How to cut your hair at home. Let's save on the hairdresser or how to cut your hair at home. Trim the hair on the bangs in an even line

12.09.2024 Parents

Be friends with scissors, don't be afraid to experiment, trust your hands - you can cut your hair at home yourself. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules and gradually move from stage to stage. In the article we will tell you what you need to try yourself as a hair stylist, how to cut long hair, trim split ends, make bob, bob, cascade haircuts.

What you need to cut your own hair at home

Like a professional hairdresser, you should have at hand a set of necessary tools, comfortable conditions and hair prepared for cutting:

  • The most important tool on which the result of hair manipulation depends is scissors. Dull blades can only ruin your hair and make your hair look torn and asymmetrical. If you decide to try yourself as a hairdresser, go to a professional store. Buy prof scissors with a blade length from 6 to 10 centimeters;
  • Mandatory conditions for the room are the presence of a large mirror in which you will see not only your face, but also the back of your head. Good lighting, a table for tools and styling aids. Nothing should hinder the movements of your hands. If the room is densely furnished, move the interior elements away for a while, providing yourself with free space;
  • You know the characteristics of your hair better than any hairdresser. Heavy, unruly, porous, curly, brittle - take into account all the nuances and choose a haircut technique that suits you better than others;
  • Decide in advance what you want to do with your hair. Having picked up the scissors, you must act strictly according to plan, without improvisation. The technique of classic trimming of ends differs from the very first stages from cascading haircuts. Therefore, if you do not want to harm yourself, be consistent and do not follow spontaneous desires;
  • Before cutting, hair should be clean and damp. This is the basic rule and the very first stage from which a hair session begins in any beauty salon. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel.

What tools are needed for cutting your own hair?

Now, in order. We equip the desktop. You will need 8 simple things:

  • Hairpins. It’s best to have five pieces in different sizes (small for fixing thin strands, medium for thicker strands and large for clips.
    Rubber bands. The most common ones will do.
  • Classic massage comb. Size is medium.
    A thin comb with a thin edge and narrow teeth. Give preference to plastic ones.
    Small mirror. With its help you will see the back of your head and side areas.
    Large main mirror. It will be very useful to you.
    Professional sharp scissors. Medium length blade.
    Spray. With which you will wet the strands during the cutting process.

How to trim the ends of your hair correctly

Trimming the ends is one of the procedures necessary for healthy hair. This way you get rid of split ends and renew your hair. First, let's talk about why hair splits.

Many factors can a priori be avoided:

  • Insufficient amount of fluid in the body. The daily minimum for a woman is 2 liters of water;
  • Bad habits: alcohol, smoking;
  • Excessive coffee consumption. One of the properties of caffeine is the removal of beneficial substances from the body that affect hair health;
  • Avitaminosis. It can be either seasonal or chronic;
  • Unsuitable care products. Dry hair requires intensive nutrition;
  • Genetic characteristics - dry ends can be inherited;
  • Consequences of diets. By limiting your food intake, you deprive your body of essential vitamins and minerals.

5 techniques for trimming split ends

Classic cut along one line. At home, it can be done efficiently only on long hair. It is necessary to make a perfectly smooth border at the back.

Rubber bands. We collect the hair at the back with a tight elastic band, then every 4 centimeters we grab the tail with other elastic bands. The tip that remains is for cutting. Let your hair down and trim the length.

In a semicircle. For independent use, the technique is suitable for long hair. Divide the strands into two equal parts horizontally. We throw the top one forward and secure it with an elastic band or a hairpin. We divide the remaining hair into two more parts (also horizontally). We pull the occipital strands at right angles to the head and cut them in a straight line. We do the same with the bottom part. We do the same with the upper strands. Then we unravel the hair, comb it and correct any hairs falling out of the total length.

Angle. Suitable for long straight hair. The principle of the technique is similar to the semicircle technique, only we divide the hair into more parts and make the angle more than 90 degrees. The shape is voluminous, with smooth transitions.

