Sports entertainment for the 2nd junior group. Scenario of sports entertainment in the second junior group. Relay races for teams

20.09.2024 Pregnancy

Target. Popularization of physical education and involvement of children and their parents in a healthy lifestyle.


Educational. Reinforce knowledge about the need to warm up; ability to act in a team, pairs; improve the ability to run in different directions

Developmental. develop speed-strength qualities, endurance; promote the formation of correct posture; promote the development of interest in physical education through the active participation of parents in games and competitions

Educational. Cultivate attention.

Characters: Presenter, Clown.

Equipment: Clown costume, musical accompaniment, plastic balls, basket, small-diameter balls - 2 pcs., medium-diameter ball, tunnel - 2 pcs., cone - 2 pcs., balloons according to the number of children, balancing track, umbrella with ribbons for carousel games.

Children go into the hall and line up in a circle

Presenter. Good evening, dear adults, hello kids! We will play and compete and show our moms and dads how strong and agile we are, and moms and dads can also show us that they can run, jump and play too.

A Clown runs into the hall to the sound of cheerful music.

And here I am, here I am
Hello, all my friends!
Smile from ear to ear
And my bright outfit,

Play and have fun
I'm very happy to be with you!

Ho-ho-ho! I really like to have fun and laugh, that’s why my name is Ho-ho.

Presenter. We are also very glad that you came to visit us, Ho-ho.

Clown. Let's quickly play, run, jump, tumble!

The clown runs through the hall, flirting with the participants, tries to somersault, falls, rubs his bruised side, groans.

Presenter. You see, Ho-ho, it’s not in vain that they say, if you hurry, you’ll make people laugh. But we won't laugh, we're very sorry that you fell. Guys, I’ll just have to explain to you what happened and why you’re so happy "ho-ho-ho" suddenly turned sad "oh-oh-oh" .

Clown. Why and why, I don’t understand anything.

Presenter. Now you will understand everything. Guys, tell me, is it possible to immediately start running fast, jumping high and doing difficult exercises? (No). Right, what should you do first? (Warm-up). Right. Then, Ho-ho, your muscles will be prepared for a heavy load and nothing will hurt you.

Clown. So let's warm up.

warm-up is being carried out

Clown. Yes, now I feel that my muscles have not just warmed up and warmed up. Now I’m just ready for all sorts of feats.

Leading. Ho-ho, turns out you're a braggart?

Clown. No, I'm just like that. Let's play better! You will find out what we will play with if you guess the riddle.

They kick him, but he doesn't cry!

They throw him - he jumps back (Ball).

The clown from behind the door carries a bag of balls and plays a game "Who can collect it faster"

Children collect balls in a basket to the music

Clown. I love to run

I like to have fun.

Or maybe we can try to play catch-up?

Game for children "Traps"

Presenter. Ho-ho, the guys have been running around with you, let them rest a little.

Come on, stand in a circle together

Children and parents stand in a circle. While the music is playing, the ball is passed around the circle, as soon as the music stops, the one who has the ball left goes to the middle and performs various exercises to show a clown.

Clown. What's your mood?

Let's say it together. In!

Presenter. The kids played, the adults played, and now let's compete together. We invite you to join the teams (child-adult).

Relay races for teams.

"Pass the ball" . The child takes the ball, the parent takes the child by the hand and together they run to the landmark, run around and pass the baton to other participants.

"Stilts" . The child stands with his feet on the adult’s feet, the adult supports the child by the hands, and in this way they walk to the finishing cone; they run back at a run.

"Obstacle Course" . The child and parent walk along a balancing track, then the child crawls in a tunnel, runs around a landmark and returns without a task.

Clown. Wow, what a great game they played!

And I also want to play a game with you "Carousel"

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the ground forming a ring. (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys lift her from the ground and, holding onto her with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle saying:

Barely, barely
The carousel spun, and then around,
And then around and around,
Everything is running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after words "running" are running. At the command of the leader "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't write it off!
Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two,
The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the court.

Clown. I don’t understand who won our competition.

