When a man is afraid of a woman

11.07.2024 Parents

We all have something we're afraid: some spiders and mice, some heights or darkness, and some are horrified by the thought of a wedding or a long-term relationship with the opposite sex. In any case, it is worth fighting fears, especially if they interfere with your life. Women have always been interested in the peculiarities of male psychology, because it helped them discover the secret of thinking of the stronger sex. Men seem strong and calm, conquer women's hearts and achieve their goals, but just like women, they have their own fears. Surely every woman wanted to know exactly what fears men have regarding their personal lives. What frightens them so much and why are they sometimes completely dependent on their emotions? This is exactly what this article is about.

Men often try to hide their fears and secrets so as not to seem weak and helpless. Often the desire to carry his fears within himself comes from childhood, because mom and dad constantly told him that he should be strong and wealthy in all plans. Today, women are trying to penetrate the essence of male consciousness in order to better connect, understand and support. Sociologists have been conducting research on male psychology for many years, so the topic of fears has also been explored. So, we present to your attention a list of the most common male fears. Try to use this information to the maximum benefit.

1. Men are afraid to show inability in intimate life. Every representative of the stronger sex believes that self-realization should be not only at work and in creating a successful marriage, but also in intimate life. Men constantly worry about whether the woman they love is deceiving him, portraying incredible pleasure and ecstasy from sex with him. Men get nervous every time they start an intimate life with a new partner, especially if they know that she is quite experienced in this matter. Every representative of the stronger sex wants to appear in the eyes of the woman he loves as a skillful, experienced seducer and lover. It is actually very important for him whether she considers him a professional in lovemaking and whether she is not bluffing.

2. Men are afraid of the unplanned. Men love when everything goes exactly according to plan, and surprises can only please you if they are desired. Any little thing can sometimes piss off even the most calculating and pedantic man if it can change his usual way of life. Among the most popular fears of men is an unplanned pregnancy of their partner. It doesn’t matter to him who the woman with whom he had sexual intercourse is: a beauty at a party or a wife, in any case he is afraid of this kind of surprise. Of course, the birth of a child can make him truly happy, but he will always be afraid of this news.

3. Men are afraid of sexually transmitted infections. Only the bravest or simply the drunkest will agree to have sex without a condom with a stranger. Men can talk all they want about being fearless about sex, but in reality they are very afraid of contracting sexually transmitted infections. We all know that there are a lot of different diseases that can become a real disaster for the whole body, so the ordinary instinct of self-preservation is triggered. A man can refuse to use barrier contraception, but only if his partner is permanent or he has learned the details of her intimate life before him.

4. Men are afraid of a salary lower than their chosen one. No matter how much money a wife brings into the family, a man will always strive to prove his superiority by his ability to earn money. In modern society, there is a stereotype that a man is the breadwinner of the family, so his main duty is to earn money. In a situation when a woman begins to earn more, any representative of the stronger sex begins to feel weak and helpless. This is where the complexes wake up. That is why every man is afraid of a woman’s victory in competition for a good salary.

5. Men are afraid of betrayal or the departure of their beloved woman. Oddly enough, this fear haunts both men and women. Representatives of the stronger sex always want to feel worthy, loved and desired, but the thought that he could be abandoned by the one he values ​​so much horrifies him. Sometimes the role here is not played by love and tender romantic relationships, but by banal narcissism. Every man admits that he will not tolerate humiliating treatment from his other half, decrees or simple minor manipulations. A man is afraid that sooner or later his beloved may say goodbye to him, which will damage his honor and dignity.

6. Men are afraid of having to propose. Of course, there are some who dream of children and a happy marriage since childhood, but the majority of men delay the wedding day as much as possible. Women are luckier in this regard, because according to the prevailing tradition in society, it is the man who should offer his hand and heart, but it is precisely this fact that frightens him most of all. A man is afraid of making the wrong choice, afraid of appearing awkward, afraid of rejection and simply afraid of being the center of attention on this special day. This amount of stress is scary in advance, so almost all representatives of the stronger sex are reluctant to talk about the wedding.

