One month from the date we met. Congratulations to your loved one on the anniversary of your relationship in your own words

17.09.2024 Feeding

Every anniversary is an important milestone in a couple's life. However, if your relationship has only lasted one month, you may be worried about what to get your loved one for their mini-anniversary. Is this an important date for you or not? Is it worth celebrating such an anniversary and giving a gift to your loved one? After reading this article, you will be able to find answers to these questions.


Celebrate this important milestone and look forward

    Revisit your first date. Of course, if a couple has already lived together for 10 years, then recreating their first date will be more impressive. However, if you've only been dating for a month, you can also try to repeat your first date. Most likely, within a month your relationship has already become stronger, you feel comfortable being in each other’s company, and you already know the preferences of your loved one. Reliving your first date or the moment you pulled yourself together to ask your loved one out can show that your relationship has become stronger and create exciting feelings that will help your relationship move forward.

    • Wear the clothes you wore on your first date, go to the same restaurant, sit in the same seats at the theater, and so on. Remember how nervous you were on your first date. Laugh at this. Thanks to this, you will see that your relationship has become much stronger, and you feel comfortable being with your loved one.
    • If you want to emphasize that your relationship has become stronger this month, give your partner something that a month ago you would not have chosen for him because you did not know his preferences.
  1. Choose something new that will pleasantly surprise your loved one. Most likely, you have gone to a cafe more than once and you have your favorite place. Why don't you invite your partner to a new restaurant or cafe, or go even further and hire a personal chef to delight you on this special evening? You can also take a cooking class where you can eat what you cook yourself. This will ensure you spend quality time together.

    • If you both love driving and constantly argue about who is the better driver, settle your friendly dispute at the go-kart track.
  2. Step outside your comfort zone. If you're dating someone and they like skating, try learning how to skate! By doing this you will show your interest and importance of your loved one in your life, as well as your desire to build close relationships with him.

    Use the knowledge you already have. Whether you're choosing between candy or flowers, shopping or going for a walk, think about what you already know about that person. What does he like and what doesn't? How does he like to spend his leisure time? What does he say about the future?

    • Make a conscious effort to understand what the person you're attracted to likes. Most likely, during the month you have heard more than once what your loved one likes. This information will help you choose a gift.
    • If you're having trouble choosing a gift for the person you're dating, ask his or her friends to help you choose. Thanks to this, you can pleasantly surprise your loved one.

    Avoid awkwardness

    1. Decide on a date. Couples often have doubts about this. What is considered the beginning of a relationship: the evening of the meeting, the first date or the moment when you decided to become a couple? If you are asking this question, then you have serious intentions.

      • If you want a surprise or are hesitant to ask, try to find out what date the person you're dating considers most important. What moment does he talk about the most? If you can't find out, choose the earliest possible date that could be your relationship's potential mini-anniversary. It is better to present a gift earlier than to offend your lover by forgetting about such an important date.
    2. Discuss the possibility of giving gifts to each other. This is especially important to do in the early stages of a relationship. You may make big plans and buy an expensive gift, but the person you are dating may not prepare in the same way for an important event for you. Even if you are worried that the gift will not be a pleasant surprise for your loved one, don’t think about it. By discussing this issue in advance, you will reduce your stress level and also avoid guessing what to give and what kind of gift you will receive.

      • There is no written rule that you have to celebrate such a mini-anniversary or give a gift. If you do decide to celebrate this event, do everything possible to avoid unnecessary fuss. For example, your gifts should not exceed a set amount or they should be homemade.
      • Sometimes it is important to warn a guy or girl about an upcoming gift, especially if you are buying tickets or your gift is expensive. You and your partner may have different plans for the evening that will conflict with each other.
    3. Don't overdo it. One month into a relationship is a big deal, but it still marks the beginning of a relationship. Don't try to outdo the person you're dating by giving a more expensive gift. To please your loved one, give something personal and creative.

    4. Consider whether it is worth exchanging gifts. Of course, you probably hope your relationship will last forever. However, stop and think before giving gifts that indicate a long-term future for your relationship. For example, think carefully before asking your partner to move in with you or get a dog together. Thanks to this, you can avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

      Get creative

      1. Make a gift with your own hands. A simple handmade gift is much more valuable than a gift bought in a store. Make it more personal and it will show that you made an effort to please your loved one. If you remember that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention, then he will certainly appreciate the effort you put into creating a gift for your partner.