Presenter. Of course, friendship won. Today you have gained the most important prize in your life - HEALTH.

Are you guys tired? (Children's answers).
Are the adults tired? (Answers from moms).
Well, okay, here's to a fun game
I'll give you balloons!

The clown distributes balloons and says goodbye to the children.


1. Consolidate knowledge about the need to warm up; improve the ability to run in different directions, consolidate the ability to accurately throw a ball from hand to hand, and act on a signal from the teacher.

2. Strengthen the ability to act in a team, pairs; develop speed and strength qualities in children, endurance; promote the formation of correct posture.

3. Promote the development of interest in physical education through the active participation of parents in games and competitions; use the process of introduction to physical education to form the personality of students and favorable relationships in the children's team.


  • presenter,
  • Clown.


  1. Clown costume.
  2. Ball and hoop.
  3. Skittles and ball.
  4. Balls (6), hoops (2).
  5. Volleyball net, balloons.
  6. Fitballs.
  7. Chairs (2), jump rope.

To the sound of marching music, children enter the hall and line up to greet.

Presenter. Good evening, dear adults, hello kids! Today we have gathered in this hall for a celebration of physical education and sports, music and movement, health and fun. We will play and compete and show our moms and dads how strong and agile we are, and moms and dads can also show us that they can run, jump and play too.

A Clown runs into the hall to the sound of cheerful music.


And here I am, here I am

Hello, all my friends!

Smile from ear to ear

And my bright outfit,

Play and have fun

I'm very happy to be with you!

Ho-ho-ho! I really like to have fun and laugh, that’s why my name is Ho-ho.

Presenter. We are also very glad that you came to visit us, Ho-ho.

Clown. Let's quickly play, run, jump, tumble!

The clown runs through the hall, flirting with the participants, tries to somersault, falls, rubs his bruised side, groans.

Presenter. You see, Ho-ho, it’s not in vain that they say, if you hurry, you’ll make people laugh. But we won't laugh, we're very sorry that you fell. Guys, we just have to explain to you what happened, and why your cheerful “ho-ho-ho” suddenly turned into a sad “oh-oh-oh.”

Clown. Why and why, I don’t understand anything.

Presenter. Now you will understand everything. Guys, tell me, is it possible to immediately start running fast, jumping high and doing difficult exercises? (No). Right, what should you do first? (Warm-up). Right. Then, Ho-ho, your muscles will be prepared for a heavy load and nothing will hurt you.

Clown. So let's warm up (warm-up is underway)!

Presenter. Did you like the warm-up? (Yes). Let's applaud ourselves!

Clown. Yes, now I feel that my muscles have not just warmed up and warmed up. Now I’m just ready for all sorts of feats.

Leading. Ho-ho, turns out you're a braggart?

Clown. No, I'm just like that. Let's play better! You will find out what we will play with if you guess the riddle.

They kick him

but he doesn't cry!

They throw him away -

Jumps back.


The clown is holding game« Ball in the ring» (from hands).

My funny ringing ball

He jumps and jumps along the path.

Girls and boys

They jump like bunnies.

Hey guys, don't yawn

Catch the ball and throw it to me.

Presenter. Guys and adults, did you like playing with the Clown? (Answer). Shall we continue? (Answer).

Clown. I love to run

I like to have fun.

Or maybe we can try to play catch-up?

Game for children« Traps».

Presenter. Ho-ho, the guys have been running around with you, let them rest a little, while we play with moms and dads, brothers and sisters.

Playing with adults« Bowling» (skittles, ball).

Clown. I was rooting for our participants so much that I didn’t just warm up, I just felt really hot. I wonder if anyone in the hall is still cold? Do you like to play?

What's your mood?

Let's say it together. In!

Presenter. The kids played, the adults played, and now let's compete together. We invite couples to join our teams. child-adult.

Relay races for teams.

« Stilts».

The child stands with his feet on the adult’s feet, the adult supports the child by the hands, and in this way they walk to the finishing cone; they run back at a run.

« Wheelbarrow».

The child moves on his arms, the adult supports him by the legs. So they move to the finishing cone, then run back.