7. Men are afraid of their mother’s negative attitude towards their chosen one.. Almost all men treat their mother with special tenderness, because she raised him, educated him and instilled good manners. A man who wants to start his own family wants his parents and his new lady to get along. This is where a problem often arises, because the relationship between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law is always quite complex, so a man may find himself caught between two fires. That is why it is very important for a man that his mother approves of his choice and helps him create a family.

8. Men are afraid to prove themselves worse in bed than the ex-man of their girlfriend. Here rivalry and the desire to prove one’s superiority play a role. A man wants his beloved to know that he is the best, so he will make every effort to achieve self-realization in her eyes. Sex for any man is a special part of life, so he will also try to show his knowledge and skills in practice. But every man, deep down in his soul, is afraid that his beloved will say that his ex was much more gentle, more courteous and better at bringing her to a state of ecstasy. This thought haunts the majority of the male population, even in the absence of a dear friend at the moment.

Incredible facts

Although we have come to expect men to act quite boldly when meeting women, in reality, many of them feel awkward in their presence.

If you are smart, beautiful, confident, then many men may simply develop an inferiority complex.

Read also:14 Phrases Men Say and What They Really Mean

Here are some signs that you are too cool for the stronger sex.

Why are men afraid of women?

1. Men look at you, but don’t approach you.

This is a sure sign that you are either dressed too extravagantly or sexually to the point that you are afraid to approach you. Simply put, many men believe that some women are simply not on their level, and you automatically fall into that category.

2. They are constantly trying to make fun of you.

This type of flirting, a mixture of compliments and jokes, helps to shake a woman’s self-esteem so that she becomes more vulnerable and stoops to his level.

3. You are considered a beautiful friend in the company, but are still single.

You are lonely because others are simply afraid to start a conversation with you. Despite all your wonderful qualities, you may find it difficult to find the right man.

4. You are rarely invited on dates.

Men usually prefer beauties who can just have fun with them if they are looking for a no-strings-attached relationship. This helps them feel superior. This leads to the fact that really good women are not approached as often. But, if a man does approach, as a rule, he has more serious intentions.

Men are afraid of beautiful women

5. A man begins to stammer, blush and tense around you.

These are classic signs that a man is nervous in your presence. If you notice them, he may be too embarrassed to ask you out.

6. You heard out of the corner of your ear why a girl like you would date him.

If you've heard a phrase like this, it's clear that he doesn't consider himself worthy of you. Perhaps you need to be softer and more vulnerable. If a man says this, he likes you, but he is insecure.

7. You catch men's eyes on you, but they immediately turn away if you notice them.

This is a sign that they are trying to sneak a peek at you, but they think their chances are too slim.

8. Men try to show off to you.

If a man is trying to demonstrate his financial viability, performing some tricks or trying to attract attention in some other way, then he likes you and is looking for recognition from you.

Many men who are afraid of women rely on material resources to get what they want because they don't think their personality is attractive enough.

9. He's intimidated by the number of partners you've dated.

If a man gets nervous or loses his temper when he finds out how many partners you've had, he's intimidated by your experience.

Strong, courageous, self-confident, decisive - you can describe the ideal companion in a few words. However, day after day, many beauties are convinced that this is nothing more than a myth or, perhaps, a woman’s dream. They have a lot of fears, and they are expressed in a strong and deep form. Let's try to understand these legends about the male tribe - why and what men are afraid of in relationships with their chosen ones.

Why are men afraid of beautiful women? Aren’t they the ones who stare at them, even holding a friend’s arm? And at the same time, apart from admiring, they do not express their emotions in any way towards the object of their admiration. The reasons why guys are afraid to meet beautiful girls are sometimes quite ridiculous. Many beauties constantly improve themselves in order to be worthy of their chosen one, but then they often wonder: why are they afraid of me if I have worked so hard on myself? Do men love beautiful people or are they afraid of them?