        • For example, if you've never cooked for your partner before, try it. Even if your pilaf resembles brick mortar, you can laugh about it later when you feast on delicious pizza.
        • Once again, listen and learn. What does your partner like? Do something special. This will show that you know the characteristics of your loved one.
      2. Give something personal or sentimental. Do you think it's appropriate to give a ring or a sports jacket to the person you're dating, or is it an old-fashioned gesture? Controversial issue. When you give something that has special meaning to you, you show your partner that you want to be in a long-term relationship.

        • Does the person you're dating like to wrap themselves in your old but very comfortable sweatshirt while watching TV? Why not give him such a gift?
        • Be realistic. If your relationship lasts only one month, you should not give your loved one joint heirlooms, such as your grandmother's ring.
      3. Spend time together helping others. Why don't you try to do something that will help you become a better person and improve the lives of others? Become a volunteer. Help clear the site. Spend time with older people and take care of pets. Collect food for those in need. This gift will benefit not only you, but others as well.

        • Think about a question your partner is interested in. Try to find a way to spend time together that meets your lover's needs.
      • People view commitment differently. Don't be surprised if your significant other doesn't take this date seriously.
      • If you are stuck, ask his or her friends for advice. It's okay if your significant other finds out about it, it will only show that you are interested in the relationship.
      • At this stage, it is quite normal to have a conversation about your development as a couple. It is important to know who you are to each other in order to choose the right gift.
      • If you tried hard and your partner didn't give anything in return, don't let it get you down or affect the rest of the evening. Don't ask your partner about a gift, as you will put him in an awkward position.
      • Something cute and simple will always do. Don't go out of your way to show that you care.
      • If he or she insists on exchanging gifts, it is not necessary to buy anything. A handmade gift can make that person happy.


      • If you're an extreme sports enthusiast, don't make your hobby the main topic of conversation or you'll turn the date into a nightmare for your partner.
      • Try not to offend your significant other's views and beliefs. Change the topic to mutual friends.

Relationship month is a time when every date is still romantic. When your relationship is a month old, you, regardless of age, are kissing, holding hands and getting to know each other everywhere. You feel sympathy for your partner and are already starting to think about him around the clock. During this period, women can already begin to try on a man’s surname and choose names for their future children.

When the relationship is only a month old, you don’t know each other well and you have a huge chance to surprise your partner with a surprise. How to celebrate a month of relationship? We’ll leave a banal trip to a restaurant for weekdays. Holding the “month since we met” holiday directly depends on the age of the couple and common interests.

If you are students and do not have financial reserves

For a month of relationship, go to an open-air cinema (fortunately, there are plenty of them in Moscow and the regions). These cinemas mainly screen romantic films. In combination with the starry sky, fresh air and your favorite face nearby, such a trip will give you a lot of emotions.

After the cinema, be sure to take a walk around the city at night, discuss the characters and their relationships. This way, you will get to know each other better, and perhaps one of you will reveal his feelings.

Without finances, when the relationship is a month old, you can arrange an interesting romantic dinner, under the motto “Guess what?” Blindfold your partner, he will have to smell what is in front of him by smell. It could be strawberry, orange, banana, kiwi, chocolate, ice cream, peach, wine and much more.

Blindfolding your partner gives you a lot of options. This is a chance to get "foolish." You can seduce with kisses without allowing yourself to be touched. For brave couples, for a month of relationship, you can offer sex blindfolded.

On your “relationship month” day, you can write a list of positive qualities that each sees in each other. Believe me, after a year or several months, you will need this list.

Extreme couples under 30 years old

For such couples, a month of dating can be an ideal occasion for their first vacation together. This is a unique opportunity to find out at an early stage how suited you are to each other on vacation, because in extreme conditions a person opens up better.

In the summer month you can go to the sea, where you will devote yourself to each other. If you celebrate the month of your relationship in winter, then extreme hikes and trips to the mountains await you. Jeeping in the snow on the high mountains of the Caucasus will be an unforgettable experience.