« Let's feed the dragon».

Three adults at the finish line are a dragon. Three children are at the start. Before the finish line there are three balls in a hoop on the floor. Children take turns running up to the hoop, taking the ball, throwing it at the “dragon” (into the hands of their adult partner), the task of the adults is to catch the ball. The team whose dragon catches all the balls wins.

« Fun volleyball».

The net is stretched, on the side of each team there are three balloons. Teams throw balls into the territory of the opposing team. The winner is the team on whose territory there are fewer balls left after the signal.

« Happy Riders» (on fitballs).

Clown. The children played, the adults played, and competed together. But our teachers are bored, because they also want to play and compete.

Game for teachers« Whose jump rope?».

Clown. I don’t understand who won our competition.

Presenter. Guys, what do you think? Of course, friendship won. Today you have gained the most important prize in your life - HEALTH.

Clown. Be healthy!

N.A. Seliverstova, E.P. Tiunel

Name: Summary of the sports festival “Fun Starts”. 2nd junior group.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, sports, 2nd junior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 151"
Location: Ryazan city

Summary of the sports festival
in the second junior group No. 11
"Fun Starts"


  • Invite children to actively participate in sports competitions.


  • Develop physical qualities based on mastering physical education.
  • Develop strong-willed qualities, the desire to complete a task quickly and accurately.
  • Foster a “healthy spirit of competition.”
  • Foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Participants: 2 teams (2 second junior groups)

Venue: gym

Preliminary work: The groups came up with a team name, motto and logos in advance. Educational conversation “Sport is the key to health.”

Equipment: musical accompaniment, 4 hoops (2 red and 2 green), 2 stands, 2 wooden spoons, 2 candies, 2 baskets, certificates.

Celebration progress:

Children (2 teams) enter the hall to the music and line up in two lines opposite each other.

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this hall to hold the “Fun Starts” sports festival. Sport is the key to good mood and excellent health. Guys, do you like sports?

Children: Yes!!!

Leading: If you want to be skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Never be discouraged!

Win honestly in sports!

That's the secret of health,

Be healthy, physical education...

Children: Hello!

Leading: And so, our gym turns into a fun stadium. Today two teams will compete. Team "Daisies" ( children from another group greet the opposing team) and the “Kittens” team ( similarly). And our jury will evaluate our success:

  • Victoria Alexandrovna and Elena Viktorovna.

For each task completed correctly and quickly, the team will receive 1 point. Guys, please note that not only speed will be assessed, but also the quality of the task completed.

And now, we move on to greetings. After all, you and I know that each team has its own motto. (Team mottos). And before we move on to the competition, we will stretch all our muscles a little, as real athletes should. Get ready to warm up!

(Musical warm-up “Everyone plays sports”)

Leading: Well, now we can start our competition!

1. “Carry it - don’t drop it”

The teams line up in two columns (5 children each), the team captain stands in front with a spoon in his hand, with candy in the spoon. He runs to the tunnel (stand), crawls, runs to the basket, puts the candy in the basket and runs with a spoon, gives it to the next participant, etc. The last participant, having completed the task, takes with him the basket of candies. Whose team is faster wins. (Teachers help).

2. "Wolf and Hares"

There are 4 hoops on the floor (2 for one team in red and 2 in green). Whose team (bunnies) will occupy their house faster? (4 children from each team). The “bunnies” are walking on the edge of the forest and as soon as they hear “Wolf!” “Hide” and run to their houses (each team has its own house). The main rule is not to push and run very quickly to your houses. The team that can do it faster and make no mistakes wins.

3. “Hit the target”

(6 children from each team). Throwing bags into a hoop that lies on the floor. We count the number of hits. Everyone throws at the same time (6 children) from the starting line. (The jury counts).

4. "Centipede"

Teams line up in two columns (8-10 children each). The first participant (the teacher) runs to the cone, runs around it and runs back. After this, having picked up 1 child, he again runs to the cone, runs around it and back, etc. , until the whole team gathers in one “Centipede” chain. The winner is the team that gets into the chain and crosses the starting line faster.