How to cut short hair yourself at home

Cutting short hair requires precise execution of the technical steps. Memorize or print out the cheat sheet and put it in front of your eyes, next to the scissors on your desktop. 7 steps and you have a neat short haircut:

  1. The first stage is to moisturize the hair. To do this, you will need a spray bottle with ordinary water at room temperature;
  2. We divide the hair into several parts. Four is better. If the length allows, we fix it with an elastic band. For short strands we use clips;
  3. Let's start with the temples. Separate the lowest strand, pull it out with a comb and trim the ends in a straight line. In the same way we go up, separating and trimming the ends of subsequent strands. Both temporal zones should be trimmed equally;
  4. After the temples, we move to the occipital region. We follow the already cut hair, slightly lengthening the cut line. According to the golden rules of hair, the strands at the back of the head should be a little longer. So we often cut the back to the middle of the back of the head;
  5. We pull in the lower strands remaining at the border of the cut hair and set them to the desired length. Further on the already proven mechanics;
  6. The parietal zone remains. There is nothing new here - we equalize along the ends cut from below, gradually moving towards the center;
  7. We dry our hair with a hairdryer, comb it and carefully inspect the shape for flaws. Correcting stray hairs.

How to cut your own hair with a ladder

Ladder haircut is universal. Suitable for almost all face types and has no age restrictions. We'll tell you how to save your time and money and do this popular haircut at home. The instructions consist of 6 steps:

  • We start by moisturizing the hair. Spray with a spray bottle and carefully comb along the entire length;
  • We throw the hair forward so that it is parallel to the floor. Comb again and evenly cut off about 2 centimeters;
  • We get into the starting position and divide the strands into three or four parts, securing them with clips or hairpins;
  • We start from the lower back. We pull the strand at a right angle to the head and trim it. We do the same with other curls at the back of the head, focusing on the length of the first;
  • Let's move on to the side zones. We take the lowest strand, pull it out and, equal to the length of the back of the head, trim the ends. Then we take the next strand and cut it 1.5-2 centimeters higher. According to this principle, we move towards the center from all sides;
  • We dry and comb the hair, correcting imperfections.

How to cut your own hair into a bob

This haircut at home requires not only compliance with all the rules, but also basic skills. If you've never cut your own hair before, it's best to practice on split ends.

7 stages of cutting your own bob haircut

  • Wash your hair, dry it with a towel, comb it thoroughly;
  • We divide the strands into seven parts: two zones on the back of the head, two on the crown, two on the temples, and the central one in front. To prevent hair from falling out, we clamp it with hairpins;
  • We start with the temporal zones. Take the bottom strand, pull it out a little (but not too much, otherwise the length will suffer) and cut a line parallel to the floor. So we level the entire area;
  • Then we move to the back of the head, focusing on the control strand - bordering on the still untouched hair;
  • The last part to be cut is the front part, which turns into bangs. The mechanics are the same - we align ourselves with the control strand of the adjacent zone;
  • The finishing touches are to dry and comb your hair, paying attention to possible imperfections. We bring the shape to perfection and do the styling.

How to cut your own bob haircut

The technique is similar to a bob haircut, but has a number of differences. The technique is carried out in 5 steps:

  • We divide clean and damp hair into 7 equal parts according to the main zones: two occipital, two on the crown, temporal and central. Leave a thin line of strands along the hair growth;
  • Let's start with the temples. We pull it out at a right angle to the head and trim it. Strand by strand;
  • Let's move on to the back of the head. Using the control strand, measure the required length and trim the ends;
  • From the back of the head we move forward, focusing on the length of the previous curls. So we cut all the zones, finishing with strands left around the circumference of the head;
  • We shave the back of the head with a machine, dry the hair with a hairdryer and style it.

Doing a cascade haircut yourself

This is perhaps the simplest technique of all the ones described above. It is carried out in three stages:

  • We comb clean, damp hair and collect a high ponytail on the forehead, using a thin comb to give it clear, even edges to grip. The tail should be exactly in the center;
  • We cut off the ends of the tail in a straight line, taking into account the length of the haircut that you want to get in the end. We check if there are any falling out hairs and adjust the bun;
  • Let your hair down, comb and style. The cascade haircut is ready!

