How to stretch shoes at home. How to stretch shoes at home? Shoes made of genuine leather stretch

24.11.2022 Planning

Often, after purchasing a pair of shoes you like, you have to admit with horror that the new thing is too tight. Don’t panic ahead of time; stretching your shoes at home is quite possible, albeit by a maximum of one size.

You don’t need to start working right away; it’s quite possible that your feet are just slightly swollen after a long shopping trip. You should wait until morning, do another fitting and, if necessary, begin stretching manipulations. When selecting impact options, it is necessary to take into account the type of shoe, the quality of the material, the direction (you need to add length or width).

Before increasing your shoe size by stretching the material, you need to evaluate the following factors:

  1. If synthetics are too tight, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. This raw material is valued precisely for its ability to retain its shape under any conditions. It cannot even be processed professionally;
  2. Trying to increase the size of textiles can damage the fibers and ruin the item;
  3. It happens that people are excited about any new product, it doesn’t matter whether it’s boots or shoes, whether they’re patent leather or patent leather. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to products with wedge-shaped inserts. They stretch easily and do not create problems during wear;
  4. All materials have their own stretch limit. Even genuine leather has different properties depending on its origin (boots made from kangaroo leather are easier to stretch than those made from bull leather).

Regardless of the chosen processing procedure, after achieving the desired result, the products are coated with polish, this will allow the new size to be fixed, especially if physical phenomena were used in the process.

The simplest and most affordable options for stretching new shoes based on mechanical action

Ideally, if new boots, shoes or boots do not press so hard and time allows, it is recommended to use mechanical methods. They do not act as quickly, but do not lead to changes in the shape and functionality of the products.

In just a few days the shoes will be the right size. This is the best option to stretch patent or leather shoes, adjust their width and not cause cracks to form.

  • Shoes can be worn in. You'll just have to walk around the house in it all your free time. In this case, you need to walk, not sit. If you simply pull a tight pair over your feet and place them on the floor or even on a raised platform, swelling is guaranteed; the material, especially natural ones, will not stretch at all;
  • If you don’t want to torture your own feet, you should try the option with socks. The first option will help stretch suede boots, shoes made of leatherette or genuine leather, rag moccasins. Take several socks made of fine wool, roll them into tight rolls and place them tightly in the product. Leave it like this overnight and check the results in the morning. If necessary, repeat the approach;
  • You can't stretch patent leather shoes or rubber shoes with socks, but you can try the potato approach. We clean the root vegetables of the required size and place them tightly in the object, adding crumpled newspapers if necessary. The surface of the product should be lumpy. We keep the tubers until they dry well. Remaining liquid can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.

Tip: If you need to get results quickly, then the listed methods can be combined. After three days we evaluate the effect. The absence of visible changes will indicate incorrect execution of basic actions or the absence of the necessary properties in matter.

How to increase shoe size using manipulation based on physical phenomena?

To quickly and strongly stretch your shoes at home, you will have to resort to more aggressive methods of exposure. There are approaches that can make patent leather pumps, leather boots, synthetic sneakers and leatherette boots bigger.

The main thing is to act carefully. And before you stretch suede shoes or similar fragile and delicate things, it is better to practice on something unnecessary.

  • If the products fit on your feet without difficulty and only feel tight when worn, you can try the option with socks and heat. This will not only allow you to get the right size, but also significantly increase the width of the shoe. We put on our thickest socks (you can even have more than one) and squeeze into your shoes. We determine the tightest area and apply warm air from a hairdryer to it for half a minute. At the same time, we try to make stretching movements with our feet. Then we wait until the material cools down, remove it and try to put the product on a bare leg or stocking. If they are still pressing, we repeat the approach.
  • Freezing. This approach is a real salvation for those who do not know how to stretch faux leather shoes. It is not recommended to subject natural material to such torture; the consequences can be very unpredictable. Take a balloon or a plastic bag without holes, fill it one-third full with water and tie it tightly. We place it in tight shoes and put it in the refrigerator overnight. When water freezes, it will expand, increasing the volume of the product. In the morning we take out the structures, wait for the ice to melt and remove it.
  • Leatherette boots stretch well with damp newspapers. The method can also be used for leather products; its distinctive ability is to preserve the original shape. We moisten newspapers abundantly with water, form dense lumps, and stuff things with them. After the paper has dried, take it out and try on the products.

If the shoe size does not increase even after such manipulations, and the shoes are mercilessly tight, you can try a professional product - a stretcher. The composition is applied to the material, softening it and facilitating stretching.

True, almost all such products are designed for leather products and have a negative effect on other materials.

It's nice to spend time in stores, trying on a lot of stylish things and looking among them for the model that will look best on yourself. And even if after some time you want to change something in the purchased item, it can be very difficult to alter it a little. Another question when it comes to shoes. It happens that when trying on in a store, shoes seem good, but later at home they turn out to be hard and tight. Sellers usually assure that shoes of their size gradually wear out over time, but this option does not suit everyone, since walking is still not entirely comfortable. In fact, this problem can be solved quite easily and there are many ways to how to stretch shoes at home using simple, accessible means.

How to stretch shoes

The only limitation is that the shoes should be close to the actual size of your feet, since we are not dealing with an inflatable ball and therefore the stretch will be slight, but this will be enough to make your feet feel comfortable. So, let's try to figure it out in order. You can stretch shoes using traditional methods, using ordinary household items and using special means developed specifically for these needs, or using the services of shoemakers.