Leading: Our competition has come to an end. All team members showed their agility and speed. And most importantly, we received a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions. Guys, we will soon find out whose team turned out to be the most athletic.

After all, children really need sports.

We are strong friends with sports,

Sports-health, sports-assistant

Sports game.

Children: Physical training!

Leading: While the jury is counting the points, you and I will dance a funny bunny dance. ( Children dance with the leader of the dance “The hares danced in the clearing”).

And to replenish our strength, we will eat vitamins!

Announcing the results of the competition, awarding the teams with certificates and vitamins (ascorbic acid).

Physical entertainment

in the 2nd junior group

"Unexpected Friend"

Target: develop a caring attitude towards health
- teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers and coordination of movements with the help of finger gymnastics and a Su-jok ball.
- instill a sense of compassion and a desire to help;

Develop cultural and hygienic skills

Materials, equipment: decorated music room, fairy-tale hero bunny (adult), doctor (adult), Sujok balls, hedgehog toy, bunny house, masks for outdoor games, ribbed board

Progress of entertainment

Cheerful music sounds, children enter the decorated hall and approach the house.
Educator: Guys, look who lives here? Want to know who? Let's knock and find out. They knock. (The bunny comes out, sneezes, moans).
Hello, bunny. We're glad to see you. Why are you so unhappy, what happened?

Bunny: I get sick all the time and catch colds. And you, I see, are not sick and are cheerful, how do you do it?
Educator: So that's the thing. The guys and I will be happy to tell you and show you what you need to do to not get sick and be healthy, and then you will always be in a good mood.
Educator: Look and listen carefully and repeat after us. Today we will go on a journey to the land of “Health”. Just don’t be surprised, various miracles can happen on a journey.

We'll go with you on the bus! Do you hear the buzzer? ( Soundtrack: car horn sounds). It's time to hit the road.

The song-game “Bus” sounds (“Rhythm for Children” by the Zheleznovs).
Children sitting on chairs perform movements according to the text.

Here we are sitting on the bus,
And we sit and we sit
And we look from the window
Let's see everything!

We look back, we look forward,
Like this, like this, like this
Well, the bus doesn't carry you,
No luck?
(turn your head to the right, shrug your shoulders to the left)

The wheels are spinning
Like this, like this, like this
We rolled forward
Just like that! ( )
And the brushes rustle on the glass
Whack-whip-whack, whack-whack-wheel
They want to sweep away all the droplets
(swing your arms bent at the elbows in front of your face, imitating the movement of the “windshield wipers”)

And we're not just sitting here
Beep-beep-beep, Beep-beep-beep,
We're buzzing loudly
(“beep” - hitting palm against palm)

Let the bus shake us
Like this, like this
We're moving forward, moving forward,
Just like that!
(perform a spring in front of the chair
perform circular movements with your arms in front of you

We've arrived.
Guys, let's tell the bunny how we start the day in this country / with exercises /
Hare: What other charger?

Educator: But with which one! Join us and find out.
Children stand in a circle.

Educator: We keep walking along the path and strengthening our health.
Ex. "Cockerel" with a high knee lift. Hands to the sides.
Here comes the Cockerel, proudly raising his comb.

Ex. “Chicken” - on your toes, hands on your belt.
The chicken went out for a walk to pluck some fresh grass.

Ex. “Goose” - walking in a squat, hands on knees.
But our goose does not lag behind and moves forward.

Ex. “Doggy” - walking on all fours.
And now the dog walked along the road with us.

Ex. “Little frogs” - jumping with forward movement.
Frogs live in the swamp; they are already like friends to us.

Ex. “Deer” - walking in a circle, arms straight, raised up.
Here is a handsome deer, slender, noble and calm.
And now we run in a circle, we catch up with each other.

Educator: “Health is fine - thanks to exercise!

Educator: Well, little bunny, this is how we start every morning.
Hare: I understand. To be healthy and strong you need to do exercises.

Educator: But not only that, let’s move on and you’ll find out everything.
Children follow the teacher to the music.
Our legs did not get tired, they walked together.