In spring you can raft down a mountain river. Or go to the mountains and conquer the peak together. There are a lot of extreme parks at your service where you can feel the freedom of falling. You will remember such emotions during the month of a relationship for the rest of your life.

Melancholic couples under 30

If you are not a fan of extreme types of recreation or are simply not ready to go out, the following options are available for you on how to celebrate the month of your relationship. During this period, you are still of great sexual interest to each other. Body art will help add passion to a relationship.

Prepare body paints; you can buy them or make them yourself. Invite your partner to color you as the animal you resemble. This date will be very hot! It can be repeated next month.

Nothing brings people closer together than joint efforts. For your relationship month, you can learn something together. For example, riding a horse or making clay products. Such a date will help you reveal yourself and your partner, and will definitely be memorable.

Another memorable date for the “month of relationship or acquaintance” will be karting. The competitive process will revitalize you and add ease to relationships. Try it, it will be fun.

You can go to a 90s concert together. When your relationship is only a month old, it can sometimes be difficult to open up. At the 90s disco you will forget that you are already adults, you will dance and have fun like teenagers.

This will definitely bring you closer and give you incredible emotions. In addition, you will have many topics for discussion. You will immediately begin to remember who played what games, what music you listened to, and other things that belonged to that time.

For adult couples

If you feel like you're too much of a couple to indulge in youth parties during your relationship month, I suggest the following.

Try to go back to your childhood. Take a walk in the park, eat ice cream and tell each other memories of your youth. After a long walk, end the evening in a restaurant with good music. Remember the day you met. Surely you will be pleased to know what your partner thought of you that day.

Theater is relevant at all times and for any holiday. Theaters offer a wide repertoire. Take your significant other to a play about love or to the opera. Such an evening will breathe high notes into you.

After a cultural event, be sure to take a walk and share your impressions. It is very important when the relationship is only a month old to communicate as much as possible.

A river walk will help you celebrate the month of your relationship in a romantic way. Take a volume of Yesenin’s poems with you and read them aloud. Such a walk will fill you with warmth and love.

Giving gifts in the month of relationships is better symbolic. These can be inexpensive souvenirs with meaning.

Sofia Veshnyakova

Sometimes it is difficult to open your feelings to another person, but it is necessary to do this if he is truly dear to you. Congratulations on your relationship month should be sincere and heartfelt to show your true intentions and emotions towards your significant other.

What not to do

The first month of a relationship is the most romantic, but at the same time the most frightening, because there is still a stranger nearby. The main thing is to get used to each other gradually, without taking big steps forward; this should be the case in congratulations. Excessive emotions or promises can scare away a guy, but coldness of feelings will also make him think about the state of the relationship. The best option would be to find a middle ground. You don't need to do the following things:

  • Talk about love. Since such a period of time is too short, it is best to say how dear a person is.
  • Make joint plans for the future. Such thoughts can scare a guy. Especially if he does not fully understand how he feels about his soulmate.
  • Compare a person with another, giving examples. This moment is completely unacceptable. It would be correct to say that the companion is the best, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Give excessive publicity to relationships.
  • Making vows and promises that you are not sure of.

It is worth avoiding these cases so that congratulations on the month of relationship are not intimidating or repulsive.

Ideas for congratulations

Many people are afraid of the very moment of congratulations because they cannot find the words. They are also embarrassed or don’t know what time, place and method will be optimal. To congratulate a guy on a month of relationship, you can organize the following:

  • make your own postcard with your congratulations written on it;
  • give something small, but talking about feelings, for example, something in the shape of a heart: candy or chocolate, scented soap, keychain, balloons;
  • prepare a speech in which to talk about your feelings;
  • gatherings with tea and dessert;
  • watching a romantic movie with popcorn;
  • a walk in the park or a trip to the cinema.

Such small surprises can show the sincerity of feelings and endear the person to you even more.

In your own words

The best gift for a month of relationship is congratulations in your own words. You need to say only what is true. Some tips:

  • remember pleasant moments together;
  • talk about how life has changed for the better after the relationship began;
  • talk about your feelings;
  • celebrate the best qualities of a person;
  • wish something good: success, continuation of love, fulfillment of desires, and so on.