Breaking down the house. Among all the stretching methods, simply wearing it around the house is considered the easiest. Instead of wearing your slippers, try walking around the house for a while in the new shoes you bought. But only without unnecessary fanaticism. If wearing this way will cause too much discomfort, then it is better to abandon this method, especially since it is not the only one.

You can wash your shoes in with wool socks and a hairdryer. Put on shoes and socks and direct the warm air stream to the part that presses the most

If excessive discomfort does not occur, then to enhance the effect of this method, you can wear your shoes in wet socks. Thanks to moisture, the material of shoes, sneakers or boots will become a little more elastic and will stretch better, taking the desired shape of the foot. You should also warn in advance that this method can have a negative impact on your health in the sense that constantly wet feet can cause you to catch a cold, so try not to wet your socks in cold water and keep the room temperature within normal limits.

Although this method allows you to stretch shoes to size more than the original, but it must be borne in mind that this only applies to not too rigid types of materials that require only slight stretching. In terms of time, to achieve the desired effect, this method takes about 1-2 days. During this period, the stretching result is not yet maximum, but will already be optimal for the “wet socks” method. Therefore, if after 1-2 days you continue to feel any discomfort, then stop squelching and it is advisable to try a more radical method.

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The easiest way to break in shoes is to wear them around the house. Put on socks and walk like this for several hours, this will help your feet get used to the new shape and will not cause much damage to your shoes.

Another good way is to put on warm socks, you can wet them and blow dry for 30 seconds

Don't forget to spray your shoes with shoe conditioner after blow-drying them.

If the item does not move, repeat the procedure several more times.

Freezing. This method is well suited for stretching leather or suede products. Very often, among other recommendations, it takes one of the first places in terms of the number of positive responses. Also no less simple than the previous method. But you can’t get by with socks alone. But now you won’t have to splash your wet feet all over the house, all the action will take place in the kitchen.

Place the bag inside and fill it about halfway with water so that the liquid is evenly distributed from toe to heel.

The arsenal of resources is expanding and in addition to narrow shoes, you will also need a refrigerator (more precisely, its freezer), a whole plastic bag (meaning without holes) and water. With these tools you can stretch shoes at home. The bag should be placed inside the shoes and filled with water to about halfway so that the liquid is evenly distributed from toe to heel. Then you need to put this substance in the freezer, trying not to spill anything. It should remain there until the water freezes completely.

Place your boots in the freezer and let them sit there until the water freezes, or leave them there overnight. When water freezes, it will expand, gently stretching the skin

Do not try to remove bags of frozen water immediately; let them thaw

Use the freezing method very carefully with very expensive shoes or with shoes not made from natural materials.

As you know, ice has a lower density than liquid water, that is, in other words, when it freezes, turning into ice, water expands. Due to this expansion, the shoe stretches. After the water has completely frozen, you need to take the bag out of the freezer and leave it somewhere to defrost. After about half an hour, when the ice has melted sufficiently, the bag of water can be pulled out of the shoes. It is not advisable to take it out right away, since fresh ice can damage the material.

Some folk craftsmen advise wiping your shoes with a cloth at the final stage to remove excess moisture, but if you have already passed the “wet socks” test, then a couple of extra drops is unlikely to evoke any emotions in you. In general, it is better to first test this technique on inexpensive models from your wardrobe, because... if something goes wrong, then you will no longer think how to stretch suede shoes, and what would it be like to find something to wear.

Stuff your shoes tightly with wet newspapers and leave to dry completely.

By the way, newspapers can be replaced with wet socks

Unlike previous methods involving water, this method does not require it. You won't have to wet or freeze anything anymore, but you'll learn is it possible to stretch shoes using something like a hairdryer. You need to put thick or winter socks on your feet, and then try to squeeze into tight boots. But that's not all. If your shoes still fit, you should try to bend your feet inside the shoes. Of course, this is difficult to imagine at first glance, but the good news is that you won’t have to squirm from corner to corner in this form.

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At this stage, the hair dryer comes into play. A stream of hot air should be directed to the bend area and warmed up, periodically bending the feet to the limit in different directions. After a few minutes of such manipulations, you need to remove the hairdryer and wait until your shoes cool down. Then the procedure must be repeated again several more times, but for all subsequent repetitions, starting from the second, you can wear regular socks. As a result of thermal exposure, the skin should become softer and be easier to stretch. Be careful with plastic parts, otherwise you will melt them with a hairdryer. Then it is better to cover the shoes with a special cream, which will moisturize the unfortunate leather product after torture with a hairdryer and restore the water balance.

Another original way is to sprinkle flaxseeds and fill them with water. The seeds will swell and stretch the boots

In the morning, remove the seeds and wash your boots. Let it dry for a couple of days

There is an equally original and popular way of telling how to stretch shoes using damp newspaper. The principle is elementary - shoes should be stuffed with damp newspapers or rags. The method is very effective, so you need to be careful, because if you overdo it, the shape of the shoe can be irreparably distorted. The better you tamp down your shoes with wet rags and papers, the faster it will spread. Carefully monitor the shape of the shoes; newspapers should be laid tightly enough, but not to such an extent that they distort the product. Then the pair stuffed with waste paper should be left in a dry, ventilated area or in the fresh air until everything is completely dry. At the end, you need to carefully pull everything out and try on what you got.

Please note that the described methods can be used not only individually, but also all together, in turn. The combined effect of different methods of shoe expansion, taken together, turns out to be more effective.