If you can’t find a good hairdresser, your hand confidently and without trembling takes hold of the scissors, as a child you dreamed of becoming a hairdresser - decide to experiment! Start by trimming the ends. Having mastered the technique, move on to more complex techniques. You can create a current, effective image with your own hands.

Do you need to refresh your hair or remove the length? Of course, you can sign up for a very expensive salon or ask a friend. But there is another trick! Knowing how to cut the ends of your hair beautifully, you will no longer depend on anyone.

What do you need to cut your hair?

To achieve results and make a beautiful cut, be sure to buy the following set of tools:

  • Comb with frequent rounded teeth;
  • Spray bottle with water;
  • Brush;
  • Clips, elastic bands, hairpins;
  • Classic scissors for an even cut;
  • Thinning scissors;
  • Mirror.

Important! Do not use ordinary household scissors for cutting. Be sure to buy them in a special store - professional tools are very well sharpened and will not cut strands.

Cutting the tips yourself - 7 simplest options

To trim the ends yourself, use any of the master classes described below.

Method 1. Low ponytail

Perhaps the simplest and most affordable option. Even a novice “stylist” can cope with it.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Tie a low ponytail. Carefully make sure that the strands do not stick out and are without cocks. The tail must be absolutely smooth!
  3. For convenience, wet your hair with water from a spray bottle.
  4. And now you need to tie elastic bands (thin, made of silicone) along the entire length. Place them at an equal distance from each other (about 2 cm). Leave as much as you want to cut at the bottom.
  5. Just under the bottom elastic make a nice cut.
  6. Remove all the elastic bands, loosen your hair, and comb it with a brush.

Method 2. High ponytail for a cascade

To give yourself a cascading haircut yourself, you only need to spend a couple of minutes! But the results will be no worse than those of a professional hairdresser.

  1. Part your hair in the center.
  2. Comb yourself thoroughly.
  3. Prepare the necessary materials.
  4. Tie a tight ponytail, placing it almost at your forehead.
  5. For convenience, you can wet your hair with water.
  6. Tighten it with an elastic band at the desired level.
  7. Carefully cut off the tip.
  8. Unwind your hair - enjoy the result!

Method 3 – Classic

This method will not allow you to cut your own hair, but you will be able to help your friends.

1. Wash your hair with shampoo.

2. Remove excess moisture with a towel.

3. Comb your hair thoroughly, making it perfectly smooth.

4. Using the sharp tip of a comb, separate part of the hair (1-2 cm) growing in the back of the head. It should not be very wide - it will be difficult to trim. Twist the rest of the hair into a bundle and secure with a clip so that it does not interfere with it for now.

5. Comb the strands again with a fine-tooth comb.

6. Measure the desired length. Be sure to look at how the person holds his head while getting a haircut. If it is very raised or lowered, move the cutting line in accordance with the normal position of the head. Now you can make the cut.

7. Comb your strands again and trim any loose hairs again. The first row has appeared, along which you will align all subsequent layers.

8. Make another horizontal parting, separating another small section of hair.

9. Comb it with a comb.

10. Following the first row, trim this layer.

11. Comb the strands again and moisten them with water if the ends are dry. Trim stray hairs.

12. Separate another layer of hair from the bundle and comb it strictly from the crown down.

13. Trim this layer, aligning it with the others.

14. Comb the rest of your hair into a parting.

15. Trim the middle part to fit the overall cut.

16. Cut the side hairs at an angle. They will differ from the main cut line by only 1 cm.

17. Comb your strands again.

18. If there are excess hairs, trim them carefully.

Method 4 – Using a special level

Using a hairdressing level, you can trim the ends of your hair in a minute. It's easy to use - see for yourself!

1. Comb the strands well and straighten them with an iron.

2. Part your hair in the center, dividing your hair into two parts.

3. Gather hair under your chin and put on a level.

4. Pull it to the length that needs to be cut. Make sure the bubble is in the middle and cut off the ends.

You can use this useful device in another way.

  1. Tie a high ponytail.
  2. Pin it level at the base.
  3. Tilt your head down.
  4. Pull the level to the desired length.
  5. Trim the ends with scissors.