They walk over bumps.

The children approach the stump. There is a ball on the stump, Hedgehog.

Look, kids, there’s a bun here, but what kind of bun is it. Now we will find out.

Finger gymnastics.
Game with Hedgehog (Sujok ball)

We will take “Hedgehog” in our hands

(take a massage ball)

And let's rub it lightly,

(we hold the ball in one hand and pass it with the other)

Let's look at its needles,

(change the handle, do the same)

Let's massage the sides.

(roll between palms)

“Hedgehog” I’m spinning in my hands,

(twist the ball with our fingers)

I want to play with him.

I’ll make a house in my palms -

(we hide the ball in our palms)

The cat won't get him.

(press our palms towards ourselves)

Look, we got an interesting hedgehog.

On the way they see a vegetable garden, beds with carrots.
Educator:- Look, guys, what is this?
/This is a garden bed, and carrots grow on it. /
- Do you like carrots? How about Bunny?/Yes, I love her very much)
(The hare comes up, pulls out the carrot and gets ready to eat.)

Educator. Children, can you eat unwashed carrots? What are you, what are you! You can't eat it.
Hare: You're talking nonsense, anything is possible, carrots are the most delicious.

Educator: But the guys are right. Carrots are not only tasty, but also healthy. But before eating them, you need to wash them well.
Hare: What should I do now?
Educator children: Let's pick carrots, wash them and then eat them together.
What else should you do before eating?

    A child reads a poem.
    So that not a single microbe
    I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
    Wash your hands before eating
    Need soap and water.

Educator: Guys, what would happen to the bunny if he ate a dirty carrot? (He would definitely get a stomach ache)
Educator: That's right, germs would enter the body and cause illness.
Children, what is a carrot?/a vegetable, and vegetables are vitamins./
What else do you need to eat to grow healthy?

    A child reads a poem:
    Eat vegetables and fruits
    Fish, dairy products -
    Here's some healthy food
    Full of vitamins!

Educator: We will grow strong and healthy if we walk in the air. Before we go for a walk, what do we need to remember?

    A child reads a poem:
    Go out for a walk
    Breathe fresh air.
    Just remember when leaving:
    Dress for the weather!

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? What's the weather like? What do we wear on the street? Why?
Educator: But in order not to freeze and to spend time while walking for health benefits, we must also jump and run.

    A child reads a poem:

Fresh air for kids

Needed and useful!

We have a lot of fun walking!

And no diseases!...

Let's play a game with the bunny
"Hares and the Wolf"
Children-hares hide behind bushes and trees. There is a wolf behind a bush to the side. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic. At the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is coming,” the hares run away and hide behind bushes and under trees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them. You can use a small test in the game:
Stutterers jump hop hop
on the green on the meadow.
They pinch the grass and eat it.
listen carefully
Is there a wolf coming?
Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.
Educator: Well, Bunny, did you enjoy playing?
Hare: I really liked it, I will teach all my friends to play like this.

Educator: It’s time for us to return from our walk, undress, but what will we children do after that? (After a walk, we wash our hands well with soap.)
(Imitate hand washing)

Knock. The Doctor enters.
Doctor: Well, is everyone here healthy? (Everyone is healthy!)
Are you ready for the test? (Everyone is ready.)

Doctor: I ask everyone to stand up properly and follow the commands.
You are breathing! Don't breathe!
Everything is fine! Relax!
Raise your hands together!
Perfect! Lower it!
Bend over, straighten up,
stand up straight, smile!

Doctor (addresses the presenter)
Yes, I'm pleased with the inspection -
None of the guys are sick.
Doctor: Get the kids some delicious vitamins. They will improve your health.