Overseas there are also some interesting tricks. Here's an interesting method how to stretch new shoes made of leather, which Western cowboys use if they suddenly find new boots that don’t fit. To do this, cereals come to the rescue - oats or other grains that begin to swell in water. The principle is approximately the same everywhere, just the means are different. The grains are poured into shoes or boots, and then a sufficient amount of water is added and the shoes are left alone for one night. During this time, the grains swell and at the same time stretch the shoes in all directions. In the morning, cowboys shake out all the contents from their boots and, after wiping them a little without drying them, they immediately put them on. They wear boots almost without taking them off until they dry out and take the appropriate shape.

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Continuing the theme, another vegetarian way. In addition to grains, other resourceful people thought of using potatoes for the same purposes. First you need to peel it off the skin, and then put it inside your shoes for several hours. The size of the potato should be relatively large so that it fits tightly inside and creates a slight bulge.

Breaking in leather shoes

Previous methods mostly applied to shoes made from genuine leather, but there is also a more universal method. How to quickly stretch your shoes from other materials? To do this, you will need to create a special stretching cocktail - you need to mix alcohol with water in a ratio of 1/1. Then events develop according to two scenarios: first - you call a couple more of your friends and, drinking a cocktail by mouth, figure out who is to blame for the production of narrow shoes, what to do and when this disgrace will end; the second is more self-centered, you keep the entire cocktail for yourself and use it for its intended purpose.

Prepare an alcohol solution: equal parts water and alcohol. Using a spray bottle, spray your shoes and put your shoes on. Walk in it for 20 minutes

In addition, you can rub alcohol on areas that are pinching.

Since alcohol dries quickly, put on your shoes immediately and walk around in them

Another option is to take a pair of cotton socks, soak them in alcohol and squeeze out the excess. Wear socks with your shoes while the alcohol dries. Repeat several times if necessary

Insert a potato into your shoes. Let it sit like this for a few hours

After this, wipe the shoes with a damp cloth.

It’s not interesting, but it’s a fact - in the course of popular research, it turned out that an alcohol-containing cocktail not only has a liquefying effect on the gray matter in the skulls of hairless primates, but also perfectly stretches shoes.

Here are the step-by-step instructions. A well-mixed mixture of water and alcohol should be poured into a spray bottle. Using this design, spray the mixture from the inside of the shoes over the entire surface. Wait about half an hour for everything to be well absorbed. It sounds barbaric, but the benefits are obvious. For thrifty friends, there is a less wasteful option for using alcohol-containing resources. Soak a piece of cotton wool in alcohol and carefully rub it into the part that needs to be spread. Fans of the “wet socks” method from the sixth chamber also suggest soaking cotton socks in alcohol and wearing them with tight shoes.

General Tips how to stretch leather shoes correctly and without unpredictable consequences. First of all, there is no need to rush in this matter. You won’t stretch anything much right away, but you can easily ruin it. Therefore, stretch your shoes gradually, walk around in them in the evening (later I will explain why in the evening) and if the effect is not entirely satisfactory, then use another method.

Clothes and shoes are made according to approximate sizes, and the shape of your body is also far from the spherical ideal in a vacuum, which is why it turns out that sometimes it pinches or rubs somewhere. But everything can be fixed. Shoe factory products are initially made to stretch a little over time, so don't be afraid to use the techniques outlined above. Just in case, buy things in advance, and not just for tomorrow. A shoe repair specialist will best cope with the task, since he knows from his own experience which method is most suitable for different types of materials. This is important for expensive and high-quality products that require special handling, and stretch faux leather shoes You can do it yourself.

Try to choose the right shoes from the very beginning. It needs to fit well on your foot from the first try on. Find out your exact foot size. It might have changed a little if you gained weight, lost weight, or had a toddler in your belly. Consider all leg dimensions - length, width and height. Measure both feet - this is no joke, as some orthopedic patients manage to walk on feet of different sizes.

If you buy shoes while traveling, then take into account the difference in global sizing standards - in Asia, Europe and America, the same size is indicated by completely different numbers. Try on and buy mainly in the afternoon - during the day the foot swells slightly due to walking, so it is possible that in the evening you may not fit into the pair of shoes that you tried on in the morning. Do not throw away receipts after purchase. You can always return an unsuitable product back to the store and they will replace it with another item of the required size. Don't buy cheap shoes. This one most likely will not survive even one session if you want to tear it apart.

When buying shoes in a store, we are often guided not by the practicality of the product, but by originality, style and beauty. We buy shoes one size smaller because you like them and you want to own them. And if your finger is a little tight or your shoes are too narrow, it’s not a problem, they wear out.

But time passes, and the shoes remain in the closet after you walked one day in new shoes and rubbed blisters, barely crawled home, wanting to take them off on the way and go barefoot. But prestige. intelligence did not allow you to commit such stupidity.

So they stand in the closet, you just have to admire them. And I feel sorry for the money, the purchase turned out to be expensive, and so were the legs. And sometimes, when you buy shoes in a store or at the market, after trying them on, you think that they fit, but at home it turns out that they are too small.

What to do? What should I do? Don't worry, we'll teach you how to break in tight shoes properly at home.

How to quickly break in tight shoes?

Water tends to expand when it freezes. Turning into ice, it will press in different directions, stretching the shoes in length and width. Remove the shoes and wait for the bag to thaw.

Do not suddenly tear the ice pack out of your shoes to avoid scratching or tearing them. If it didn’t work the first time, try stretching the shoes a second time.

