How to bleach yellow fox fur at home. Methods for bleaching yellowish fox fur How to bleach yellowish rabbit fur

11.04.2024 Lifestyle

All fur products require proper care and special attention. Owners of fur coats often have questions about how to bleach their fur. Due to constant use or long-term storage, such products lose their original aesthetic appearance and beauty and turn yellow.

You can carry out bleaching procedures at home, without resorting to the services of professional dry cleaners, so the question of how to bleach fur at home is relevant.

All fur products require proper care and special attention.

Cleaning white fur products can be done at home using various and most unusual products.

Small sawdust from trees with the addition of purified gasoline has an excellent whitening effect.

The main options that will help deal with stains on things and whiten white fur are the following:

  1. Small sawdust from trees with the addition of purified gasoline has an excellent whitening effect. At the same time, special sawdust can be purchased at any pet store (when purchasing, pay attention to the fact that the product should not contain resin), and gasoline can be found on supermarket shelves in the household chemicals department. To clean the product, just mix these two components and scatter them on the surface of the fur and rub gently. At the end of the procedure, the fur is combed and the remaining sawdust is shaken out.
  2. You can use an alcohol solution with the addition of baking soda. To prepare the cleanser, mix the components in a ratio of three to one and treat the fur surface with a soft sponge.
  3. If you have pets at home, you can borrow some shampoo from them and carry out the procedure for bleaching the fur product. A weak soap solution is made from this shampoo, applied to white fur and wiped with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  4. As a bleaching agent, you can use regular cereal - semolina. It is necessary to treat fur products with it, laying things out on a hard and flat surface. Such dry cleaning will easily cope with settled dust and yellowing. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to shake out the remaining cereal from the outer clothing.

In order to bleach yellowed natural fur, you can use one of the methods described above or try a method such as dry cleaning services.

As a bleaching agent, you can use regular cereal - semolina.

How can you restore the whiteness of faux fur products?

To bleach faux white fur, you can use the previous cleaning methods or use other approaches. For example, prepare a whitening mixture that consists of only two ingredients: water and glycerin. For such a solution, it is necessary to mix the components in equal quantities and apply to the fur product. All actions are carried out in the direction of the pile, after which the fur is dried and carefully combed with a brush with soft bristles.

Semolina and potato starch will help get rid of yellowness.

You can also clean faux fur in the following ways:

  1. Semolina and potato starch will help get rid of yellowness. To carry out the procedure, you should lay the product flat on a hard surface and straighten out all the folds. Next, generously sprinkle the fur with a mixture of semolina and starch. Using a paper napkin, treat the surface, gently and easily rubbing the cleaning components into the pile. Upon completion of cleaning, simply shake the fur product to remove any remaining bleaching agents.
  2. You can also prepare an alcohol solution with the addition of regular baking soda. For a glass of water you will need 15 milliliters of medical alcohol and a teaspoon of soda. Mix all components thoroughly and use a spray bottle to distribute over the entire surface of the fur. Next, use a soft brush to clean the product in the direction of the pile.
  3. A whitening spray made with water and six percent hydrogen peroxide has proven itself well. To make a bleach solution, you need to take a glass of water and about ten milliliters of peroxide. Then pour into a container with a spray bottle and spray over the entire surface of the fur product.
  4. Another way is to prepare a bleach mixture. To do this, you will need the following components: dishwashing detergent, potato starch and washing powder. It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the pile. Wait until the mixture is completely dry and brush with a soft bristle brush.

Note! As a last resort, in order to bleach faux fur and get rid of various contaminants, you can use a method such as regular hand washing.

You can also prepare an alcohol solution with the addition of regular baking soda.

How can you wash faux fur without damaging the product?

How to bleach faux fur if dry cleaning does not bring the desired result? Almost all products made from synthetic materials can be wet processed. The main thing is to do everything correctly and as carefully as possible.

Almost all products made from synthetic materials can be wet processed

In order to get rid of various dirt, stains and bleach faux fur, you will need the following cleaning tools and products:

  • a small but roomy basin or bowl;
  • shower gel or shampoo (it is not recommended to use liquid washing powder, as it has an aggressive effect on fur products);
  • soft sponge or soft brush;
  • paper napkins or towels;
  • light terry towel.

The wet washing process will consist of several stages. First of all, it is necessary to place the fur product in such a way as to provide access to all places and smooth out folds. For convenience, you can hang the item on hangers. In a small basin with lukewarm water, you need to dilute a small amount of gel or shampoo. Shake the mixture until you get a lot of soap foam. Using a soft sponge or brush, treat the entire surface of the product, trying to work exclusively with foam, using a minimum amount of water.