Tips to help you trim the ends of your hair yourself (video)

Method 5 – In different directions

To cut your own hair beautifully, take note of this very simple method.

1. Comb your hair, lift it up and twist it into a tight braid.

2. Holding it firmly above your head, cut it to the desired length with scissors.

3. Let your hair go and comb thoroughly.

4. Gather the strands again, lift them to the top of your head and twist them into a tight rope, twisting it in the opposite direction.

5. Trim stray hairs.

Method 6. Cutting two low ponytails

If you have neither the time nor the desire to bother with a haircut for a long time, you can use this unique option.

1. Comb your hair thoroughly, making a central parting.

2. Tie the halves into two tight, low ponytails.

3. Pull the elastic bands to the desired length.

5. Trim the ends immediately below the elastic bands. Work the strand from its edges to the center. Hold the scissors themselves at an angle of 45 degrees - this will give the cut a soft, natural look.

6. Remove both elastic bands and comb your hair. The hair on your back will be V-shaped. If you need an even cut, gather the strands into a ponytail and trim the ends.

Method 6 – Head down

Don't know how to cut the ends of your hair beautifully? We hope this method will be useful to each of you, because it can be used on strands of any length.

1. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. You don't need to dry it with a hairdryer - your hair should be fairly damp.

2. Spread the towel down in front of you.

3. Bend your head down and comb your hair.

4. Moving from left to right, trim your hair. Do not grab wide strands - it will be very uncomfortable. Comb your hair with a comb from time to time to ensure you are cutting evenly.

5. Considering that your hair is damp, remove a little less than you would like. They will become a little shorter when the head dries out.

6. Raise your head and comb your hair.

Method 7 - Haircut 6 tails

Cutting ends at home can hardly do without this interesting master class. We're sure you've never had your hair cut like that before!

1. Wash your hair with shampoo and remove excess moisture.

2. Keeping your head straight, divide your hair into 6 sections - bangs, 2 top (left and right), 2 side (left and right) and occipital. To avoid confusion, please look at the photo carefully.

3. Tie each section into a tight ponytail.

4. Trim the ends of the tails to the desired level. Depending on the result, hold the scissors differently:

  • Straight cut – horizontally;
  • Soft multi-layer cut - at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Ragged cut - first horizontally and then vertically, making one movement for each strand.

5. Unwind your hair and comb thoroughly.

6. Trim any hairs that stand out from the total mass.

You probably know why you need to trim the ends, because the entire appearance of your hair depends on it. Finally, let’s clarify a few important points:

  • Trim your hair only when the moon is waxing - there is a special calendar in which you can find out favorable days;
  • Long hair should be trimmed 2 cm every 3 months. During the rest of the period, you can use various masks and hair strengthening products;
  • Don't neglect this procedure if you constantly wear makeup or perm your hair. Such hair is very susceptible to external influences and requires special care;
  • The ends need to be trimmed even when the strands are of medium length. This will allow them to keep their shape better;
  • To make the process easier, cut dark hair on a light background and light hair on a dark background. This way you can avoid any inaccuracies;
  • Do not hold the scissors at a right angle to the hair. This will make them hurt even more. Give preference to a diagonal position - it will prolong the health of the strands;
  • If the ends split 2 centimeters upward, you will have to remove a little more - up to 2.5 centimeters. This increase will give your hair a neat, well-groomed and tidy look. If you remove strictly 2 cm, the cross-section will return very quickly;
  • There is another effective way to cut off split ends. Divide your hair into thin curls, twist each into a strand, pull your fingers along it from bottom to top and cut off any stray hairs.

If you want to learn hairdressing, you can take special courses. But this requires funds and free time. If you want to know how to learn how to cut hair at home, the same men's haircuts, then you can do it yourself. The main thing is that you have a little imagination and effort. Feel free to start learning!

The easiest way to learn to cut thin and sparse hair

Many girls often ask the question: is it possible to learn hairdressing? The answer is clear - yes, if you put some effort into the task. Attending specialized courses is necessary if you intend to work in this specialty in the future. For yourself, you can use a selection of thematic video lessons, and practice the practice on family members.