  1. Psychology contains the term venustraphobia - fear that seizes a guy at the sight of a very attractive lady. When you like it so much that you can’t even approach it. A man is afraid to take the first step and loses his chance.
  2. Fear of being rejected. With such difficulty, having gathered all my strength, I decided - and suddenly the answer was a harsh refusal. After this, low self-esteem will not allow you to approach your chosen one at all. If there were witnesses present at this event, the trauma intensifies. Guys are afraid of questions like “How could she pay attention to you, you…” and they are sure that they have nothing to offer.
  3. Fear of getting consent. It's hard to imagine that this will also be the reason. What to do next? Who takes what step? Wait or do it yourself? Suspiciousness accompanies every movement, exhausting both. Men love beautiful women from a distance.
  4. When he is sure that such a beauty should already have a boyfriend, so he does nothing. And he, with his inexpressive appearance or not sharp mind, cannot be interesting.
  5. Many people think that if a lady is very attractive, it means that she is only looking for a rich partner. Or a young man is not confident in his financial capabilities to adequately provide for a beauty, because as beauty grows, so does the budget for her maintenance.
  6. Beauties are seen as selfish and spoiled individuals who cannot be denied anything. Many people do not recognize the presence of intelligence behind beauty - God has given one talent.
  7. Those who are insecure fear that they could become a temporary refuge for a beauty until she finds a worthy partner.
  8. There is an opinion that behind her attractive appearance hides a terrible character and that she cannot do anything necessary in the family.
  9. They say that beauties are selfish and use their partner, after which they will leave him for the next one. Such girls have no sense of affection and love.
  10. Not everyone likes to be the center of attention - and being the beau of a beauty, you inevitably end up there.
  11. Fear of not living up to expectations, especially in bed. Hence another fear - to be ridiculed, by her or by others.

Some are so susceptible to their fears that it is easier for them to give in than to overcome them and stay with the woman they have chosen.

Women that men are afraid of

What kind of women are men afraid of? Are there types that they consider dangerous? So, female types that scare away partners for one reason or another:

  • Vamp. Such predators look good in films or pictures. Relationships with them create constant problems, which only the same adventurous machos seek to cope with. Scandals, jealousy, aggression, excessive demonstrativeness will scare anyone.

  • Dictator. Politics, business and leadership positions are the place for such a character. Here, business acumen will be appropriate and even necessary for successful business management. Those who are disgusted by the role of a henpecked woman will not want to get involved with such ladies.

  • Manipulator. Some ladies know how to manipulate carefully and carefully, almost unnoticed by others. And at the same time, there are people who do not particularly hide their actions, or who do not know how to hide them. However, no one likes to be controlled, especially for selfish purposes.

  • Child. There are ladies who think that weakness, total dependence and naively wide-open eyes helplessly will serve as an ideal bait for every representative of the opposite sex. They have a very great fear of responsibility, especially in relationships. For some, on the contrary, it is common to find a guardian who will smoothly and imperceptibly take control of his life. And a man loves an adult lady, not a child.

  • Hysterical. A person who brings continuous problems into a man's measured life will not become a true friend. Emotions and feelings are good and pleasant, while scandals and hysterics are very disturbing to the weaker sex. And if a man is afraid of a woman, there is no question of love.

  • Idea generator. They just met, and the honeymoon has already been planned and the names of the children have been chosen. The gentleman is afraid of being on a short leash. In addition, such ideological people often unnecessarily strain their partner by carrying out their invented tasks.

  • Chatterbox. Talkativeness is a gift and a curse for women; for some, speech does not stop, and it can be very difficult to find meaning in this flow. It would seem that listening to a lady’s chirping is easy and pleasant, but sometimes there is too much of it. Moreover, at this time, not a single word spoken by the partner will be heard - that’s what’s saddest of all. Radio in the apartment is much simpler and more practical.

  • Eternal holiday. Parties, buffets, endless parties - this is her holiday, at which you either have no place, or you are extremely tired of these carousels. It’s hard to even imagine the financial side of such festivities. There is no talk of any kind of family building, of course.

  • Consumer. No amount of training will save a beauty if she is a consumer by nature. Partners subtly sense self-interest in the behavior and goals of their companions.

If one of them has the fear: “It seems that men are afraid of me,” it’s worth thinking about the reasons.


There are main reasons when a man is afraid of a woman. The most unpleasant thing is that there is not one reason, but several - the stronger the fear will be, and the relationship will be impossible.