Upon completion of the procedure, use dry wipes or paper towels to remove excess moisture from the surface of the fur. You can also use a terry towel, which can absorb the maximum amount of moisture. Next, gently smooth the pile with your hands in the desired direction and leave to dry in a warm room, avoiding proximity to heating devices and radiators. An important point is that you can comb the artificial pile only when it is completely dry. A regular comb with blunt teeth or a special brush will do for this.

Note! By correctly performing all the steps, you can whiten and refresh the fur, as well as get rid of contaminants such as various stains and dust.

How can you clean products made from arctic fox and silver fox fur?

Products made from arctic fox fur have always been signs of luxury and beauty. The item is soft to the touch and brings warmth and comfort. Unfortunately, even the most careful care will not be able to protect the owner of an arctic fox coat from yellowing of the fur.

A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of temporary yellowing and restore the whiteness of arctic fox fur.

How can you bleach Arctic fox fur? There are several proven methods listed below:

  1. Potato starch has the ability to bleach various fabrics and fur products. It, like a sorbent, absorbs dirt and allows you to return the original whiteness of the item. In order to clean a product made from arctic fox fur, it is necessary to treat its entire surface with potato starch, and then carefully rub this component into the pile. Upon completion of the procedure, shake off the remaining starch from the fur and carefully comb the fur coat with a soft brush.
  2. A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of temporary yellowing and restore the whiteness of arctic fox fur. The cleaner can be prepared by mixing a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of peroxide and a few drops of alcohol. Spray the bleach solution onto the pile of the product and hang the product in such a way that it receives direct sunlight.

To restore the shine and shine of a fur coat, you can treat it with a napkin soaked in a weak vinegar solution.

Quite a large number of women are happy owners of fur coats, sheepskin coats and other fur products. Whether it is white natural or white faux fur, it will still turn yellow. Therefore, you need to know how to clean yellow fur from white fur at home. In this article you will learn how to do this, and we will also tell you about the reasons for yellowing of fur products.

The most popular way

How to remove yellowed sheepskin fur? One of the simplest and most effective methods for cleaning white fur on a jacket if it has turned yellow using improvised means is to use hydrogen peroxide. Its price is low, and you can buy the solution at any pharmacy:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Then spray the resulting solution from a spray bottle onto the pile.
  3. After this procedure, leave your fur coat to dry completely at room temperature.
  4. When it is completely dry, carefully comb it using a wide comb, and then shake it lightly.

Important! If only a certain part of the clothing is covered with fur, be especially careful. Spray the hydrogen peroxide solution so that it cannot get on other parts of the clothing. Otherwise, the cleaning effect will be very uneven, and you can irreversibly damage the remaining parts of the item. You can cover the parts without edges with plastic wrap to prevent stains from the hydrogen peroxide solution from appearing on them.

Pet products will help in the fight for the whiteness of sheepskin coats

A rather unexpected but justifiable way to clean white fur is to use pet shampoo. If you think about it a little, such a decision will be very logical, because we get fur from animals and similar cosmetics are intended for washing their fur.

How to use pet shampoo to restore white fur:

  1. Dilute the product in warm water.
  2. Dampen a rag or cotton pad with the resulting solution.
  3. Wring it out thoroughly and process the edge in the direction of pile growth.
  4. After this, wipe the fur coat with a napkin and let it dry.
  5. Comb the pile with a soft brush, and then lightly beat it to give it a beautiful shape.

You can clean white fur using another zoological product:

  1. Pour a small amount of gasoline into small sawdust, which is used for keeping pets.
  2. Let them soak.
  3. Sprinkle the white fur with sawdust and leave for a while.
  4. After this, just clean the fur coat and comb it thoroughly.

Important! This method will help not only to clean white fur at home, but also to remove small dirt from the surface of the fur product.

How to bleach natural snow-white fur?

Before you begin to independently return the snow-white color to natural fur, thoroughly clean it of dust and dirt, because even the most ordinary dirt contributes to the appearance of yellowness. Place your item on a damp surface and go through the pile with light tapping movements. Dry.

Now you can begin to return the snow-whiteness. To do this, the easiest way is to use traditional methods, because there are more than enough products to clean yellow fur from white fur at home. And they are all available and you probably have them in your medicine cabinet or kitchen.