The main thing is to congratulate the person using romantic expressions, warm touches, hugs and kisses. Such pleasant additions can improve the effect of words and events, which will bring them even closer together. Congratulations on the month of relationship should be tender and romantic.

Example of a wish

You need to say words from the heart, so they must be individual, but you can take as an example this congratulations on the month of relationship.

“My dear..., during the time that we spent together, you became a close and dear person to me. I am pleased to remember the moments of our meetings, kisses and hugs. I value you and our relationship and want it to continue You make me smile, even when I’m completely sad. Your hands are tender and strong, in their arms I drown and forget about literally everything. I would like to wish us tenderness and mutual understanding, more joyful moments together and to be more attentive to each other, understanding and understanding. forgiving insults. We don’t need quarrels, but even if this happens, I will always be with you, I will support, help and stay by your side.”

It is precisely such words that come from the soul, from the heart, that can touch your soulmate.

One and only month- this is a fairly short period of time in human relationships. It's all just begun. Is it worth congratulating on such a date? It's definitely worth it. IN first month In general, an idea of ​​a person is formed, an embrace of feeling occurs, and special lyrics arise. An understanding is born of how good you two are and whether this relationship story is worth continuing.

If you like to bring joy to your chosen one, to do something pleasant, to be interesting and exciting, to come up with something beautiful, then a gift and congratulations should brighten this day. Dream. Let your dreams be beautiful. Talk about them, boldly draw them in the sky and remember them.

Mutual understanding will help you choose a gift. A congratulations in verse can easily be found on the site. Everyone can find poems that resonate with him. Consonant with the movement of feelings. The harmony of words, beautiful rhyming lines will excite any heart, make it glow hotly and sing tenderly. You just need to find the sweetest, most tender ones that you will love, make an effort and dedicate them to a dear person.

Don’t be shy to reveal your feelings to your loved one and congratulate him with beautiful poems. Let these words warm your new soul mate and be remembered forever.

Let them tell us: “It’s not enough at all,
To celebrate this date!”
But the right time has come,
To sincerely say to everyone:

Yes, we've only been together for exactly a month,
And we don’t know what awaits us.
Let's get past the nonsense
Envious people. After all, we are lucky!

Together for a whole month. Not a bad date.
May there never be a stormy storm
Won't color your clouds!
Kisses will be sweeter than honey,
The rivers are tightly intertwined,
So that your enemies fall asleep forever,
May you be faithful to each other!
Drink happiness from a beautiful cup
And cherish your feelings sacredly!

Today is exactly one month,
How you and I are together,
But it seems as if
You are the first day bride!
I adore you, I cherish you,
I'll accompany you home,
Because I love you!

A month has passed with us.
Everything seems to be like the first time.
Still the same holiday in my soul
And the thought of happiness in my head.
Everything around became happy
And this is not sudden for me.
We are destined to be together by fate
And in life we ​​are not given anything else.

We met you exactly a month ago,
It was then the month of April and I was incredibly happy,
I remember the sunlight lit up the skies,
And you shone in the rays, like dew on a stem.

I was timid at the beginning and did not dare to approach,
But fate, as you know, has inevitable paths,
I approached you, timidly, slowly,
You smiled at me and your soul sang.

It was hard at the beginning, it was so hard
It was not easy for us to maintain our relationship,
But we passed our thorny path slowly,
We've been together for a month now, our life is good.

Forty days since we have known each other,
Thirty - how we are together.
Like now, I remember that day,
How they found it that evening
We have each other ever since
That's how we don't break up.
I love and believe that
We won't break up with you!

A good and happy month has passed,
Of course, he didn’t know any quarrels at all.
You certainly spent it in love,
You instantly found a common language.

We wish you to hear each other with our hearts,
So that your life doesn’t become difficult.
Your tender love reigned everywhere,
On this day, congratulations would sound from everywhere.

You kiss so modestly, naively,
We've only known each other for a month since then
How did you meet at the high cliff?
And they instantly realized that they needed each other.

And tender glances, kind words,
You carry it into the World, passing through yourself,
You burn with love, not daring to hide
That passion has settled in your hearts.

And all these days you live in Peace
Where there are very few words, where everything is real.
Where is joy, like happiness, and the body soars
Like a bird of luck, this moment is beautiful.