But this method of learning how to cut hair at home has one drawback - when you receive the theoretical foundations from the video, you play the role of a simple observer, which means you won’t be able to immediately apply the acquired knowledge and repeat the techniques after the master. Not all videos from the Internet pay attention to basic skills, although they reveal a lot of useful nuances.

If you want to train yourself on how to learn how to cut hair at home, then first you will need:

  1. purchase the necessary tools and equip a place for storing them and cutting haircuts; it is advisable that there is good lighting and a large mirror;
  2. learning to divide your hair into zones is the most basic skill, without which you will not be able to cut your hair or dye it;
  3. videos are good, but you can’t do without literature either - you need to buy a couple of sensible books for novice hairdressers, which will show you how to use the tools correctly, and outline simple haircut patterns;
  4. be sure to find a person or a wig, maybe a doll - on which you will practice your technique.

Beginners should also remember that you should not cut your hair too short for the first time; it is better to leave a small reserve of hair to correct the result if something goes wrong. In the future, everything will depend only on your experience.

What tools will you need?

Before you learn hairdressing, you will have to acquire the necessary tools, namely:

  1. sharp scissors intended only for haircuts - you should not use them for other purposes, as they will quickly become dull;
  2. a set of combs with teeth of different lengths and frequencies - with their help you will comb and divide your hair into working zones;
  3. an apron cape for yourself and a cape for the client, which will protect his clothes from small hair;
  4. water spray - most haircuts are done on damp hair to make it easier to work with;
  5. hair clips - in the process you will have to remove and fix the strands, so you can’t do without special hairpins;
  6. hairdryer and machine - everything is clear here and without comment.

Can be used instead of professional sharp stationery scissors

As your skills develop, other necessary tools will appear - thinning scissors, nozzles, styling products and other materials.

Haircut with clipper

The machine is used to create male images. The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with its design and operating principle, understand how it fits in your hand, what attachments and capabilities it has.

There are certain rules on how to learn the hairdressing art of using this tool:

  1. All her haircuts are done on dry hair to avoid getting stuck and sloppy results;
  2. movements with the machine are performed against hair growth, in the direction from the back of the head to the parietal and temporal zones;
  3. the edgings and parotid area are always cut with a smaller nozzle, and the work itself begins with a medium-sized nozzle;
  4. To create model haircuts and patterns, in addition to different attachments, special stencils and various techniques are used.

Haircut with scissors

If you have already practiced cutting with a clipper, then start learning how to use scissors.

Shortening bangs is the easiest exercise for beginners

Here, too, there are rules for learning this hairdressing art at home:

  1. before cutting, imagine the final appearance of your work;
  2. keep all the necessary equipment at your fingertips;
  3. Do any haircut on clean, slightly damp, carefully combed hair;
  4. follow the algorithm - no more than 5 clicks of scissors per strand;
  5. don’t be afraid of mistakes - always leave yourself a small margin of length to correct them;
  6. start with simple tasks - cut off bangs, trim split ends;
  7. gradually move on to more complex ones - ladder and square.

How to learn to cut men's haircuts?

The question itself, how to learn to cut hair, is not difficult. But still, men's hairstyles are much simpler than women's, due to their short length. As in any training, start with the easiest, boxing and semi-boxing haircuts.

Let's look at their example of how to learn how to cut men's haircuts:

  1. start with the basics, determining the type of hairstyle - in this case, the temples and the back of the head are shorter, and the crown is longer;
  2. what to use to achieve the effect - the pattern of this haircut is created by 2-3 attachments of different lengths;
  3. move step by step - comb your hair, separate a strand and remove excess length with scissors, cut the rest of the hair on the crown in the same way as the control strand;
  4. after the excess length is removed, use a clipper, cut against the growth direction so that the teeth lift the hairs well;
  5. start working with the machine from the back of the head - take a smaller attachment, move in small steps from bottom to top, removing the lower level, move until the beginning of the edging;
  6. consult with the man - what type of edging he likes or suits and create it with a machine, trying to make a smooth transition from the short area to the crown;
  7. formalize the transition with a longer nozzle - for example, if you worked with a single head, switch to a two, and cut the top of your head with a three or four, depending on the client’s wishes;
  8. The temples require special care - they are located close to the face, so all inaccuracies will be noticeable, trim the length literally by millimeters to avoid mistakes;
  9. the temples are made oblique or straight - the latter option is used more often, since a smooth transition looks better, especially if a man wears a beard;
  10. an important point - some representatives of the stronger sex wear bangs, it must be done only with scissors - gradually lift strand by strand and equalize their length, on curly hair it is better to avoid bangs altogether, they are not suitable for curly guys;
  11. The hairline is formed at the very end with the help of scissors; if it goes too low, it can be shaved, but not in the case of a child - the soft fluff will soon turn into hard stubble.