Leading: Doctor, our guys wanted to teach the bunny our secrets of health.
Doctor: This is commendable!
Everyone knows, everyone understands
that it’s nice to be healthy,
You just need to know how to become healthy.
Doctor: Let me listen to what advice you gave to your guest.
What did we do?
- do exercises
-washing hands
-washing fruits and vegetables
-dress according to the weather
-walking in the fresh air
-take vitamins
-doing our favorite sports
Doctor: Well done, I hope your guest remembers everything and passes it on to his friends.
Educator: Well, bunny, did we help you, teach you simple health secrets?
Hare: It turns out that everything is so simple. Thank you guys. It's time for me to return home.
Before we say goodbye to you,
We want to wish you!
Good health. Smile more often. And never lose heart!
Children say goodbye to guests.

Sports entertainment scenario

for the second younger group

"Visiting the animals."

Target: formation of a positive mood from physical education.

Tasks: 1. Improve children’s motor skills and abilities.

2. Form correct posture and improve children’s health.

Equipment: a letter, a screen, a house, a tape recorder, medals, hoops, small plastic balls, a rope, soft toys.

Progress of the event:

Presenter: Guys, look, someone has come to visit us! (under the bush there is a soft toy - a hedgehog)

Children: Hello, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: ( adult) Hello! I'm very glad to see you all.

Presenter: What did you bring us, Hedgehog?

Hedgehog: I brought you a letter from the forest animals.

Presenter: (reads the letter) “Hello, guys! Your friends, the forest animals, are writing to you. We have been planning to come to visit you for a long time, but it just doesn’t work out. We invite you to our sports field.”

Presenter: Come on guys, let's go visit the animals. Is everyone ready?

Well then, let's do a warm-up and hit the road.

(Warm-up in progress.)

Everyone breathe! Don't breathe!

It's okay, rest.

Raise your hands up everyone...

Excellent, lower it.

Bend over, straighten up...

Everything is fine, smile!

Yes, I'm happy with the inspection!

Everyone is cheerful, no one is sick.

You can hit the road.

Hedgehog: I’ll run into the forest to my friends, make them happy that the guys are coming to visit.

Presenter: And it’s time for us to hit the road, because the animals are waiting for us. But the road ahead is not easy. We need to go one by one in a “snake” between the stumps, goon the bridge across the river. Here are the tracks, let's follow them!

(Children overcome the obstacle course one after another and line up.)

Presenter: Here we are.

The presenter opens the screen, behind which there is a hut.

A Teddy Bear and a Bunny (Stuffed Toys) appear.

The children greet them.

Presenter: Hello, forest athletes! Thank you for the letter you sent to the children inviting them to visit. We have made a very difficult journey to your clearing and now we can safely say that we are ready for any cold weather! We invite you to play with us.

Teddy Bear and Bunny greet the children and the presenter.

Teddy bear: Play my favorite game with me.

An outdoor game is being played « By the bear in the forest."

"Bear" sits aside. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the “bear”, saying the words:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

And the bear sits

And he looks at us.

The basket overturned(children gesture to show how the basket overturned)

The bear rushed after us!

The children run away and the “bear” catches them. The first one caught becomes a “bear”. (2 times)

Bunny: And I want to play a game with you called"Find your house."

Children dance to the music, and when the music ends, they take their places in the house. (Hoops). The game is repeated twice.

Presenter: Well done! You conducted the training very cleverly! Let's start our fun competition.

Children are divided into 2 teams. The children of one team play with the Teddy Bear, and the other with the Bunny. Teams line up in front of each other.

Presenter: First game - competition"That's how clever we are" .

Teams stand near landmarks. On the opposite side of the playground (at a distance of 5-6 steps from the children) balls (plastic) are scattered.

3 participants are selected from each team. At the signal, they run to the balls, collect them, trying to pick up as many as possible, and carry them to their team.

The team whose members bring the most balls wins.

Bear: I have prepared a test for you. You must jump over my forest hummocks (from hoop to hoop) with a ball in your hands, and then throw the ball over a rope that I hung in my forest clearing.

Children line up in a column one at a time. The equipment is unfolding. Children complete the task.

Teddy bear: Thank you very much, guys, for coming to visit us at our sports field.

Bunny: For having fun playing with us and showing how great you are, here is your reward from us!

Presenter: Guys, let's go to kindergarten on a train and invite the teddy bear and the bunny to visit us. (Children are built like a train)