How to wear shoes made of genuine leather

Leather shoes are the fastest to break in because they are soft and flexible.

First of all, wrap the shoe box with a wet towel and leave for 4-5 hours

Use soapy water. To do this, dilute colorless liquid soap with water 1:4, mix well, pour into a spray bottle and spray inside the shoes. Then put on thick socks. Wear it around the room for 2 hours.

Take vinegar, smear the inside of your shoes, put on a thick sock and wear for about an hour. Remove the unpleasant smell of vinegar with a soap solution.

Another way is to break in leather shoes using boiling water. Pour boiling water into your shoes and pour them out immediately. Don't be afraid that your shoes will get damaged; leather goods can withstand high temperatures.

You shouldn't do such tricks with leatherette, because the artificial leather can get damaged. Put on socks and wear for 20 minutes. The cooled skin will take the shape of the leg.

Put on wool socks, bend your foot and heat the bend with a hairdryer. Put away the hairdryer. Do not take off your shoes until they cool down. Repeat until the skin is soft and stretched. Apply conditioner to moisturize the shoes.

Pour grain into shoes and pour water, leave overnight. The grain will swell and stretch your shoes. Then remove the grain, wipe the shoes and wear them until they are dry.

How to break in faux leather shoes

It is very difficult to break in leatherette shoes. If you try very hard to stretch it, trying after attempt, it can crack and lose its aesthetic appearance. But this is no reason to despair.

It is still possible to stretch it. To stretch it, put on socks soaked in cologne and walk around the room for 20 minutes. Wear 10 times a day, and so on every day until worn out.

Another effective way to help make faux leather shoes larger is to stuff the faux leather shoes with newspaper cut into small pieces. When you place the paper inside the shoes, make sure that the product does not lose its shape.

Scraps of newspaper, filled with water and placed inside shoes, will swell and stretch the shoes, both in length and width. Then dry naturally.

Breaking in suede shoes

Suede is an elastic and soft material. It takes the shape of a leg. To break in suede shoes, put on damp socks and walk around in them for a while.

Just be careful. Suede is afraid of water. Try not to get it on the outside of the product so as not to spoil the attractive appearance of the product.

An excellent means for breaking in is beer, which should be poured inside the shoes. Wear thick woolen socks and wear the shoes for several hours.

How to break in tight patent leather shoes

Patent leather shoes also wear out. But this is much more difficult to do than breaking in leather shoes. You can only increase the size of patent leather shoes in width if the leather underneath the varnish is soft and thin.

To wear patent leather shoes, you need to soak woolen socks with vodka and wear the shoes until they dry. You can use alcohol by diluting it with water: one third alcohol, two thirds water. Vodka and alcohol are safe for patent leather shoes.

When breaking in patent leather shoes, handle them delicately, because they are very fragile, and if handled carelessly, they can crack and lose their shine.

You can also stretch patent leather shoes using a hairdryer. Warm the inside of the shoes to high temperature, and then put on your socks and put your feet into the shoes. Be careful not to overheat your shoes with a hairdryer; the polish may stop shining. This procedure should be repeated from time to time.

Patent leather shoes can be smeared with rich cream or Vaseline, carefully treating the toe and heel, and then put on the last. If there are no lasts, then put on a sock and wear the shoes for 2 hours, moving around the room.

How to break in tight textile shoes?

You can use the solution with boiling water, which we have already mentioned. The socks should dry on your feet. You can fill your shoes with wet paper so that it swells and stretches the shoes. The paper dries in the shoes. Newspaper should not be used, because it can ruin the fabric and stain it.

We told you about how to break in tight shoes. Breaking shoes in to size is very difficult, sometimes impossible. Be careful when buying shoes so as not to waste time and nerves on breaking in tight things.

It's better to shop in the afternoon, when your foot is a little swollen. When stretching, handle your shoes carefully, do not overdo it, so as not to tear them or wear them out more than expected and then not suffer from loose shoes.

Don't forget to wash your shoes and lubricate them with cream. Dry it away from heating appliances. It is better to use shoe mold holders.

Careful care of your shoes will allow you to wear them for a long time and enjoy such beautiful comfortable shoes, boots, and sandals that already fit your feet exactly and match the size of your feet.

How to increase your shoe size: probably many people have asked this question. After all, for sure, almost everyone has experienced a situation at least once in their life when, having purchased shoes, they suddenly, for some reason, turned out to be too tight for you. Perhaps they didn’t try it on right away, or maybe they tried it on, but not in the right way, and you never know what other reasons there could be. But it all comes down to the fact that it is necessary to make it looser and increase it in length or width. It is quite possible to do this, even at home.

Of course, if you purchased, for example, size 42 sneakers, but you need size 45, then nothing can be done about it. But increasing them by half a size, or making them a little wider and more spacious, is a completely feasible task. However, this should be done very carefully and many factors should be taken into account so that your inept actions do not render the product completely unusable.

Risks when trying to change your shoe size yourself

As unfortunate as it may be, hasty and thoughtless attempts to increase shoe size at home may not only fail to improve the comfort of your boots and boots, but if done ineptly, even cause irreparable damage to them. Therefore, it is better for you to first familiarize yourself with some warnings and recommendations before taking action on your own.