Folk remedies for cleaning fur

  • Potato starch or semolina are an excellent way to remove yellowness from fur. Place the product on a flat surface, cover it with starch or semolina, and then gently rub it, as if washing it. After this, vacuum your fur product and beat up the remaining grains of starch/semolina using a stick.
  • Ordinary blueing will also help solve the problem of how to restore attractive and neat white fur to the desired state. Dilute it in warm water, according to the instructions from the manufacturer of the product, soak a sponge or cotton pad in the solution and treat the fur.
  • You can also dilute baking soda and rubbing alcohol in a 3:1 ratio in slightly warm water. Moisten a brush or sponge in the resulting solution and carefully, but thoroughly, sweep over the fur in the direction of pile growth. This method is good for cleaning fur products from dirt and dust from the street.
  • To get rid of more stubborn stains, you can mix potato starch and refined gasoline. Apply the resulting paste to the stains against the direction of hair growth and let dry. Then remove the powder with a brush and comb your fur product.
  • Buy bran that will also help you safely remove yellowness from white fur at home. Heat them in a frying pan until hot, but do not forget to stir them. Then rub the hot bran into the fur. And then, when they have cooled down, thoroughly shake out your fur product.

Important! Under no circumstances wet the inner layer (the base of the outerwear accessory). In this case, it is best to dry the fur in sunlight, since the rays will enhance the effect of bleaching substances and also speed up the process.

Fur differs from fur!

Furs for outerwear are made from lint and skins of various animals, so when cleaning it is worth choosing a more suitable product for a particular product. Here the recommendations will be as follows:

  1. Peroxide is used to remove yellowness from white mink fur at home.
  2. If you need to bleach Arctic fox fur, simply increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the solution.
  3. All of the above methods are also suitable for silver fox fur products.
  4. In order to bleach white rabbit fur, you can use both the previous methods or prepare a slightly different solution: mix 1 tbsp of water. and salt - 1 tbsp. l. Next, proceed as with peroxide.

How to properly care for snow-white fur?

To ensure that white fur does not have to be constantly cleaned, it must be stored in the proper place and form. Here are some useful tips that will help preserve the original beauty of a white fur product:

  • When cleaning the fur, do not rub it too intensely, otherwise it may tear.
  • Store the fur item in a linen bag or blue paper so that it cannot turn yellow.
  • If the fur has become dull, you can wipe it with a rag, which you have first soaked in 9% vinegar, and then hang it out to air.
  • Geranium leaves, orange peels or tobacco will help protect your fur items from moths if they are placed in close proximity to the item in a closet in fabric bags.

How to bleach faux fur?

When items are made of faux fur on a synthetic base, they can be washed by hand, and after thoroughly drying, comb them. But if the base consists of cotton, then washing is not recommended, because the product may become deformed. Or whip out the lining before you start washing.

You can bleach faux fur products using the methods described above using hydrogen peroxide, starch, or a glycerin solution. For the latter: take equal parts of water and glycerin, mix them thoroughly and clean the fur with the resulting solution.

Important! Not all types of faux fur can be bleached using gasoline. This method is not suitable for artificial scribble.

Yellow stains can also be removed using lemon juice, which must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water.

Over time, light fur can take on an unattractive yellow tint. In this article we will talk about how to fix and prevent this problem.

Ways to eliminate yellowness

First, clean the product from dust and dirt, which can also contribute to yellowing of the fur. Spread it on a damp surface and lightly beat out the lint or brush over it. After this, dry the product.

Alcohol and soda

Take 1 part rubbing alcohol, 3 parts baking soda and add to warm water. Dip the brush into the resulting solution and walk over the surface of the pile, moving in the direction of hair growth.

Starch and gasoline

Difficult stains can be dealt with using potato starch and refined gasoline. Mix the products to a paste and apply it to the yellowed areas, applying it against the direction of villi growth. When the paste dries, it can be easily removed with a brush. After this, the fur should be combed.

Ammonia and salt

Prepare a solution of 100 milliliters of water, a tablespoon of salt and 2 milliliters of ammonia. Dip a sponge or cotton swab into the mixture and work through the fur.

Alcohol and vinegar

Mix water with alcohol and vinegar in equal proportions. Spread the solution over the surface of the fur, dry it, then comb it.

To renew dull fur, wipe it with a sponge soaked in 9% vinegar. Then ventilate the product.

Lemon juice

Dilute it with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and treat the product.


Take sawdust that is used for pets and fill it with refined gasoline. After they are soaked, pour them onto the white fur and wait a little. This method copes well with dirt. After some time, the sawdust should be removed and the fur coat should be combed.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Dilute a little peroxide and ammonia in milk, and then treat the surface with this composition. This method can also be used for light sheepskin coats.

Features of cleaning different types of fur


In order to tidy up a white mink, prepare a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. For 1 part of the product you will need the same amount of liquid. It is better to apply the solution using a spray bottle, after which it is recommended to dry the product naturally, without using additional heat sources.

