"Gatherings in a Russian hut." Joint leisure time for parents and children (senior group). Scenario of joint entertainment with parents in the senior group “super dad” Game “Underwater Kingdom”

26.12.2022 Upbringing

Goal: increasing the role and status of the father, popularizing fatherhood.

Program content:

  • develop relationships between parents and children through inclusion in joint activities;
  • cultivate love and a sense of pride for your father.

Equipment: tape recorder, TSO, phonogram for competitions, gymnastic sticks (for each dad), 2 yoghurts, 2 spoons, 2 books, 2 dumbbells, 2 napkins, skittles (10 pcs.), steering wheel (2) , 2 caps, 2 rattles, 2 bibs, 2 pacifiers, clothes for children for ditties.

Progress of the event

There's a song playing "Heroic power" . The dads enter and stand in the center of the hall.

Presenter: Good evening, dear parents and guests who have gathered in this hall! Today we invited our dads to celebrate Father's Day together. Thank you for being able to find time today in your busy work schedule and come to us. Let's greet our dads with smiles and applause! (Applause) This holiday symbolizes love and respect for the father. Please accept our sincere congratulations - your children and the mothers of your children need you endlessly! Be strong, reliable and wise! So, let's get acquainted! Guys, come to your dads and help me introduce them. (Each child introduces his dad and says in one phrase what dad can do, for example: “My dad Kolya. He drives a car" ) .

Host: Yes, guys, I see that our dads are the most magnificent, all-powerful, just SUPER DADS! Mommies, do you agree with us? (Yes) That's why today we called our holiday "SUPERPAPA" . Your applause! And now we invite our dads to take pride of place in our hall. Children and fathers sit on chairs.

Child 1:

Father's Day is a sacred holiday!
He needs to be read!
All fathers, without exception,
We will all congratulate you!

Our pride and support!
Our dear fathers!
You are a healthy example for us!
You are great in life!

Host: We present to your attention a video greeting for our dads.

Video postcard

Child 2.

I can't cry anymore!
There is an important reason -
Yesterday my dad told me
That I'm already a man.

Men are not afraid
Stay without mom
Men are being toughened up
And they dress themselves.

The man is very proud -
He is not rude to his neighbor
He has two bowls of porridge
Eats it at lunch.

He is not afraid of beeches,
What might suddenly come
The man knows the letters
And count to ten.

But if very, very
I miss my mother
Dad allows me
Shed a man's tear

One - and immediately wipe it off,
And then they will still pour,
And so that no one sees,
Turn away now.

And so I can’t cry,
There is an important reason -
Yesterday my dad told me
That he and I are men.

Child 3:

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV

He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
That he is the child's best friend.

Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their children grow up
Point to point, just like them.

Host: Your dads, guys, were also little once. Try to guess whose dad will appear on the screen.

Presentation "Our dads in childhood"

Presenter: In any business you need a quick reaction and intelligence. Let's test our dads' knowledge of proverbs. I will tell you the beginning of the proverb, and you must tell me its continuation. Is the task clear? Let's begin...

Game "Finish the proverb"

  • Do you like to ride... (love to carry sleighs too).
  • Kind words and... (the cat feels good).
  • You're chasing two hares -... (you won't catch a single one).
  • One head is good... (two are better).
  • A man without friends, what... (tree without roots).
  • Patience and work... (everything will be crushed).
  • Master's work... (afraid).
  • To live with wolves... (howl like a wolf).
  • An apple from an apple tree... (falls not far).
  • Thin world... (better than a good fight).
  • Without fish... (and cancer fish).
  • Alone in the field... (not a warrior).
  • Learning is light... (and not learning - darkness).
  • What goes around... (that's what you'll reap).
  • She sewed in a bag... (you can’t hide it).

Host: Now we will check how well our dads know their children. Let's conduct a short survey. (Take the microphone). I will take on the role of a correspondent and ask dads questions. Mothers carefully monitor the correctness of the answers. Correct if the answer is wrong or give hints if dad is at a loss.