Hairstyle is half the success of beauty. And we’re not just talking about intricate hairstyles, bouffants and curly haircuts, no. Hair can look luxurious even with the most ordinary hairstyle if it is neat, well-groomed and neat. And for this you need to take good care of them, including remembering to get a haircut at least once a month. But what to do if you don’t have time to go to the salon? Or if you can't find a professional you can trust? The answer is simple – cut your hair yourself! It's not as difficult as it seems. You just need to follow the basic instructions, and then you can easily cut the ends of your own hair, at least. Read further in the article on how to cut your hair yourself. You will see that you can do it.

Preliminary preparation for cutting at home

Before you begin any type of haircut, you need to make some preparations.

  • Get good scissors. No matter how golden your hands are, old blunt tools, especially scissors, can ruin things. It is better to purchase them in specialized professional stores. It will be most convenient for you to use small scissors with blades 6 to 10 cm long;
  • Provide comfortable conditions. The room in which you are going to cut your hair yourself should be well lit, clean, have enough free space and a mirror;
  • Think about the concept in advance. Look at yourself in the mirror and clearly decide what you want - just trim the ends or cut your hair by 10 cm, for example. Improvising during the cutting process is not a good idea;
  • Study your hair. Analyze the structure, how much curl the curls have, how difficult it is to style... All this will help you calculate the optimal cutting method that is suitable for you.

Necessary tools for cutting your own hair

To cut your own hair, you cannot do without special tools. We have already mentioned high quality scissors above. Now we will list step by step all the tools that will be needed during the haircut process.

  • Hairpins of different sizes;
  • Elastic bands;
  • Comb-massage;
  • A thin comb with fine teeth and a sharp edge;
  • Small mirror;
  • Large wall mirror;
  • Spray.

How to cut your hair at home - step by step diagram

So, almost any haircut can be done by yourself, without resorting to the help of hairdressers. Decide exactly how you want to cut your hair and read the article with step-by-step diagrams below.

How to cut your own hair ends

Probably the easiest type of home haircut is to trim the ends. Split ends and untidy hair ends can ruin the overall appearance of your hairstyle. They immediately make their owner unkempt and unkempt. It is important to monitor this, but not everyone may like spending time and money on such a basic procedure every month. That is why we offer you a way to cut the ends of your hair yourself.

  1. Cut off split ends just above the section. This way they will be stronger. On average, it is enough to cut your hair by 1-2 cm;
  2. Start cutting from the crown of the head (from the forehead to the crown): use the sharp end of a thin comb to push part of the hair over your face and, holding a strand between your index and middle fingers, carefully cut off the desired amount. Try to cut perpendicularly;
  3. Next, move either from right to left or from left to right, whichever is more convenient for you. The parietal strand that you have already trimmed will determine the length of all other strands. So take the already trimmed part of the hair and the part that is still untouched and, aligning them with each other, cut a long strand;
  4. Repeat step 3 with all other strands;
  5. Dry your hair and, if necessary, lightly trim your already dry hair.

This is how easy it is to cut your hair yourself. Of course, this is the most basic type of haircut, but it is what girls most often need.

How to cut short hair yourself

It will also be easy for those with short hair. It’s quite easy to get a haircut for this kind of hair, so be sure to try it. Just do not deviate from the step-by-step instructions and, if something is not clear, look at the photos and videos.