Silver fox

Starch or semolina is suitable for cleaning. Apply any of these products to the surface of the pile and rub in a little. Then take a brush and start cleaning the fur with it. This procedure can be repeated several times.

Arctic fox

If you need to refresh your fur coat or fox collar, then dilute any shampoo with water in equal proportions. It is necessary to treat the fur only superficially with this solution so as to prevent the fur and lining from becoming completely wet. Otherwise, the fur coat will lose its shape. Treatment should be carried out using a brush, moving along the pile.


Such products require especially delicate care, since rabbit skins are quite thin and wear out quickly. To remove yellowness, first treat the surface with a mixture of blue and water. And then pour warm wheat bran onto the fur, preheating it in a frying pan or in the oven. Next, start cleaning with a soft brush in the direction of hair growth.

Faux fur

Yellowness can be eliminated using the following method: prepare a glass of water and the same amount of technical alcohol (denatured alcohol), mix the liquids and drop a little glycerin. The mixture will cope with the problem perfectly, but it should not be applied to painted products.

Rules for caring for light fur

The main reasons why fur turns yellow:

  • High humidity.
  • Dust.
  • Natural human secretions: sweat and sebum.

To prevent trouble, follow these rules:

  1. Do not wear a fur coat in snow or rainy weather. Do not store it in areas with high humidity.
  2. If your fur coat gets wet, dry it thoroughly, but not near heating appliances, but using a fan or hairdryer with cold air.
  3. It is advisable to store a fur product in a dry, dark place, in a plastic or fabric cover.
  4. Take off your fur coat in warm rooms, avoid excessive sweating.
  5. Regularly clean the fur from dust and comb it using a special brush.

A fur coat must be protected from moths. To do this, place orange peels, tobacco or geranium leaves in fabric bags and place them in the closet.

The luxury and immaculate purity of white fur is another temptation for a woman when purchasing a fur product. The whiteness of new things captivates, giving youth and attractiveness to its owner. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and over time the charm of light fur is lost through the appearance of an unattractive yellow tint. Then you start to wonder how to restore the original whiteness of your favorite thing?

Options for solving the problem

Take your fur item to the dry cleaner. But not every company that provides cleaning services agrees to take on such work; it can guarantee high-quality cleaning, while indicating a high percentage of wear on the product. Large dry cleaners in big cities specialize in such cleaning technologies, but they are not the only ones who love fur items. In addition, paying for such a service requires considerable expenses.

It is possible to bleach your favorite fur item yourself. Initially, you need to shake out the product to remove accumulated dust. Indoors, spread the item on a damp sheet, fur side down, and beat with light movements. Dry.

Before starting bleaching, it is better to conduct a test on a small area of ​​fur, preferably from the inside.

Fur bleaching with powdered and fine-grained materials

The following materials (sorbents) can be used for bleaching: fine sawdust, chalk, potato starch, semolina, bran. It is forbidden to use only sawdust from coniferous trees, since their wood contains resin.

The selected material must be scattered over the entire fur surface and thoroughly rubbed into the pile so that the dirt is absorbed, then shake the product thoroughly, and comb out the remaining particles with a brush.

To improve the effectiveness of starch, you can dilute it with gasoline to a slurry; it would be better to use aviation starch, since it does not have a yellowish tint. Rub the wet mixture into the product, wait until it dries and carefully brush off. If there is no gasoline, you can replace it with an aqueous solution of detergent for washing wool or animal shampoo.

If your choice fell on wheat bran or a mixture of wheat and rye bran in 1:1 proportions, then they should be heated to an average temperature of 60 C. This can be done in a clean, dry frying pan, stirring the bran all the time. Apply the hot material to the fur, rub in, wait until it cools completely and then shake out the item. Bran can be bought at a pharmacy or any supermarket.

Whitening using hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the solution, you need to take a glass of water at room temperature, add to it 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - 5 - 6 drops. Ammonia and peroxide can be bought at the pharmacy. With the prepared solution, using a moistened and wrung-out sponge, gently moisten the fur, while protecting the inside from getting wet. Next, dry the product, preferably in the sun. Occasionally use a whiter concentrated peroxide solution in a 1:1 ratio. This concentrate is recommended for use if you decide to bleach a product made from arctic fox fur.

But what should owners of an expensive white mink do? Women love this kind of fur very much, but after just a few seasons of wear, their item acquires a yellowish tint, which is difficult to remove. To clean white mink, it is best to resort to peroxide solutions.

How to bleach rabbit fur?