  • Before you take drastic measures on your own, try just spreading it out first - in many cases this helps. If it doesn’t help, then try to save the situation using other methods.
  • Synthetic products are practically not amenable to these manipulations, so it’s better not to even try. Otherwise, most likely, you will have to throw away your shoes, but at least you can give them to someone, or even sell them for a certain amount of shekels.
  • It will be less problematic to stretch products with wedge-shaped inserts, so if you purchased just these, it will be easier for you in this regard.
  • When trying to stretch fabric products, there is a risk of damaging or tearing the fibers.
  • Before resorting to traditional methods, try to artificially “disintegrate” your shoes using special means, such as:

a) Wooden blocks or spacers. The former are more suitable for maintaining shape, removing excess moisture and unpleasant odors. And by inserting spacers into shoes (or whatever else you wear), in addition to the previous properties, you can increase them a little if you insert a spacer and adjust it to the dimensions you need. Although this method can also damage the heels of shoes or sneakers if you overdo it.

b) A can of special spray, which should be sprayed onto the upper surface and then walked for 15-20 minutes. If it doesn’t help right away, you can repeat the procedure.

It is important to remember: after any manipulations aimed at increasing the size of shoes, it is advisable to cover them with a special polish to consolidate the result. It will fix the desired shape.

Traditional methods to stretch shoes

Below we will look at various folk methods by which you can quickly increase size, and which can be used at home without using any complex devices.

Vodka or alcohol

This option is most appropriate if your shoes are leather, suede or synthetic leather. Generously lubricate the entire inner surface with alcohol solution or vodka, and then put it on your leg and lubricate the outer surface. After that, walk like this for an hour and a half.

Boiling water

This radical method is only suitable for genuine leather and rubber. Pour boiling water inside your shoes or rubber boots. Drain it immediately and wait until it cools. Then put on the wet shoes and wear them until they are dry.

Liquid soap

Mix warm water (40-50 degrees, no more) with liquid colorless soap in a 4:1 ratio and treat the external and internal surfaces with this solution. After a significant part of the solution has been absorbed, wipe off the excess with a rag or towel and, after putting on thick woolen socks, put on your shoes and walk around the house for an hour or two.


Place a thick plastic bag without holes inside your shoes or boots and fill it with as much water as possible. Then put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Stretching will occur due to the expansion of water when it freezes and turns it into ice. After removing from the freezer, wait until the ice begins to melt (20-30 minutes), and you can pull out the bag.


Hold your sneakers or shoes over the steam from boiling water, and then walk around the house in them.

Lubrication to soften

Lubricate the inner surface with your choice: vinegar, glycerin, petroleum jelly, castor oil or any vegetable oil. After an hour or more, as in the previous methods, we put on our shoes and walk around the apartment for at least an hour, and preferably more, until we get tired.


Warm up the inner cavity with a hairdryer and put on a woolen sock. Or, putting on woolen socks and shoes, use a hairdryer to heat the area that is most painful for you. Walk around until it cools down.

Wet newspaper

This method is best suited for artificial leather products, but you can try it on other materials. Its essence is that you need to wet newspapers and put them inside, and the more, the better. So in this case, do not skimp on waste paper.


Fill the cavity of the shoes with any available cereal and fill it with water. The cereal will swell and stretch the shoe a little.

Potato peel

Fill the cavity with potato peelings and leave overnight. If there is no tangible result the first time, then you can repeat the procedure several times.

An important point: when using stretching methods that involve filling or lubricating the inner shoe cavity, first remove the insoles from there so as not to damage them.

Well, you have become acquainted with the main and most famous folk methods for stretching shoes. In conclusion, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is much easier to stretch a product in width than in length. We also remind you that you are unlikely to be able to stretch it more than 1 size (although even this is very problematic). In most cases, it is possible to increase only a few millimeters. So don't overdo your efforts. Yes, and these methods are suitable mainly for leather, suede or leatherette, but not for synthetics or textiles. Use our advice wisely and without fanaticism. All the best to you and comfortable shoes!

Video: How to stretch shoes at home - the best “recipes”


Unfortunately, it often happens that when we come home with a new pair of shoes, we discover, to our great chagrin, that they are tight and almost impossible to wear without feeling discomfort. This can also happen if the pair was purchased online, since the indicated size is not always true. It also happens that shoes have been lying in the closet for several years without use, and when they are finally remembered, they have become too small or too hard. There is also a situation when, after childbirth and maternity leave, your favorite shoes with elegant stiletto heels just don’t want to fit on the already less graceful legs of their owner. Even in such a situation, do not despair! There are many effective ways to increase and stretch.

It is unlikely that you will be able to stretch your shoes by more than one size. The success of the operation depends on the materials from which it is made. Genuine leather and suede are the most pliable, which cannot be said about substitutes or rubber. Skin type also matters. After an unsuccessful attempt to increase the size, patent leather may crack or lose its shine. Leatherette may also not behave in the best way. Not only cracks, but also stains may appear on it.

Alas, not all methods are safe for shoes. After all sorts of attempts to stretch it in width or length, the sole may come off, the seams may come apart, and the wardrobe item itself may become deformed, after which its appearance will be completely ruined. Do not forget that natural suede or velor are more delicate than smooth leather; they must be stretched very carefully and accurately, using only proven methods!

You can even increase textile shoes by one or half a size, and for this you don’t have to wear them out for weeks, walking around the apartment in thick terry socks.

In most cases, even perfectly sized shoes need stretching. The fact is that the new one needs to “get used to” the shape of your feet, accept their shape. Most often it pinches in the area of ​​the bone of the thumb, little finger or butt. The material can be stretched both in width and length. It is possible to soften a back that is too hard and correct the rise. Of course, this will require effort, knowledge and a little time.