  1. Wet your hair with a spray bottle and comb it;
  2. Divide it into several zones using the sharp end of a comb. Twist and pin the strands so that they do not interfere during work;
  3. Start cutting your hair from the temple area. Take one strand in this area and cut it as desired. Next, take another strand higher and, pulling it together with the first at an angle of 45 degrees, cut it, aligning it with the already trimmed strand. Do this operation with all the strands of the temporal zone;
  4. From the temples you should move gradually to the back of the head. Proceed according to the same principle: grab a little hair from the previous, already cut strand in order to cut a new one along it. Please note that the curls at the back of the head should remain a little longer. In this way, treat the entire back of the head to the middle;
  5. Comb the lower part of the hair at the back of the head and cut the required length;
  6. The main work is done, all that remains is to process the hair a little. Using the old scheme (grabbing the trimmed and untouched strands), trim the ends so that the upper long strands smoothly transition into the lower short ones;
  7. Now only the parietal region remains untouched. Take a part of the hair along the side parting, grabbing the trimmed strand along with it, pull it perpendicular to the head and trim it, aligning it with the trimmed strands;
  8. Now dry and comb your hair and get rid of small errors on already dry curls.

Now you know how to cut short hair yourself. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

How to cut your hair with a ladder

We have discussed only the simplest hairstyle options, it’s time to touch on the topic of curly haircuts for long hair. In fact, there are a lot of them, and it’s impossible to talk about them all. Therefore, we decided to highlight one of the most popular women's haircuts. Read, watch photos and videos about how to cut your own hair.

  1. Wet your curls with water from a spray bottle and comb;
  2. Bend forward so that your long hair is parallel to the floor. And from this position you need to cut off 1-2 cm of the ends;
  3. Return to the starting position. Divide your hair into sectors and secure them with hairpins in the parietal area;
  4. Start cutting from the back strand in the occipital area. Choose one strand that will guide the rest of your haircut. Comb it again, pulling it at an angle of 90 degrees. to the head. Pinch it between your index and middle fingers and trim the cut on the outside of your fingers;
  5. Repeat steps 4 with the entire occipital region, aligning all strands under the first, control;
  6. Now take care of the side sectors. Also moisten them and, starting from the length of the occipital area, begin to cut the ends. Grab an untouched strand and part of the already cut hair and cut it so that the length of the new strand does not reach 2 cm;
  7. Repeat step 6 along the entire length of the hair;
  8. Dry your hair and, if necessary, lightly trim your already dry hair.

Voila! Now you can cut your own hair, even if you have long hair!

You are convinced that cutting your own hair is not so difficult. The main thing is to have desire and perseverance, and also not to forget to read the instructions and watch training photos and videos, and then you will succeed. Good luck!

Video: Instructions: how to cut your own hair at home with a ladder

Have you ever thought that you could completely update your hairstyle yourself? Who knows your hair better than you, what suits you, and what kind of haircut you dream of? It turns out that everything is not as complicated as it might seem. We have put together instructions that will help you complete the task with ease!

Photo guide for beginners

Cutting your own hair is so easy! Just 20 simple steps and you are a queen!

DIY haircut: long bob

Summer is coming, which means you will be too hot with long hair! It's time for a long bob, and our instructions will help you make it yourself. You will need: two rubber bands, sharp scissors, sleight of hand and your own courage. Go for it!

Add layers in 2 easy steps

You don't have to run to the hairdresser to lighten your hair and add texture. Two rubber bands and scissors will save you again!

Do-it-yourself haircut: making the task more difficult

At first glance, the girl in the video is doing something incredible. But believe me, you can do it! By the way, this is a great way to control the thickness and length of each layer.

Add layers – 2

With the help of hair clips you can create a wonderful haircut.

DIY haircut for medium length

A great way to refresh your ends and create a neat, face-framing haircut. Use the hairdresser's hint!

Chic haircut for long hair at home

Some girls are so adept at cutting their own hair that their hairstyles make you jealous! Try it too! Advice: practice on small strands of hair, or even better on a doll!

Change your hairstyle with long bangs

Sometimes it's enough to cut the hair near your face to change your look.

Cutting wavy hair

It's even easier for you! You can afford to make a small mistake, so feel free to get to work!