, after which the product is washed.
  2. How to remove yellow sweat stain on white fabric? Concentrated dishwashing detergent is diluted with water: 250 ml of liquid and 1 tsp. Faeries. After 2 hours, the composition is washed off.
  3. How to get rid of yellow sweat stains with a mixture of water and aspirin? For half a glass of heated liquid, take 2 crushed tablets. The solution is applied to the stained area and left for 3 hours. The procedure is completed with the usual rinsing of the drug. Particularly stubborn stains are treated again with a more concentrated product. (The volume of aspirin is increased several times to obtain a paste).

How to get rid of yellow spots under the arms and remove traces of sweat? Here you will need regular salt. This simple remedy was often used in the old days as an excellent bleach. Salt is ideal for cotton and linen, but not suitable for delicate fabrics.

We fight yellow stains in the armpits

The active work of the sebaceous glands often leads to the appearance of white stains on black things and straw-colored stains on light ones. Then yellow spots appear, but not everyone knows how to remove them under the arms. The reason for their appearance is not only increased sweating, but also the use of low-quality deodorant. How to get rid of yellow spots in the armpits, the removal of which does not require significant financial investments? The first method is to wash the damaged item at high temperature using concentrated detergent.

How to whiten yellow spots on white in the armpits? The second, more effective way is to add soda and salt (one tablespoon each) to the washing machine compartment. The method is ideal for natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. Delicate fabrics are unlikely to like it. How to whiten a yellow spot on white in the armpits? Particularly stubborn stains can be removed with a stain remover or oxygen bleach by simply applying it to the contaminated area.

How to get rid of old yellow spots on armpits? You can boil the soiled item with the addition of bleach and salt. Upon completion of the procedure, the item is rinsed with conditioner, which will further ensure ease of ironing.

Promptly remove lingering stains

How to remove an old yellow stain left on clothes? First of all, the laundry is soaked in a soap solution with the addition of detergent or bleach. Next, rinse the product thoroughly and choose one of your favorite methods for removing such contaminants.

How and with what to remove an old yellow stain?

  • Soaking clothes in a vinegar-soda solution. (250 ml vinegar per 5 liters of water + 4 tbsp soda).
  • Consistent processing of damaged items. Soak in vinegar for 30 minutes, then apply an ammonia solution doubly diluted with water. Subsequent rinsing and wetting the area with lemon juice. Washing.
  • How to remove old yellow spots with a folk remedy? Soak the product in soapy water. Make a paste of 2 aspirin tablets and 1 tsp. water. Treat the area of ​​interest, leave for 3 hours, then rinse. Then apply hydrogen peroxide with water mixed in a ratio of 10:1 to the mark. Rinse.

How else can you remove stains on white? Any item worn once must be washed immediately. Fresh dirt can be removed much easier than stubborn dirt. In some cases, changing the brand of deodorant helps prevent such troubles. How to remove old yellow stains on white and remove them forever? A prepared solvent from a solution of ammonia and white spirit gives a good effect. It acts gradually: the applied product is left for a while, after which the fabric is rinsed.

How to remove old yellow stains from clothes? You can use vodka, which is gentle on fabric fibers and eliminates the problem. The problem area is treated with it, left for 10 minutes, then washed thoroughly. Strongly ingrained yellowness provides grounds for repeating the procedure.

Attention! What else can you do to remove yellow stains from white clothes? Recipe for a “killer” composition: purified household gasoline is mixed with industrial alcohol, ammonia is added. (Equal shares of all components are taken). 5 minutes of exposure of such a composition to the contaminated area is enough for the dirt to move away from the fabric and the item to acquire its original appearance.

White spots from dark things are removed in a more gentle way. To do this, use a solution of salt water, laundry soap for cleaning, or a few drops of ammonia during hand washing.

So, the appearance of unsightly straw-colored stains on clothes is always unpleasant and annoying. However, knowledge of basic cleaning techniques and methods will help you deal with the problem quickly and with dignity. Then any thing, even a worn one, will acquire new life, fresh colors and natural whiteness.

Stains on children's clothes are more commonplace than something surprising and unusual. We can safely say on the contrary, a dirty children's wardrobe is the norm. But sometimes, even on carefully washed items and neatly folded in a closet, unsightly yellow marks appear, it is unclear where they came from.


The same story repeats itself with our things that we don’t use for a long time. However, do not despair and get rid of such clothes, because most stains can be removed at home using folk remedies. Today we will tell you how to remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying in the closet for a long time and return things to their original appearance.

Causes and factors for the formation of yellow marks

Surely, every housewife asked herself the question: “Why do yellow spots appear on things?” Particularly unsightly stains are clearly visible on light-colored products.