A solution prepared with 5-6 drops of ammonia and 1 tablespoon of table salt diluted in a glass of water will effectively remove dirt and yellowness from the fur of a rabbit product. The above recipes are also suitable for rabbit fur.

How to bleach faux white fur?

To clean faux fur, you can use both the already discussed bleaching options and a new method - a solution of glycerin and water in a 1:1 ratio, and use it to bleach. Clothes made from faux fur on a synthetic base can be washed by hand. After this, they need to be straightened, dried and combed well. Cotton-based clothing may settle, resulting in deformation of the model.

Natural furs that are used for sewing products can be long-haired or short-haired. Housewives may have additional questions related to the features of bleaching in accordance with the length of the fur. For all furs, regardless of their length, you can apply the recipes described above, only remembering one rule: when working with short-haired furs, the surface is treated against the pile, and with long-haired furs, against the pile.

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As a result of long-term storage, under the influence of sun, moisture and dust, snow-white fur becomes yellow. Do you know how to bleach the fur of an arctic fox or other animal if it has acquired a yellowish tint? It turns out that there are several ways to at least partially return the product to its previous appearance.

Cleaning with starch

Darkening and yellowing of the fur can be caused by dirt accumulated on it, so at the first stage it is necessary to apply water procedures. No, no one forces you to wash natural mink or arctic fox fur. It is necessary to wet a white sheet, wring it out well and wrap the fur product. With fingering movements you need to go over its entire surface. A damp cloth will pick up some of the dust, but cleaning doesn’t end there.

When the pile dries, you need to apply an adsorbent substance to absorb greasy dirt. It can be talc, ground chalk, semolina or starch. Sometimes flour is used at home, but the flour is subsequently difficult to comb out. Let's say you decide to use starch:

  • spread the fur product on a flat surface;
  • shake the starch on top;
  • lightly rub the fur with your hands so that the starch penetrates deeper;
  • After 5-10 minutes, you need to comb out the adsorbent with a brush or remove it using a vacuum cleaner turned on in low mode.

If the fur is short, then you need to comb it against the growth of the hairs, if it is long, in the direction of their growth. Starch is not very suitable for the silver fox, since it can remain among the villi, but for the arctic fox this is a good option.

Cleaning with sawdust

At home, you can clean light or dark fur items using sawdust. Buy clean sawdust from deciduous wood (linden, birch, aspen, etc.). Sawdust from coniferous trees cannot be used, as they contain resins, which can cause the fibers to stick together. Moisten the sawdust with alcohol and scatter it over the fur. Rub lightly with your hands and add another portion. So you need to go over the entire collar, hat or fur coat, and then comb out the sawdust with a comb.

Instead of alcohol, sawdust is moistened with gasoline, but it is necessary to use purified aviation gasoline so that it does not contain foreign impurities.

Sawdust absorbs dirt, grease and makes the fur lighter. This cleaning especially helps in those places where the product comes into contact with the neck and face. The method is used to refresh the collar of an arctic fox or silver fox.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

It's time to tell you how to bleach yellowed fur using hydrogen peroxide. The method is applied to the fur of white mink, silver fox, and rabbit. You need to take a glass of clean water, add a small spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to it. Soak a sponge in the solution, wring it out and wipe the surface of the fur with it.

Then hang the product so that sunlight falls on it. When exposed to light, the whitening effect of peroxide will increase. If you need to bleach the snow-white fox at home, then the amount of peroxide is increased by 2-3 times.

To get rid of the yellowness of rabbit fur, in addition to peroxide, salt is used. Make a saline solution (1 large spoon of salt per glass of water), add ammonia (small spoon) and treat the product with the solution, after which it is allowed to dry.

Bleaching faux fur

If artificial fur has turned yellow, it can only be returned to its previous state in rare cases. Try using glycerin by mixing it with water in equal proportions. The product is treated with this composition, as a result of which the pile softens and slightly brightens.

Faux fur can be washed using liquid detergents at a temperature of +30°C manually or in a hand wash mode. Washing removes dirt, but does not always help remove yellowness. If you don’t like the color of the artificial pile, all you have to do is tear off the accessory and throw it away.

Application of blue

If the item cannot be bleached, then it is given a bluish tint. For this purpose, blue has been used for a long time. First, dissolve a few drops of blue in water to obtain a light blue solution. It is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on white fur or the same as that of a silver fox.

After drying, the product acquires a slightly noticeable bluish tint. It looks like the shimmer of snow, so it doesn’t spoil the appearance of the product. If bluing does not help, then the product is repainted in a darker color. Expensive items are sent to a dry cleaner, where a specialist will clean or paint them at your request.