You can also contact a specialist for help. A qualified shoemaker knows exactly how and what shoes to stretch without causing damage.

Stretching at home

Unfortunately, in most cases it will not be possible to stretch your shoes in 1-2 hours. They stretch it with alcohol, boiling water, wet newspapers, castor oil and even small grains such as barley, oatmeal or wheat. Shoes, sandals and other types are frozen, heated, worn wet with thick socks, or walked in the rain in warm weather.

Attention! Do not use greasy cream, Vaseline, castor or vegetable oil when stretching or breaking in suede or velor shoes. Fat can leave permanent stains on the skin!

Naturally, everyone wants to know about the miracle method that will help you make tight boots bigger overnight and require virtually no effort. We hasten to please you: there is such a way. You will need regular plastic bags, one large bag (to wrap your shoes), water and some free space in your freezer.

How to make shoes more comfortable using the freezer or how to increase size overnight

The essence of this method is that when water freezes, it increases in volume, stretching the shoes in all directions.

This is probably the fastest and most painless method that suits most species and does not harm their owners. The only exception would be patent leather, since the varnish may crack or lose its shine. It is also better not to use this method for sports shoes with white rubber soles - they may turn yellow.

  • The bag should be placed inside the shoe and spread well over the entire inner surface with your hand. The final result will depend on this!
  • The bag should not be too small; its edges should protrude freely.
  • After we put the bags into the shoes, we need to pour water into them.
  • After this, we tie the bags with a tight knot. Water should not spill out.
  • After the manipulations are completed, the shoes are wrapped in a bag and placed in the freezer overnight.
  • The next day, they take it out and let it “thaw” a little, since the water naturally turned into ice.
  • There is no need to wait for the ice to completely transform into water; it must melt a little so that it would be possible to get an ice “cast”.
  • After the bags have been taken out, the shoes need to be tried on. If you are satisfied with the result, feel free to wear it. If the shoes still feel a little tight, repeat the procedure.
  • In this way you can stretch shoes for children. Unfortunately, a child’s feet grow faster than their parents’ salaries, so it is advisable to try stretching shoes that have become a little too small. This method does not require effort, is painless and will not cause discomfort to your child.

    Video: how to stretch children's shoes using water bags

    For convenience, you can also use zip bags. Thanks to the convenient clasp and high strength, the bag will not tear and water will not spill out. Water can be immediately poured into the bag and then inserted into the shoes. But this method may be less effective, since in this case the liquid will not completely take shape. In addition, such bags have a clear rectangular shape.

    In a similar way, you can use a plastic mineral water bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. We do the same thing: pour water into a bottle, put it in a shoe and put it in the freezer. This method, of course, cannot be called good, since the shoes can take the shape of a bottle and stretch in height.

    In the freezer you can stretch natural leather and suede, textiles and combined materials. This method should be used with caution when using shoes made from artificial materials such as leatherette and dermantine. At low temperatures they may crack.

    Other ways to increase shoe size depending on materials

    Each material behaves differently when interacting with different substances and temperatures. What is acceptable for natural leather is not always acceptable for leatherette. Products that do not harm suede can be harmful to patent leather. When stretching shoes or boots, you need to be sure that the chosen method and product will not spoil their appearance. The use of alcohol, including vodka and cologne, is not advisable when stretching shoes made of leatherette or varnish - stains may remain and the color may fade. The “freezing” method described above should be used with caution for shoes made of leatherette, dermantine or patent leather, both artificial and natural.

    After any manipulations with increasing shoe size, be sure to apply a caring cream!

    How to stretch shoes made of genuine leather and suede using medical alcohol

    To do this, you need to thoroughly moisten the inside of your shoes with alcohol, then put them on a thick sock and walk around the apartment for several hours. If the shoes are too tight and cause pain, then it is better to carry out this procedure for 5–10 minutes several times a day. You will have to stretch in this way until you achieve the desired result. After the procedure is completed, the shoes should be completely dry and weathered. Of course, this method cannot be called painless, but you can be sure: the shoes will not only increase in size, but will also become sterile.

    How to stretch shoes using newspapers (leather, suede, leatherette, patent leather)

    A method known to our grandmothers. Shoes should be tightly stuffed with wet, crumpled newspapers, squeezing the latter thoroughly. The newspapers will mold to the shape of your shoe and stretch it evenly as it dries. Shoes should dry naturally, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. This must be done carefully so as not to deform the shoes or boots. When exposed to moisture, the leather will become softer and more flexible to stretch, so if you “stuff” your shoes too tightly, the appearance may deteriorate and the sole may become detached from the base.

    How to stretch shoes using boiling water (natural and artificial leather)

    Another “grandmother’s” method. It consists of pouring boiling water directly into the shoes and pouring it out after a few seconds. This should be done in the bathroom, washbasin, or in a large bowl. After the shoes have cooled down a little, put them on a thick sock and, after walking like this for half an hour, take them off. After the procedure, the shoes should be completely dry. Under the influence of hot water, the skin becomes soft and elastic, so it more easily takes the shape of the leg and increases in size. This method can be applied to shoes made of artificial leather, which are more susceptible to high temperatures.

    This method has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is not advisable to get your shoes wet. If you are afraid of spoiling it, insert the bag and pour boiling water directly there. Secondly, under the influence of very hot water the insole can become deformed. If it is removed, it is better to remove it first. Thirdly: there is a risk of scalding your hands, so this manipulation must be performed extremely carefully!