The reasons and factors contributing to this can be varied:

  • Hard water when washing.
  • Incorrectly selected washing powder.
  • Sloppy ironing.
  • Inappropriate temperature conditions when washing.
  • Sweat marks.
  • Using bleach.
  • Contact with vegetable fats on the fabric.
  • Long-term storage of clothes.
  • Using perfume while wearing things.

Let's look at how to correct the situation, depending on the cause.

Reason #1. Sweat marks

Sweat contains urea, and the tissue absorbs it. Yellow stains are especially noticeable on light-colored clothing. Applying deodorant will not solve the problem, but will aggravate it, since the interaction of antiperspirant and sweat, on the contrary, results in the formation of stubborn, stubborn stains.

To reduce sweating and prevent unsightly stains, follow these guidelines:

  • Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Wash the areas of skin most susceptible to sweating with warm water and soap every day, then dry the skin and apply a mixture of lanolin and talcum powder.
  • In hot weather, avoid eating spicy foods.

Important! If you sweat profusely, examine your body for diseases..

Reason #2. Incorrect washing conditions

If yellow spots appear on clothes after washing, the reason for their formation lies in the detergent and hard water.

Important! Washing powder consists of elements that can react with salts found in hard water. It is as a result of this reaction that yellow stains appear on products.

Reason #3. Long-term storage of things

Even the newest things lose their freshness when stored for a long time. It is strictly forbidden to store clothes in a contaminated state.

Stains on clean clothes can occur if the items are not sufficiently dried after washing and placed in a closet. Another reason for yellow spots on white clothes after storage is a room with high humidity or mold.

Important! If a closet with clothes is in a room where humidity is high, then the resulting mold can leave stains on the fabric that are not so easy to get rid of.

To prevent this phenomenon, follow simple rules:

  • Before placing things in the closet, dry and ventilate them well.
  • Always wash and store children's clothes separately.
  • Place soiled items in a special basket with holes before washing.

Important! When storing items for a long time, be sure to hang them in fresh air for ventilation.

Reason #4. Incorrect use of the iron

Yellow marks on the fabric can also occur from improper use of the iron.

To prevent the problem, listen to the following recommendations:

  • Before ironing, be sure to read the label on your clothing to ensure the correct temperature setting.
  • Always start ironing at low temperatures, and during the process decide whether it is worth increasing it, based on the type of fabric.
  • Always start ironing from an inconspicuous area of ​​the garment.
  • Do not iron items with a steam iron if there is stagnant water in the container.

Reason #5. Use of bleaches

Before using a whitening product, be sure to read the product label and see if there are any warnings for using the product. If you use bleach, be very careful when applying it to the material, as if used incorrectly, yellow stains may appear that cannot be removed by anything.

Important! Use only oxygen-containing products, for example, Persol powder. This product can be used when boiling clothes and for machine washing.

How to remove yellow stains on white from old age? - General rules

Regardless of which method and means you choose to remove yellow spots - stain remover, bleach or powder, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you wash or rinse a contaminated item in hot water, as high temperatures will only worsen the situation and the stain will become even stronger on the fabric.
  2. Wash damaged clothes only in cool water, maximum room temperature.
  3. Dry clothes made from natural fabrics in the sun. Ultraviolet rays promote the whitening effect.
  4. Do not remove sweat stains with chlorine bleach, as proteins in sweat react with the chlorine and darken stains on clothing.
  5. If you are going to bleach children's clothes, then after washing with chemicals, wash the items again using soap or powder that will not damage the child's sensitive skin or cause allergies.
  6. First test any products on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, as the ingredients included can damage the fabric and change color.

How to remove yellow stains on clothes that have been lying around for a long time? - Means and methods of application

In some cases, yellow stains can be removed from clothes that have been lying around for a long time by soaking for a long time and then washing.

We offer you several ways to remove stains even with a ten-year history.

Method No. 1. Bleach + vegetable oil

To prepare the soaking solution you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chlorine-free bleach.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower or olive oil.
  • ¾ cup washing powder.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of stain remover (optional).

Proceed as follows:

  1. Dilute the mixture in 5 liters of hot water.
  2. Soak the clothes in the solution for several hours (you can leave it overnight).
  3. Wash your laundry in a machine using any regular detergent.

Method number 2. Hydrogen peroxide and soda

To prepare the cleansing mixture you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soda.
  • 2 teaspoons of dishwashing detergent.

Remove stains as follows:

  1. Combine the ingredients until you obtain a thick, creamy mixture. The amount of soda can be changed.
  2. Rub the prepared mixture onto the yellow stain.
  3. Leave the product for 20 minutes.
  4. Rub the stain with your hands, rubbing in the mixture.
  5. Car wash with stain remover added.