Just one month, you are full of happiness,
Live together in harmony, from dawn to dusk!

30 days since we've known each other
30 days, I love it!
30 days is not long at all, -
Turned my life around!

30 days ago we didn’t know
That we will find each other.
And now, now we are a Couple!
We are in love with each other!

Which I no longer dreamed of.
You made me believe you
When all faith in people is gone.
You brought me that warmth
Which even the sun did not bring.
You gave me back my faith in life
And now I feel bad without you.

I was walking along a city alley,
Suddenly you - and the world has become much more colorful.
Suddenly the grass turned green,
And my head started spinning.
I realized you are my destiny
I want you to be next to me.
Since then, only a month has flown by,
And today I wanted
I invite you, my dear,
In the cafe. And there to proclaim
How happy I am
That life has given me you.
I want to always be with you, angel.

During this month that we are together,
My soul seemed to blossom.
And the connection between us became stronger,
And two wings opened in love.

I congratulate you on our first date:
And our relationship, and love.
Yes, we were once lonely
But for a month now we have been family, we are our own.


Our relationship is exactly one month old.
Someone might say: “Just!”
And he will add: “It’s not serious.”
Only you, of course, will argue with him.

You know how you and I are
We mean a lot to each other in life.
How tightly bound by fate,
Well, how could it be otherwise?

After all, in love there are no deadlines or distances.
And it doesn’t matter how many people are together.
Time will pass and we will pass the test
And we will love each other stronger!


Today we have a small date,
You've been with me for a month now!
Who knows, maybe someday
We will become husband and wife.

We feel good and interesting together,
With you I feel peace.
How wonderful it is,
That you and I met!


Is a month a lot or a little?
How many different things happened!
How many joyful events
How many little discoveries
Meetings, dates and smiles...
And such funny mistakes.
How we met you
So the days rushed by faster.
It's so interesting to be together
It's wonderful to be with you.
And I wish, I won’t hide it,
Long, long time to be with you.


Our first date with you.
Our first anniversary with you.
They say that a month is not enough.
Enough for me, believe me!

And now I guess I know
That I want to be with you always,
Spend the two of us like this month,
There will be many more years to come.

Beautiful congratulations for 1 month of relationship - boyfriend, girlfriend


Today is the month since our bonds were cemented,
How you and I became one flesh.
What a blessing that we met each other,
Why did you and I begin to walk alone together?

So let us burn all our lives and not cool down
Love with a stick, bright and big.
And we will never leave, and we will never leave
We are in each other's situation in no way.


I feel my heart beating
When you're next to me.
I want to hug you, sunshine,
And feel your love!

I just adore you
It's been 30 days since there's been a fire in my chest!
There is passion and tenderness. And I know
What happiness awaits us ahead!


We met you not so long ago.
Only a month into our relationship.
I like watching movies with you
Look for yourself in you as a reflection.

I like talking to you
Or remain silent for hours, understanding the glances.
I like being with you,
And it seems that happiness has no end.


The first month is an anniversary!
Greetings to us soon.
Let the sun shine brighter in life,
And the kisses will be hotter.

Let the flowers fall like a carpet,
And there will be happiness day after day.
After all, we are so happy in our hearts,
That life gave each other to us as a reward.


Thank you to fate for giving me this meeting,
Who awarded us the wings of love,
We are grateful for happy moments!
Today is the month of our relationship!

Let them be harmonious and bright,
Full of understanding, depth and joy,
May everything we wish come true with us,
I want the fire of hearts not to go out!

SMS for a month of relationship


Let them tell us: “It’s not enough at all.”
Celebrate this date!
But the time has come
To sincerely say to everyone:

Yes, we've only been together for exactly a month,
And we don’t know what awaits us.
Let's get past the nonsense
Envious. After all, we are lucky!


A month has passed quickly.
The days flew by unnoticed.
And we had too little time.
It's time to continue the conversation.

I want to tell you
You brought spring to me.
The whole world is painted in colors
Love, care and kindness.


A month has passed with us.
Everything is supposedly the same as the first time.
Still the same holiday in my soul
And the thought of happiness in my head.

Everything around became happy
And this is not sudden for me.
We are destined to be together by fate
And in life we ​​are not given anything else.