  • too attractive. It pleases the look, and it frightens me: will she be faithful, what needs to be done to stay in the family, what ways can I keep her, why is she even near me. This is a strong indicator of insecurity - he will never believe that the chosen one with him, because of his inner qualities, will look for a catch all her life - after all, she is better than him. Only the most confident will feel comfortable next to a beauty - after all, they deserve her.
  • immensely successful. Comparing his achievements with women's, the partner sometimes remains dissatisfied and feels an inferiority complex. Do not forget that any lady seeks love first of all.
  • very independent. There is no need to accompany her. She is confident that she is right. She is self-sufficient. The partner loses the feeling of being needed and important next to her.
  • overly categorical. The male sex has staked out this right for itself and does not like competitors. Decide everything for others, put labels on everything incomprehensible, do not recognize anyone’s opinion except your loved one.
  • caring to the brim. He already has a mother. He will find a shirt for himself, he will even be able to iron it, he will warm up (or even cook) his own lunch. Although he will not reject a caring hand. However, moderation is good in everything.
  • silent. When a companion is constantly silent, she is either deeply dissatisfied with something, offended - or completely indifferent. If she is silent, thinking about something, this is also a dangerous sign, because it is completely unpredictable what it will lead to.

Why a man is afraid of a woman with whom he is in love is also not easy to understand. He needs to understand his feelings, understand their depth and truth. Understand what to do next, how much he is able to provide for his wife. He remembers past failures and really doesn’t want them to happen again. Or why are men afraid of strong women? After all, the person next to you is an indicator of your status, wealth, and development. However, there is a risk of being lower, unworthy, or the need to constantly stretch upward and improve - not everyone can handle it.

Recently they tried to introduce me to a respectable man of about 50. In office, but never married...

The potential groom candidate did not categorically refuse to meet me, but when asked to call me on the phone or at least write me an e-mail, he replied: “I won’t, I’m afraid!” What are modern people afraid of? And why?

There is no clear answer to this question. The reasons for fear are different for everyone. And yet here are the most common of them.

Reason one. He's been burned in the past

It could have been a bad marriage. Having once suffered a major fiasco in a relationship, a man begins to fear that the same thing will happen again next time: he will be abandoned, deceived, rejected, etc. Therefore, he prefers not to get close to women. At best, he has mistresses with whom he is connected only by sex, but by feelings - no, no! As soon as something serious starts to smell, the representative of the stronger sex “goes underground.” And there is no way to get him out of there.

Reason two. He loves someone with unrequited love

His passion may have been married to someone else for a long time, but he continues to love her. He can't imagine anyone besides her. Therefore, he has a fear of other women who could arouse his interest - after all, they are “competitors” of the one and only one... And this can last his whole life. They say about such men: “In his youth he had great love, but it didn’t work out...”

Reason three. He is afraid of responsibility

In appearance, a man may seem completely normal and adequate. He can actively date women. But at the same time, he always protects his territory: he tries not to stay with the lady of his heart overnight and does not leave her at his place, resists attempts to “live together” and does not say a word about future marriage. If a friend begins to hint at marriage, such a bachelor most often runs away.

As a rule, such men are self-sufficient. They can cook their own lunch or dinner, wash their clothes, and they have a full set of household appliances at home, which makes housekeeping easier. And sex and communication can always be found “on the side.” Why does he need a wife at his side, whose interests he will have to take into account, and, God forbid, a child with whom he will have to fuss? He's doing so well...

Reason four. He doesn't have much money

Lack of money develops serious complexes among representatives of the stronger sex. Many of them are sincerely convinced that women are primarily interested in money. Someone has already had experience communicating with women who rejected him due to financial insolvency.

In most cases, a man understands that starting a family or even simple courtship will require financial resources. And how to tell a woman that they are not enough? It’s easier not to start a relationship at all!

True, there are also those who... His salary may be quite sufficient, but the thought of having to spend money on a woman or family is terrifying. It's better to be alone!