Method number 3. Pharmaceuticals

If the stains are old and you can’t wash them off with laundry soap or washing powder, pharmaceutical products will come to the rescue:

  • Soak the product in water and apply hydrogen peroxide to the contaminated area. Hissing and foam will appear - this means that peroxide is interacting with the material. Wash the item and rinse.
  • Crush two aspirin tablets and dilute them in a minimal amount of water. Rub the problem area with a pre-soaked cloth. Leave for several hours and rinse.
  • Grind and dilute methenamine (“dry alcohol”), just like aspirin, in a minimal amount of water until a paste forms. Apply the mixture to the problem area and leave for several hours. After treatment, rinse your clothes.

Method number 4. Alcohol and citric acid

In simple cases, you can remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying around for a long time by soaking the items overnight in a solution of citric acid: 1 tbsp per 1 liter of warm water. spoon of citric acid. You can soak it before washing in a solution of alcohol or vodka.

In advanced cases, use these ingredients in pairs:

  1. Prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of alcohol (warmed) and a pinch of citric acid.
  2. Wet the contaminated area with the prepared solution.
  3. Machine wash your clothes using a quality detergent.

How to get rid of stains on various types of fabrics?

Looking for the right approach to solving the problem of how to remove yellow stains from clothes that have been lying around for a long time requires not only the type of stain and the means at hand. Be sure to take into account the type of material so as not to completely damage the product.


To remove yellow stains from old age from white cotton items, you can use the following improvised means:

  • Soda.
  • Salt.
  • Ammonia.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Citric acid.
  • Vinegar.

Use the products as follows:

  1. Prepare a mixture of 4 tablespoons of soda and 100 g of water. Apply the resulting slurry to the contaminated area. Rub lightly with a brush. Leave for an hour and then machine wash.
  2. Add a little peroxide to a bowl of water and soak the product for 30 minutes. Wash the item and rinse. You can also use peroxide in the following way: pour 1-2 teaspoons of the product onto the stain and, until the fabric is dry, iron the treated area, and then wash the product.
  3. Instead of peroxide, you can add vinegar to a bowl of water and soak the item for 30 minutes, and then wash it.
  4. Prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 glass of water. Place the item in the solution for several hours, then wash with laundry soap and rinse.
  5. Prepare paste from 4 tbsp. spoons of soda and ¼ glass of water. Wipe the contaminated area with the mixture using a brush with the mixture applied. Leave the product for 1 hour and wash as usual.
  6. Dilute a pinch of citric acid in 1 teaspoon of hot water and apply to the stain. Sprinkle soda on top of the dirt. Leave the item for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your clothes.
  7. Grind a piece of laundry soap on a grater. Add soap shavings to the boiling container. Place the contaminated items in the solution and boil them for 3-4 hours, stirring constantly.
  8. If there are old stains on thick cotton fabric, treat them with a solution of 4 parts white spirit and 2 parts ammonia. Leave the area of ​​fabric soaked in solvent for a short time, and then wash and rinse thoroughly.
  9. For the oldest stains, use gasoline and ammonia, using them alternately: wipe the stain with a sponge with purified gasoline, and then treat the area with ammonia. Make sure the fabric is thoroughly wet. Wash the item and rinse thoroughly. Air dry clothes to remove odors.
  10. You can get rid of stubborn stains using the following composition: 30 ml of purified gasoline, 40 ml of denatured alcohol (technical alcohol) and 20 ml of ammonia. Apply the prepared solution to the stain and leave for 5 minutes. Wash the fabric as usual.


If you find unsightly stains on silk items or other delicate fabrics, then use the following recommendations:

  1. Mix 10 g of glycerin with 2-3 drops of ammonia. Apply the solution to the stain and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse clothes in warm water.
  2. Dilute hyposulfite in crystals (you can buy it at the pharmacy under the name antidote) in 200 ml of water. Wipe the contaminated area with the solution and after a few minutes, rinse with warm water. The stain will disappear, and the silk will be renewed and gain additional shine.
  3. Prepare a solution of table salt and ammonia: 50 g of each ingredient per glass of water. Place the item in the solution for several hours, then wash with laundry soap and rinse.


It is possible to remove age stains from clothes made of such delicate material in the following ways:

  1. Regular laundry soap (72%) will help remove stains from a wool product. Grate a bar of soap and dilute with water. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated area, wait a few hours, and then wash the item.
  2. To remove dirt from woolen fabric, use glycerin: dilute 20 g of glycerin + 10 g of ammonia in 1 glass of water. Treat the contaminated area with the mixture. Rinse the product in warm water and dry.
  1. Over time, yellow spots appear on white tulle. To get rid of them, use folk recipes: add a small amount of blue (1 capful) to water and stir thoroughly. Immerse the tulle in the solution and then rinse.
  2. You can bleach stains from tulle using brilliant green: after washing, place the curtains in water with coarse table salt (3 tablespoons) and powder. Leave the tulle for 2 hours, add 3-4 drops of brilliant green, rinse the product. The curtain will not only get rid of stains, but will also become more elastic.