Thirty days flew by like an arrow,
Dissolved during Leti.
Let's see off the sunsets with you,
And we’ve been seeing sunrises for a month now.

Let us remember this day -
Our first date together.
This is a new step in life,
Which we will remember someday.

The fog breathes evenly over the river
And the forests turn green with leaves,
The day I met you
We will celebrate and have a holiday.


I’ll say thank you for a happy month,
What we spent with you.
For giving me priceless joy,
Love, warmth and calm.

Because in this short time
I don’t know worries and troubles.
You plunge me headlong into tenderness,
You are the dawn of my life!

Happy Relationship Month


We've been close for a month,
Our feelings are hot
Bright, passionate, gentle,
Charming and sinful!

I want hearts to beat as one
So that a miracle always surprises us,
So that life sparkles like a rainbow,
And happiness came together!


We've been together for a month now
So much and so little.
But how is everything this month?
Our destiny has changed.

Fate has tied us closely together,
Our roads are intertwined
Let us be together for only a month -
So little and so much.


A month has already passed
Since we've known each other.
And we have so much fun together,
After all, we are not alone.

And it’s hard to even imagine the thought
That we might not have met.
And if not for a lucky chance,
They never found each other!


The moon flew by so quickly
And now I remember
There were so many different things to do
Various events with us,

How everything changed before our eyes,
How people changed.
But only one thing remains unchanged
Our love remains.

I still love you so much.
You still love me very much.


Three dozen days since our meeting,
Like one moment flew by,
And now, let it be a small anniversary,
When the heart beats only!

Let the period not be so long,
But this is an incentive for our feelings to reach the top,
Hand in hand, go further into the world,
Love, an all-covering avalanche!

Poems for a month of relationships


A month has already flown by
Our honey with you.
Brought so many sweets
Our house is huge!

Don't be sad that the month is ours
He rushed by so quickly.
After all, life will be honey
And incredible.

And although in thirty days
We didn't live long
But to be together forever
Happiness we tried!


My love, today is the month,
How life is connected between me and you.
Thank you, I am two craftsmen -
They bring nothing but flowers to my soul.
Their names are joy and destiny...
You are more valuable to me than anyone in the world!
And may the path always lead
Into your arms, like online!


Fate brought us together not by chance,
This was known at first.
We've only known you for a month,
But I love you - and this is an axiom.

I also admit that I'm a little afraid,
And the voice suddenly disappeared, it sounds quiet,
But listen to how your heart thunders -
Love for you has opened the doors wide open.


Just a glance was enough for you and me,
For ardent and powerful passion,
So quickly, timidly, but beautifully,
Our hearts merged for happiness.

And there are no prohibitions and boundaries,
And our souls are lashed with heat,
And the songs of birds are in my head,
That they lift us into the sky in a balloon.


A month ago we met
It seems like a long time ago.
Even friends noticed
How easy it is for you and me.

We met a month ago
It seems like yesterday.
You and I are convinced
Suddenly, love came to us.

We've been together for a month,
It seems like forever.
To be your bride
I'm the groom then.

I love you so much, do you believe me?
It's so good to be with you.
Apparently I need to be a man,
Well, and for you - my wife.

Congratulations on 1 month of relationship


I've been with you for a month now
And I can’t stop admiring you,
It's already been a month under the moon,
I kiss you every day.
I hope this is forever
Or maybe completely forever...
Today I wish
Endless love and happiness!


We've only known each other for a month
Similar interests as you, -
We realized that without each other
It’s snowing in my soul, like a blizzard!

Meet... Hope is growing -
And our relationship grows stronger.
After all, the soil is already fertile
We are guaranteed for sure!


The dating day has already passed,
And the month slowly grew,
What happened in your relationship?
What has this month brought to you?

Continued the good start
Increased the brightness of your eyes,
And this is still not little,
And a month is still not an hour!


Together for a whole month. Not bad
Date. You deserve congratulations!
May there never be a stormy storm
Won't color your clouds!
Kisses will be sweeter than honey,
The rivers are tightly intertwined,
So that your enemies fall asleep forever,
May you be faithful to each other!
Drink happiness from a beautiful cup
And cherish your holiday feelings!