Reason five. He has sexual problems

It is clear that with other intimate problems, a man will feel uncomfortable with women. Sooner or later it will come to sex, and then what? But such a man would rather die than admit that he has problems in the sexual sphere. He can pretend that he and the woman simply “didn’t get along” or that he didn’t like her... And his friends can only wonder why a seemingly normal specimen avoids the ladies.

Reason six. He doesn't know what to do with women

As a result, the son can succeed as a professional, but women remain a closed book for him. He has no idea how to communicate with them, how to care for them, how to build relationships... A very difficult case is when a man remains a virgin until adulthood. Because as a teenager, his mother made sure that he did not masturbate, and when he was a young man, she did not allow him to date girls. At the same time, it was constantly instilled in him that the intimate sphere is bad and dirty. Now he can understand that he needs to build relationships, create a family, but for this it is necessary to take actions that will become stressful for him. Therefore, it is easier to protect yourself from women.

Reason seven. He doesn't understand women

Representatives of the fair sex seem to him literally “aliens”, “strangers”. He feels uncomfortable in the company of these “creatures”, cannot find a common language with them... Often such men outwardly behave like, they can argue that “all women are fools”, that women are not suitable for male activities, such as for example, like science, business or journalism - depending on what they do themselves. In their hearts, they are simply afraid of “strangers” and the problems associated with them.

What to do if you come across such a “specimen” who is clearly afraid of women? There are no ready-made recipes here and there cannot be. There are exceptions to every rule, and if you really like a man, you can try to build a relationship with him - what if you can “re-educate” him and he will love you? But if nothing works out, don’t blame yourself for it. Leave the problem man alone and look for another!

“..A man is afraid of being underestimated by a girl. He is afraid that she will stop seeing in him that hero, that prince on a white horse who will save her from all the troubles in the world. He is afraid that she will stop believing in him as the hero of her imagination.

He is afraid that the only one he needs so much will one day say: what if I have someone else?.. We are afraid that you girls will stop appreciating us for who we are...” - I found this answer on one of the forums , it was written by a man.

Interest in discussing what are men afraid of relationships With us, women, once again emphasizes their importance for us. We want to know what issues we should be more careful about.

In rare cases, we are driven by a desire to know weak man's side to manipulate it. By the way, I do not share such ideas.

Well, if you need a puppet, then don’t complain about having a weak-willed, indecisive man next to you. You made it that way yourself. Either come to your senses and reconsider the tactics of your behavior, or be content with what happened. Either let the person go, find a new love, but under no circumstances hurt him with your “alterations.”

To love means to see a person as God intended him to be

After studying various forums, reading comments and personally communicating with representatives of the stronger half of humanity, I decided to help you in this difficult path of building a relationship with a man.

Dear women, there is something to think about. Men, like you and me, worry about matters of the heart. The most common questions that men come to me for consultation with are the following:

  • what is a man afraid of, so this is betrayal, treason. No man wants to admit his “defeat.” Cheating on a woman gives a loophole to a man’s thoughts such as sexual inadequacy. This provokes further closeness, distrust, and cynicism;
  • fear of lack of mutual understanding. Interestingly, one young man said this: “After betrayal, there may still be common themes. And when there is no mutual understanding between you, there is nothing to talk about... You can turn around and leave”;
  • a man is afraid of losing the one he loves. It is not so important how it happens - new love, separation, parting and even, God forbid, the death of the beloved. And they cry, and fall to their knees, and even wait 10 years for him to return...
  • dependencies. Many people have a fear that a woman will “tie” him hand and foot and will earn more and become more successful. There are few who honestly admitted this. Men, more confidence and self-belief! And we, dear young ladies, need to learn to react calmly to a man’s desire to achieve something. We spoil everything ourselves. Believe the word, here you go facts >>
  • what also afraid of menin a relationship?- “Get a slap in the face.” With such a statement, I was surprised by several interviewed men aged 30-35 years old, who were established professionally and gave the impression of confident and worthy “males.” They explained this by saying that such a gesture on the part of a woman is offensive and cannot be forgiven. It throws you off balance - one, crosses out all the good things that happened in the relationship - two. Be careful.

In relationships with men you need to be not smart, but reasonable

« Why is a man afraid of a woman?" - video from old stock..