To prevent yellow stains on clothes from bothering you anymore, follow the rules for caring for them and use our recommendations and recipes. Of course, you can take things to the dry cleaner, but believe me, old stains there will be marked as difficult to remove, which means you will not receive any guarantee for their removal. So take matters into your own hands and prove to everyone that old things have the right to “life”, and yellow spots are not a hindrance to them.

The reason for the appearance of yellowness on clothes can be sweat, hard water, blood, improper storage, deodorant residues, stains from tea, coffee, and fatty foods. Depending on this factor and the type of fabric, choose the most suitable cleaning method. Yellow persistent stains from clothes are removed with laundry soap, soda, lemon juice, peroxide, ammonia, talcum powder, and bleaches.

To combat stains, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cleaning products; yellow stains from white clothes can be removed with cheap and affordable substances. The most effective ones include laundry soap, alcohol, lemon juice, soda, and salt. Chemical agents act more radically; they are able to cope with outdated stains. To get the desired result, you need to know the rules and nuances of their use.

Causes of yellow spots

If you know the reasons why yellowness appears on clothes, you can choose the most appropriate remedy and prevent the appearance of stains in the future.

The reasons for the appearance of spots can be the most unexpected

The main reasons include the following factors:

  • wash in hard water;
  • application of "Whiteness";
  • , grass, tea, ;
  • ironing at high temperature;
  • long-term storage;
  • the presence of special pigments in the powder;
  • violation of the washing temperature regime;
  • penetration of perfumes and cosmetics onto the surface of the fabric.

Often marks on clothes and underwear are caused by food. very difficult. In this case, we use dishwashing detergent.

Long-term storage in violation of basic rules can ruin even a new blouse or shirt. After washing, dry the items thoroughly; there should be optimal humidity in the closet. Experienced housewives know that it is better to put dirty clothes in a linen drawer with holes.


Another effective medicine is aspirin. The preparation of the product and its use is as follows:

  1. Grind two tablets into powder.
  2. Mix with a small amount of water.
  3. First soak the product in water.
  4. Apply the product to the dirt.
  5. After 2–3 hours, the active ingredients will remove the stain; all that remains is to clean off the remaining solution.
  6. We wash the item.

Aspirin will effectively whiten panties without damaging the fabric.

Dry alcohol

When combating yellow stains, dry alcohol shows excellent results. It is very important to follow the rules for its use:

  1. Grind the preparation to a powdery state.
  2. Mix with water.
  3. Apply to the surface of the fabric and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. Wash off the remaining product.
  5. Machine washable.

Attention! Medicines show a high level of effectiveness in the fight against yellow spots. It is important to maintain proportions, otherwise there is a chance of ruining the fabric.


Household chemicals are highly effective in removing yellowness. The disadvantage of such solutions is the cost and the presence of active components in the composition, which can harm the structure of the tissue. If used correctly, you can count on fast and high-quality results.

Stain remover

Stain remover is one of the most effective means of combating yellow spots of any type. The presence of highly active components in the composition requires the housewife to strictly adhere to the rules of use. Because of this, many people refuse to use it, but when other methods have proven ineffective, a stain remover will be the best solution.

On store shelves you can find products from manufacturers such as “Vanish”, “Bos”, “Ushasty Nyan”. Available in the form of gel, powder and liquid. The product must match the type of clothing, based on color and material.

You can reduce water hardness by using a small amount of vinegar, lemon juice, Calgon, or soda ash. To achieve the desired result, we perform a clear sequence of actions:

  1. Wet the contaminated area with water.
  2. Apply the solution.
  3. We are waiting.
  4. We wash it off.

Before removing yellowness from white clothes with a stain remover, you must read the instructions and pay special attention to contraindications and warnings. Stain remover may not be suitable for every item.


The cleaning product can not only cope with dirt, but also eliminate gray deposits, which will return the clothes to their original freshness.

Bleach is produced in the form of liquids and powders. The method of use is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Mix bleach with water.
  2. Soak laundry or kitchen towels.
  3. Leave for a while.
  4. Rinse.

The most popular ones include Belizna, Vanish, ACE. The method of use for each product is individual; more details about it can be found in the instructions.

Various types of fabrics

Each type of fabric requires an individual approach. Delicate fabrics, such as wedding dresses, sheepskin coats, and furs, are highly sensitive to cleaning agents, although synthetics can also lose their brightness if the rules of use are not followed.


An excellent method for combating stains on cotton fabric is a combination of ammonia and salt.

Washing cotton with salt

To prepare the solution and further use, proceed to the following steps:

  1. Prepare a bowl with 3 liters of water.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to it. spoons of salt and ammonia.
  3. We soak the clothes.
  4. Rinse.

This method can also be used for robes, baby diapers and other viscose items.

Cleaning silk items

Caring for silk clothing has a lot of nuances, mostly related to maintaining temperature conditions. You can remove stains from such products using hyposulfite. The component is sold at the pharmacy.