Let everyone say, month -
It's still too little
Our life in common
This is just the beginning.

Let the moon - not so much.
But this is only the first milestone
On our long journey,
In a life full of success.

How to congratulate a girl or guy on 1 month of relationship


Darling, a month has passed -
We have been with you for exactly a month.
Exactly the Moon the soul glows,
And love is read in the looks.
May everything be fine with us,
Every day we become closer.
I love you with both heart and soul
Even stronger every single day.


It's been exactly a month since we've been together.
At least the time is not long,
But like half my life
You and I together.

So close that no words are needed
Let's sit quietly.
Let's stroke each other's eyes,
Let's just keep quiet.

The sun is shining next to you.
No you are a disaster.
We're only a month old, but I hope
This is forever!


We've only known each other for a month
The term is not serious for lovers.
Sweets and bouquets are in use,
And theater tickets.

And we are not bored being together.
The month flew by in a strange dream -
In dates and kisses.
To all those who love, hallelujah!

Let the stars whisper: it’s late...
For loved ones, time is not a decree!
For those who have known the abyss of love,
And the month is also an anniversary!


Today is exactly 30 days,
How did you decide to test your strength?
Those feelings that lurked in the depths
Both of you for so long.

Now you know a little more
About who likes what and who is afraid of what,
And what could anyone dream about... And also,
There is so much to discover before you...


It's your couple's month, it's a holiday,
Your first anniversary
On this day, I wish you happiness,
Ordinary joy, without reason.

Let everything be harmonious
Let scandals not visit you,
I wish you boundless love,
I wish you understanding and good luck.

Be a support for each other,
Life is peaceful for you, without troubles,
Let go of your past,
Share the whole world between two!

Relationship month. Congratulations on your relationship month. Poems for a month of relationships


We've been with you for a whole month,
Many people say “just”
But their envious sight
I'm not afraid of anything else.

If only they knew
If only they could understand
Life has become completely different -
This needs to be experienced.

You and I have opened the floodgates
For spring, love, goodness
Happiness for and for illusions,
And mutual warmth.


It’s been exactly a month since we’ve been meeting you.
Congratulations on this small date!
A month of joy, harmony and passion,
Understanding, trust and happiness.

How nice it is for me to have you next to me!
May our love never end with you,
And over time it will only become stronger,
My heart won't stop beating!


A month into our relationship!
And we are grateful for the moments
For unearthly feelings, waterfalls,
For happiness to be with each other!

Let this fairy tale last
Our dream will come true:
Live in joy and love,
And go through life together!


When love burns in hearts,
Everything works out naturally.
Even if the time is very short,
But he is filled with unearthly joy,
We've only been together for a month
Felt love with all my soul,
And this is heavenly bliss,
May it last for many years
Never stopping.


The moon your couple exists,
And on this I want to congratulate you,
Let love inspire you,
I wish you to start a family.

I wish you to let go of the bad,
And you can only live with joy,
Forget everything about your past,
You were created to love each other!


It hasn't been that long
But I probably know
What a month of our relationship,
I will remember it in my life forever.

I want a big continuation
Don't count happy days
And after a year of forgotten love,
Write the poem again.


We've only been together for a month, they'll say it's not enough,
It's so hard to convince skeptics
But this is just the beginning of love
We are just learning how to live with you.

We feel good together and feel bad apart,
We enjoy the sunrise and the rain
The fire of love burns in our hearts,
Which means it will be just the two of us!


The moon your couple exists,
And with this I hasten to congratulate you,
I wish you patience, understanding,
And soon start your own family.

I also wish that the feelings do not fade away,
So that you always take care of each other,
So that grief and misfortune pass you by,
And a golden wedding for you to celebrate.


It would seem - just a month
Has rushed headlong since that day
That he was lucky and so wonderful,
To bring me together with you!

Overflowing with gratitude
Me to fate, for those days,
That you and I regularly
The lovers were close!


It was a wonderful, wonderful month.
I thank fate for him!
And I want to tell you from the heart:
I really love you!

I want future years
We spent the same time with you,
So that in our souls endlessly
The paradise gardens of love were blooming!

So that we can laugh just as merrily,
And in the eyes there was a dope of tenderness.
To walk through life holding hands,
And our romance did not stop!