    How to stretch shoes using grain (leather and suede)

    Any finely ground cereal, such as barley, oatmeal or wheat, will do. The cereal is poured into shoes, a little water is poured in and left overnight. During this time, the cereal will absorb moisture and swell. The shoe size should increase slightly due to the increased volume of contents. After the cereal has been poured out, the shoes should dry naturally.

    It is difficult to call this method good. Firstly, it’s hard to get rid of the obsessive thought that someone in the world is starving, and I’m just transferring food like that. Secondly, it is not very easy to get wet cereals. You will have to wash the contents with water, the shoes will get wet again, and excessive moisturizing, as you know, will not bring much benefit.

    We break in tight leatherette shoes with a hairdryer

    More suitable for shoes made of artificial materials. This method involves putting shoes or boots on the toe and heating them with a hairdryer. Then you need to walk around in the shoes until they cool completely so that they take the shape of your feet. Leatherette, like any other synthetic material, has the property of melting, so under the influence of hot air it becomes softer, more elastic and easier to stretch.

    In order to enhance the effect of the hair dryer, wear wet socks. You can also apply a special shoe stretcher to the inside of your shoes and then walk around in them for at least half an hour.

    How to stretch textile shoes

    It is quite difficult to stretch shoes made of textile materials. Unlike leather, suede and leatherette, the fabric is not afraid of moisture and getting wet. You can try the “freezing” method, or wet the shoes well, put them on a sock and walk until they dry completely. If the fibers in the threads are quite elastic, then it is quite possible to stretch your moccasins half a size. If the shoes are made of natural textiles, the shoes can be moistened on the inside with vinegar. You should not leave your shoes to dry out after trying to stretch them, especially in the sun. It is better for it to dry on your foot, taking its shape. To speed up this procedure, you can use a hairdryer.

    How to stretch rubber boots

    We figured out how to stretch shoes made of natural and artificial leather. But what to do if your rubber boots are too tight? It is worth noting here that only shoes made of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC for short, can be stretched. This synthetic material, unlike rubber, has plastic properties.

    Your actions are as follows:

  • Prepare a bowl of cold water and boil water in a kettle separately
  • Pour boiling water into each boot and wait about half an hour
  • Pour out the water and let the boots cool slightly for a few minutes
  • Put on a warm sock, or better yet two, and put on your boots
  • Stand with both feet in a basin of water
  • While the boots are cooling, actively move your toes and shift from foot to foot, stretching the shoes
  • Under the influence of boiling water, the polyvinyl chloride will become more plastic, and cold water will help it “harden” again. You can first walk around in your boots, and then take them off and put them in a basin. A thick sock performs two functions at once: it prevents your feet from burning when you put on boots, and it increases the thickness of your feet, thereby helping the PVC stretch.

    In a similar way, you can stretch almost any PVC shoes, be it rubber ballet flats or beach flip-flops.

    How to make it more comfortable using soap and paraffin (leather, suede, leatherette, patent leather)

    You need to rub the inside of the shoes with soap or paraffin, and then wear them in until the desired result is achieved. You can use a regular paraffin candle. The fact is that in this way the inner surface of the shoe becomes “sliding”, making it easier to put on and break in. Suitable for shoes made of suede, patent leather and artificial leather.

    How to stretch lacquered

    Increasing the size of such shoes is the most difficult, since it is difficult to predict how the varnish will behave. The thickness of the skin and its origin play a big role. Natural thin leather is easier to stretch than hard leatherette.

    Patent leather shoes can be stretched only in width, as well as in the heel area, without serious consequences.

  • The shoes can be held over the spout of a kettle of boiling water for several minutes. This way the steam will get right inside, heating and softening the skin. This must be done carefully to avoid burns! Then the shoes are put on a thick sock and “walked” around the apartment until they cool completely. Boiling water has a similar effect.
  • Also, the shoes are lubricated with cream from the inside, put on the sock and heated with a hairdryer.
  • If you are not afraid to take risks, you can try the “freezing” method. In this case, it is better to use two small bags for each shoe. One will be tied, it is placed closer to the sock. The other is for the heel - it is placed with the edges turned back and water is poured there. Then, carefully so as not to spill the contents of the bags, the shoes are placed in the freezer. In this way, the ice will be able to expand in height without obstacles and will take the shape of a heel, only slightly stretching it in width.
  • For natural patent leather, you can use the “newspaper” method.
  • Using a warm, damp terry towel will work fine. The shoes are wrapped in a towel and placed in a bag for one night. In the morning, take it out and walk around until completely dry.
  • Method using a special stretcher for patent leather.
  • After any stretching procedure, do not forget to apply a care product!

    How to stretch the heel, instep, toe, boot at home

    Sometimes it is not necessary to stretch all the shoes, but only the part that causes us the most discomfort. Most often this is a heel or toe. Lifting often causes discomfort. This problem can also be fixed. It also happens that the boots you like have tops that are too narrow and put too much pressure on your shins. We will also consider how to eliminate such inconveniences.

    Too narrow or hard back

    Stretching can be done using some of the methods described above. For example, the “freezing” method. You need to stuff the sock with dry, crumpled newspapers, and place a bag of water in the heel area. When frozen, the toe will remain unchanged, but the heel will expand. In a similar way, you can use the “newspaper” method, only we place dry newspapers in the sock, and “stuff” the heel tightly with wet ones.

    You can also smear the heel with Vaseline, castor or sunflower oil and walk like this for several hours until the heel becomes wider.