  1. We dilute the crystals in 250 ml of water.
  2. Apply this mixture to the fabric.
  3. Rinse the treated area with cold water.
  4. To remove any remaining dirt, wash.

This method is not suitable for cleaning synthetic fabric. For items made from non-natural ingredients, store-bought cleaning products are more suitable.


There are various methods for dealing with stains on fur clothing. Each of them is used depending on the complexity of the contamination.

Removing stains from fur

Rabbit fur can be cleaned with starch or semolina. These substances are classified as gentle sorbents. Cleaning should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. We straighten the fur product on a flat surface.
  2. Apply starch or semolina to the stains.
  3. We moisten the fur with water, the main thing is not to fill it completely.
  4. Comb out the fur item with a brush.

The method shows high efficiency immediately after the appearance of yellowness.

To eliminate old marks, you will have to use another method. You can clean chinchilla fur with the following cleaning solution:

  • 1 tsp. peroxides;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • 3 drops of ammonia.

To prepare the product, you must perform the following algorithm:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Wet a clean sponge in the solution.
  3. We wipe away the stains.
  4. We hang the product on the balcony to dry.

Important! The solution should not get on the surface of the skin; the active substances deform its structure.

This method is great for home use.

How to remove stains from a sweater, jeans and sneakers

For white items, use powder with a bleaching effect. It is great for T-shirts, sweaters, trousers, etc. Cleaning products should not contain bleach; it not only destroys the structure, but also leaves permanent stains. If traditional methods are ineffective, you can move on to using more radical components.

Salt can remove stains on any clothing, including jeans and sneakers. After using this substance, damage in the form of scratches may remain on the surface, so you need to be extremely careful when using it:

  1. We dilute the component in water until completely dissolved.
  2. Soak the item for 2–3 hours.
  3. Rinse thoroughly to avoid streaks.
  4. Machine washable with added powder.

The advantage of this method is that the brightness of the fabric is preserved. This method is suitable not only for white fabric, it cleans blue, red, yellow, green clothes. To combat stains on dark products, it is better not to use salt.

Another effective substance is vinegar essence. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. We dilute the product in water.
  2. We wash out the stain.
  3. Leave to soak for 12 hours.
  4. After this, we wash the item in a machine.

A baking soda solution can deal with stains on jeans, even orange or. The main thing is to follow the correct sequence:

  1. Mix baking soda with water until you get a thick paste.
  2. Using a toothbrush, apply the product to the affected area of ​​tissue.
  3. Leave for several hours.
  4. We wash off the mixture and wash the item.

Folk remedies show high effectiveness against yellow formations. It is necessary to follow the rules for the preparation and use of solutions - this is the key to a successful fight against pollution of various etiologies.

Larisa, September 13, 2018.

Some housewives note the appearance of yellow spots on clothes even after washing. Only washing in an automatic machine or soaking in this case is not enough. However, not only special detergents can help, but also folk remedies that are available in every kitchen.

How to remove old and fresh yellow stains from white fabric

Yellow stains on white clothes appear due to constant wear and long storage in the closet. In the first case, the reasons may be excessive sweating, the use of low-quality deodorants, the use of fatty creams, and the contact of aromatic oils or eau de toilette on the fabric. Improper care can also lead to stains appearing after washing if the temperature conditions were not maintained, low-quality detergents were used, the laundry was poorly rinsed or dried in direct sunlight.

Yellowness during storage appears if the room is too humid and the clothes have not been ventilated for a long time.

To remove stains from stale clothes, you need to follow these rules:

  • do not boil or wash in very hot water (except cotton);
  • use cool water when washing;
  • For the purpose of bleaching, it is better to dry natural fabric in the sun;
  • sweat stains cannot be bleached with chlorine;
  • Any bleaching recipe should first be tried on an inconspicuous part of the clothing;
  • To prevent streaks from appearing, it is better to clean the stain from the inside out.

It is quite difficult to remove yellow stains from white clothes if they are already old; you will have to use radical methods that can thin the fabric. Fresh yellowing can be eliminated by washing with bleach powder.

Household chemicals

Today there are special washing powders that, with simple machine or hand washing, remove yellowness from clothes. You can purchase such household chemicals in any store; you just need to read on the packaging whether this product has the desired effect, and carefully study the instructions for use.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap not only helps remove stains, but also removes the smell of sweat from clothes, because it has disinfecting properties. There are several ways to use it. You can first rinse the laundry in warm water, then rub soap into the desired areas and leave for 40 minutes, then wash.

For another option, you need to grate the soap. Take 10 liters of hot water into a container and add 5 tbsp. l. soap, stir until completely dissolved. Cool the liquid to 30°C. Place the items in a basin, rub the stains a little and leave for half an hour. Then rub the dirty areas again and wash.

Stain remover

Special detergents allow you to remove yellow and other stains of any complexity. At the same time, stain removers have an aggressive effect on the fabric, changing its structure, so they should be used only in special cases.

These products may have different forms of release:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • solution.

Methods of use may also differ, therefore, in order not to harm things, you should carefully read the instructions before use.


Bleach not only removes stains from white clothes, but also helps get rid of gray deposits on clothes and restore freshness. Products are available in the form of powders and liquids. The product is diluted in water, the laundry is soaked in the solution, then after a while it is rinsed and washed.


Folk remedies, which include soda, are more gentle on things. This product will not only help remove yellow stains on the fabric, but will also get rid of the smell of sweat. Baking soda also has a softening effect and makes laundry fresh. Suitable even for delicate fabrics.

A few tablespoons of baking soda are diluted with water to make a thick porridge. Apply this mixture to the contaminated area and rub a little. Leave for half an hour, then rinse and wash the item by hand or in a machine.


Aspirin has bleaching properties, so it is also used to remove yellow stains from a white shirt. Acetylsalicylic acid eliminates yellowing even from old things.

It is necessary to crush 10 tablets of the product into powder and dissolve them in 15 liters of water at room temperature. Immerse clothes in the solution for 12 hours, then wash.

Hydrogen peroxide

Destroys yellow plaque and hydrogen peroxide, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. The product does not harm the fabric itself, so it can be used for silk and woolen items.

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. hydrogen peroxide, 8 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. Soak clothes in the solution for 4 hours, then rinse and wash.

The product is recommended for use in bleaching cotton and linen clothes; for this purpose it is added to machine wash chemicals. Dissolve 10-15 ml of peroxide in 25 ml of water. Mix with liquid detergent and pour into a special compartment. The temperature should be 80°C. Set an accelerated wash cycle.

Mustard powder

A good option for removing yellowing is mustard powder. In addition, it eliminates gray plaque and greasy stains. Dilute 5 tbsp in 5 liters of boiling water. l. mustard and leave for 2 hours. After this, the solution is filtered and things are soaked in it for several hours. After the time has passed, the clothes need to be rinsed and then washed.


Ammonia will replace the aggressive household stain remover, which can cope even with complex stains. Its disadvantage can be considered an unpleasant and pungent odor. The substance softens water well, so it can be used to bleach delicate fabrics.

There are several recipes for the solution. 5 tbsp. l. An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is diluted in 5 liters of water, the items are soaked in the resulting solution for 2 hours, then washed. You can mix 1 tsp. alcohol and 4 tsp. glycerin, apply the composition to the stain and leave for 1 hour. Then rinse and wash things.

Citric acid

Citric acid can be a substitute for stain remover. The product eliminates traces of sweat, old stains and other contaminants, and removes iron marks. Citric acid is used for all types of fabrics; for delicate items, it is mixed with soda.

You can use one of the following methods:

  1. Dissolve 15 g of acid in 100 ml of water. Heat the mixture to 70°C, immerse contaminated laundry in it for a quarter of an hour, then wash.
  2. Rub the stain with a slice of lemon, leave for a quarter of an hour and wash.
  3. Add 3-4 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. acid (if the solution will be used for delicate fabrics, add another 3-4 tablespoons of soda). Soak the items for a quarter of an hour, then rinse well and wash.

Thus, you can use not only powdered citric acid, but also lemon juice.

How to remove yellowness from different types of fabric

Each type of fabric has its own structure; to preserve it, you need to select the right bleaching agents. It is better not to wash any fabrics in products containing chlorine. Delicate fabrics should not be rubbed too hard, otherwise it may cause deformation. Vinegar and acetone should not be used for silk products. Wool will deteriorate from alkali.

How to remove stains from cotton

You can remove yellow stains on a white T-shirt with products that are available in every kitchen or medicine cabinet. A commonly used method is boiling in a soapy solution. This product is safe for the skin, so it can be used for washing children's clothes.

To make a solution, soap shavings are stirred in water and boiled until completely dissolved, then a cotton item is placed there and boiled for 20 minutes. If the stains are old, you need to boil for about 2 hours.

You can soak the item in an oxygen-containing product or Persol for 3 hours.

A mixture of an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide and ethanol will help deal with stains. The solution is applied with rubbing movements, and then rinsed in cool water.

If yellowness appears on the collar or cuff, the stains should be treated with a mixture of salt, an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide and water. After 2 hours, the product is washed with laundry soap and then rinsed thoroughly.

Removing yellowness from silk items

To remove stains from silk, you can use a mixture of vodka and water in equal proportions, applying it to the item before washing. Also, dilute an ampoule of Thiosulfate in 200 ml of water and immerse the problematic part of the clothing in the solution, then wash it. White silk items can be refreshed by soaking for half an hour in a solution of water and white laundry soap.

If the curtains have turned yellow, use a mixture of salt and brilliant green. The curtains need to be soaked in water with washing powder and salt, and when rinsing, add a few drops of brilliant green. You can refresh white curtains by rinsing them in blue water.