    You can also use the old “grandfather’s” method. Place a wet cloth in the heel, let it soak in moisture, and then tap the back with a hammer from the inside through the same cloth - the back will stretch a little.

    A regular solid antiperspirant deodorant can help stretch the backside. They need to rub the inside of the heel, and then put the shoe on a thin toe and walk around until the heel stops rubbing. For the best effect, wrap the shoe box in a damp terry towel and leave it there for 3-4 hours. You can watch the video below to see how to do this correctly:

    Video: how to stretch the heels of shoes using solid deodorant

    How to stretch a sock that is too narrow

    You can smear the shoe with cream or the same Vaseline in the front part and put it on the sock. You need to walk like this for several hours (the longer the better) or 5-10 minutes every hour. It is acceptable to use boiling water and newspaper, but only for the toes of shoes. You can add a bag of water and freeze it.

    Another original way. Place a small bottle, preferably flat, in each sock. You can use personal care products (shampoo, tonic, lotion and others). Before doing this, shoes must be wetted (textile or leather), warmed up (leatherette or PVC), lubricated with soap or paraffin (patent leather shoes).

    How to stretch the boot top

    It’s absolutely not a problem if the top of the boots you like is too wide - in most cases they can be made in a shoe workshop. But what to do if the problem is just the opposite: the boots are too narrow in the shins and it’s impossible to zip up the zipper all the way. Fortunately, a solution can be found in this situation too. You can use wet newspapers, stuffing them tightly into the tops. Theoretically, the “freezing” method will also help, but it’s unlikely that you have that much space in the freezer. You can use a shoe stretcher and break in shoes according to the principle of breaking in shoes or boots, only this time putting the shoes on warm tights, or better yet, two pairs at once.

    How to stretch while lifting

    Newspapers, ice and cereal will help solve the problem. You need to stretch it the same way we advised stretching a sock. You can stuff your socks and heels with cellophane (it is indifferent to moisture), and between them sprinkle cereal and pour in a little water. You can stick wet newspapers or a bag of water and put the problematic shoes in the freezer.

    How to break in a new one

    In most cases, even shoes of the ideal size cause discomfort and they have to be worn in before “going out” until calluses appear. The fact is that new shoes should adapt to the anatomical features of your foot. To make this task easier and avoid calluses, you can use the following tips:

  • Apply shoe softener according to the type of material before wearing them for the first time.
  • Apply thick cream or Vaseline to your feet to reduce friction
  • Put your shoes on a damp sock and walk around the apartment like this for several hours, or better yet, a day or two
  • You can use the “freezing” method, especially if it concerns children’s shoes and you must not injure children’s feet again!
  • Use special shoe stretchers, which should be applied before putting on your shoes for the first time.
  • Shoe stretchers and how they are used

    There are special stretchers for shoes made of smooth leather, suede, nubuck and velor leather. Their huge advantage is that they do not leave streaks on the leather of shoes. They are produced in cans and, after spraying, turn into foam that is quickly absorbed. This product should be applied from the outside and inside, paying more attention to those places that sting the most. You should not put on your shoes immediately, but wait 3–5 minutes. With the help of stretchers, you can not only increase the volume of your shoes, but also lengthen them (if the sole length allows), make them wider, and even stretch the tops of your boots.

    How to break in shoes

    In new shoes, as a rule, you have to break in the heel or toe. You can use the hot steam method. Hold a new pair over the spout of a boiling kettle so that the hot steam hits the toe or heel. The toe can then be stuffed with newspaper to expand it, and the back can be kneaded with your hands or beaten with a hammer with a smooth surface through a soft cloth. You can also put uncomfortable shoes on a thin, damp cotton sock and apply cream to your feet. The cream is needed to ensure that the foot slides in the shoe, stretching it.

    What about sneakers or sneakers?

    Sports shoes should be comfortable and not cause discomfort when worn. But even high-quality sneakers have to be broken in. The breaking-in methods are chosen based on the materials used to make the shoes. With leather ones, everything is simple - we fill them with damp newspapers or put them in the freezer, putting in bags of water. The same thing with textile or combined ones. If you are not sure how the leatherette will behave, then try warming it up with a hairdryer and stuffing it with dry crumpled paper.

    How to stretch in workshops

    If you don’t want to conduct experiments on shoes, trying to stretch them in width or length, then, of course, you should turn to professionals. The same goes for expensive shoes, as well as shoes made from reptile skin. Only a qualified specialist will be able to correctly assess the situation, determine the places that need to be stretched and, most importantly, dissuade you from stretching if it can irrevocably ruin the appearance of the shoes.

    To increase the size of the problem pair, the specialist will select special stretching agents in accordance with the material of the shoes. Unlike you, he will not stuff his shoes with wet newspapers and wait for them to dry, but will use special devices that will help stretch the shoes both in width and volume. There are also devices for stretching the boot. Really good workshops have special metal lasts for different types of shoes: for children's, men's, women's, low-heeled shoes and heels. The pads can be expanded to the desired size. There are also special inserts to increase the volume of both women's and men's shoes, to stretch the instep and even too narrow socks. The selected last is attached to a special device, on which the shoes are put on, and with the help of a screw, the master stretches it. There are also special devices for stretching the boot, thanks to which you can stretch your boots by several centimeters. Craftsmen also use wooden screw blocks.

    Only a master can stretch shoes correctly! Special lasts for increasing the volume of high-heeled shoes