How to clean stains from wool clothes

The safest bleaching agent for wool is laundry soap. Soap shavings are diluted in water, the item is placed there for several hours, after which it is washed by hand or in a machine on a gentle cycle.

A yellow greasy stain from a wool dress or sweater can be removed using Ferry dish gel. The product must be gently rubbed into the problem area, and then washed.

What to do if yellow spots appear on white clothes after washing

Yellow stains may appear on clothing after using bleach if it is not applied correctly. Yellowness also appears after washing in a large amount of powder, hard water or at high temperatures.

There are several ways to help remove stains from whiteness or after poor-quality washing:

  1. Wash the clothes again using oxygen bleach. This method works well if the stains are the result of washing in very hot water.
  2. Apply a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Immerse the laundry in a saline solution for an hour (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), then wash.
  4. Moisten the stain with a 9% vinegar solution, then rub with alkaline soap, leave for 20 minutes and wash.

Manipulation should be carried out immediately after the stain is noticed.

It is not always possible to get rid of stains on clothes, so white items need to be properly cared for. The following rules must be observed:

  • ensure that detergents are completely dissolved in water;
  • do not wash white linen at high temperatures;
  • rinse clothes thoroughly so that no powder remains on them;
  • use emollients;
  • sometimes ventilate things that are not worn for a long time;
  • wash items immediately after contamination appears;
  • do not use products with chlorine;
  • Avoid antiperspirants with aluminum.

If contamination cannot be avoided, then it is safer to remove a stain on a white shirt using folk remedies. It is recommended to use aggressive chemicals last, because they reduce the lifespan of things.

Any stains on clothes and shoes, old or new, spoil them and often render them completely unusable. There are many of them - from green grass, soil, drinks, various sauces, fallen food or even blood. How to remove yellow stains on white clothes, what are the causes of their occurrence, as well as professional and home remedies for their removal.

Reasons for the appearance of yellow spots on clothes after long-term storage

Many housewives sort clothes by season. For example, in the summer, all warm clothes are folded and put away deeper in the closet, in the attic, or stored on the balcony. The same applies to summer items in winter. But at the onset of the new season, strange spots of varying color intensity (from light yellow to red) are found on clothes. Moreover, they appear both on new and already worn items. The causes of which are:

By identifying the root cause, you can prevent future stains from appearing.

Basic methods for removing stains on white clothes, depending on the type of clothing

Pay attention! The effectiveness of removing yellowness from a particular garment directly depends on the fabric. For some, one method is suitable, but for others it is disastrous.

Effective on cotton:

  1. Table salt and alcohol. You will need 15 ml of each ingredient, dilute in 200 ml of water. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the stain for 1 hour. For difficult-to-remove stains, take half a teaspoon of salt and alcohol and rub the resulting paste into the stain, leaving for a couple of hours. In both cases, the item will need to be rinsed and washed.
  2. Boiling in a concentrated soap solution (in severe cases, you can add washing powder). This is a last resort method, as the process thins the fibers and the fabric loses its elasticity.
  3. Ethyl and ammonia in equal proportions. The prepared solution is applied on average from 1 to 2 hours per stain. After which the item must be washed with a water temperature of no higher than 30 degrees.
  4. Any dishwashing detergent. The gel is applied to the stain for several hours, after which it is washed off, after which the item must be washed, preferably in the “boiling” mode.

Effective on silk:

  1. Vodka and water in a one to one ratio. The prepared solution should be applied to the stain for about 2 hours, then washed in the washing machine.
  2. Thiosulfate. The product must be used according to the instructions.
  3. Washing powder (1 tsp) and white soap. The powder must be applied to the stain for 30 minutes, then washed by hand with soap. And then wash it again in the washing machine.

Old stains on fur are difficult to remove. The fabric is very delicate and can easily be damaged. Therefore, ordinary laundry soap without fragrances and parabens is most often used. It must be grated on a coarse grater, and a small amount of water must be added to the resulting shavings until it reaches the consistency of thick porridge. Then apply it to the stain and leave for 4 hours. Next, wash on the “wool” mode, setting the maximum number of rinses.

How to bleach a white bolognese jacket that has turned yellow

If a white jacket has lost its freshness and yellowness has appeared on it, then it is first necessary to understand the etiology of its appearance. If it is ordinary dirt, stubborn dust, traces of sweat or cologne, then it is easy to solve the problem. It is enough to wash it by hand or on a delicate cycle using silicone washing balls. It is better to choose powder in the form of a gel intended for white things. Set the maximum number of rinses and turn off the spin function. It is strictly not recommended to wring outerwear, especially at high speeds. If the yellowness remains after washing, you will need the help of bleaching products. Namely:

Important! The use of chlorine-containing products to bleach synthetic items and boiling are strictly prohibited. It is chlorine that provokes the appearance of yellowness in the future. You should also not use metal containers for soaking and washing, only plastic products.

How to remove a yellow stain on a white down jacket that has been sitting for a long time

There are many pitfalls in cleaning and washing outerwear, the main one of which is deformation of the insulation. Therefore, housewives often use a proven method - dry cleaning.

Both folk remedies and mass-market products do an excellent job of removing stains from synthetics. Namely:

It doesn't matter which method was chosen. Initially, you need to wash the down jacket by hand with the addition of washing powder for hand washing and white items. Then rinse thoroughly. Synthetic fabrics for outerwear should not be wrung out or twisted. This can lead to creases that cannot be straightened, deformation of the filler and the item itself. The down jacket must be carefully straightened and placed on a terry towel to remove excess moisture. Next, test your chosen stain remover on the inside of the cuff. This is required in order to check the reaction of the fabric, whether the color will fade or the integrity of the fibers will be compromised.

When choosing store-bought products, you must strictly follow the instructions for use located on the box. With folk remedies you should adhere to the recipe and technology of use:

  1. Baking soda helps remove mild stains. It must be mixed with water and the resulting slurry gently rubbed into the contaminated area, left for several hours, and then removed.
  2. Refined gasoline is used extremely rarely; it is toxic, has a strong unpleasant odor and is highly likely to catch fire. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as a last resort. It is better to use a cotton pad for application. It is moistened in gasoline and applied to the stain, removing the dirt with light movements. If there is no result within 10 minutes, it is better to use another method of removing yellowness.
  3. The technology for using ammonia and laundry soap is identical to using baking soda.

How to remove yellow stains from white sneakers

In white outdoor shoes, the areas most likely to stain are the sole, toe, and heel. If these are white sneakers, then each owner strives to prolong this whiteness as much as possible. The following are considered effective in this matter:

How to remove a yellow stain from thick knitwear

Knitwear is a delicate fabric, so the means to remove yellowness that appears must be gentle. A solution of baking soda, peroxide and dishwashing gel will help remove stains on a shirt, underwear, pants and other things. For this you will need:

  • 15 g soda;
  • 1 small bottle of peroxide;
  • 1/2 tsp. detergent.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the stain for half an hour. After which it must be washed off and the item washed.

The second effective method includes table vinegar and 72% solid soap. Moisten the cloth with vinegar and rub the problem areas with soap, leaving for 12 hours. Next, rinse thoroughly and wash on a cycle according to the type of fabric.

Top household chemicals in the fight against yellow spots

If you can’t remove the yellowness with home remedies, professional stain removers will do. Among them:

Traditional methods

Popular and effective home ways to remove yellowness from white things:

Almost each of them helps in the fight against yellow spots, but depending on the etiology of their origin and the type of tissue they show different results.

The product helps get rid of stubborn stains of grease, blood, traces of berries and vegetables, as well as grass and dirt. To do this, simply apply a large amount of liquid to the stain for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash. Hydrogen peroxide is also used in combination with soda, laundry soap and alcohol.

Alcohol and citric acid

You can wash away ingrained yellowness using heated 1 tsp. ammonia, 1 tsp. citric acid and 2 liters of water. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until the acid is completely dissolved. Immerse the item in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.

Whitening with Aspirin

You can remove yellowness from clothes using 2 acetylsalicylic acid tablets, which must be filled with a small amount of water. As soon as they get wet and turn into a thick mixture, apply it to the stain for a couple of hours. After removing the stain, washing with powder is required.

Vinegar with laundry soap

Table vinegar combined with 72% laundry soap helps remove stains from antiperspirant, sweat and grease. This method is not suitable for woolen items. Vinegar should be diluted in equal parts with water, the soap should be grated on a coarse grater and mixed. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture and leave for 3 hours, then wash the item. The method is ineffective for old stains.

Bleach + vegetable oil

To whiten clothes from old stains, you can use the following method:

  • combine 30 ml of bleach (without chlorine), 30 ml of vegetable oil and a quarter cup of powder;
  • dilute the mixture in 5 liters of hot water.

You can add a small amount of any stain remover to the main composition. Place the item in the solution for about 8-12 hours. Then rinse and wash.

Is it possible to paint over stains on fabric and how to do it?

If neither a professional nor a folk method for removing yellowness helped, you can try to paint over the stain. Suitable for this:

  • dye;
  • permanent marker;
  • acrylic paint for fabric.

In the first and second cases, there is a high probability that the tone of the entire product and the stain itself will be different and, therefore, will be very noticeable. But as for acrylic paint, covering it in 2 layers will hide any flaw in the fabric. And if after 12 hours you iron the entire thing on the back side, the paint will set and will never wash out.

Finding the best way to remove yellow stains from white things can only be done through trial and error. In any case, it is worth choosing a product depending on its aggressiveness and type of fabric.