"Interview with Dads"

  1. What part of the day was your baby born?
  2. When did the first tooth emerge?
  3. When did you learn to walk?
  4. What was the first word you said?
  5. What kind of porridge does your child like?
  6. Which soup do you prefer?
  7. Does it help mom wash the dishes?
  8. Does he like to brush his teeth?
  9. What time does he go to bed?
  10. What does he like to watch on TV?
  11. What are your favorite toys?
  12. Can he play checkers?
  13. Does he play computer games? Which?
  14. What would you like to be when you grow up?
  15. What shoe size?
  16. How tall is the child?

Child 4:

Meet my dad:
He is a knight, a gentleman, a hero.
We are very similar - me and my dad.
I'm waiting for him to come home soon.

Together we will surely honor
Books by Mikhalkov or Marshak.
I want to imitate my dad in everything.
Even keep a spoon at the table.

We play with dad, we sing with dad
It's twice as fun if it's just the two of us!

Host: A modern father often becomes something mythical and inaccessible for his child. He leaves early in the morning, does something important somewhere at work all day, and returns tired in the evening. Nowadays, a father's love for his children is often expressed in the purchase of an expensive toy. But much more, the child needs his father’s attention, participation, understanding, friendship and common interests. We present to your attention the results of a survey of your children. Listen to what they say about their dads.

Movie "Children about dads"

Host: Somehow our dads stayed too long. Isn't it time for them to warm up a little? Tell me, which of you has ridden a horse? Now you will need to imagine yourself in the role of riders. Go out to the middle of the hall and stand in a circle. (Hand out gymnastic sticks to dads. Music plays "Squadron" Gazmanov, dads move in a circle, waving sticks. The music stops). Well, did you remember? Now they put the sticks in a circle. Now the music will start again, at which time I will take a few sticks. Whoever doesn't get it is eliminated from the game.

Game "Who is faster"

Child 5:

Everyone knows that I am a Princess
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!

The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame for this!

Child 6:

My dad is tall
It's not easy to look at:
You need to lift your head
So that "Hello!" tell him.

He will put me on his shoulders
And he skates all evening.
Reads books before bed,
During the day we play cat and mouse.

Dad is kind, very strong,
He can do whatever he wants.
I tell everyone my secret,
That I adore dad!

Child 7:

I have a dad!
Ask, what is he like?
He is the most BRAVE!

I have a dad! All
No matter what he is!
The best dad in the world
Because HE IS MY!

Host: Dear daddies, your daughters have prepared a song for you.

Song "My dad is good"

Host: And now I invite you to travel in a time machine, go far, far back and find out what our dads were like when they were very, very little. And the kids will help us with this. Your task, guys, is to turn them into babies. Let's see whose team will do it faster. (The game involves two dads and two teams of children of 4 people each. Children take turns running up to their dads and dressing them up: bib, pacifier, cap, rattle).

Game "Journey to Childhood"

Host: Our holiday continues. It's time to perform ditties for our dads.

Ditties for dads

Host: Tell me, daddies, which one of you drives a car? Who has the longest driving experience? (Select two parents). Have you ever driven without lighting? We'll check this now. (The players are introduced to the skittles track, given a steering wheel and blindfolded. The presenter gives commands for the direction of movement).

Host: And now I invite children to the night track. (The children are blindfolded and given a direction, but the pins are quietly removed from the road by the presenter’s assistants. The children carefully turn on bends, not suspecting that the road is completely safe.)

Game "Night Adventures"

Host: It's no secret that mothers know how to do several things at once. I wonder if dads can do this? Let's see how they cope with our task? (Two dads with their children are invited). You will have to do 3 things at the same time: read a fairy tale, feed your child yogurt and lift a dumbbell.

Game "Dad can do anything"

Host: Guys, I invite you to perform a song for your dads.

"Song about Dad" (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky)

Presenter: The father's influence makes the child more disciplined, responsible, obligatory, open and honest. Klim will tell you about an example of such upbringing.

Child 8:

My dad is resourceful, smart and brave.
He can handle even difficult things.
He is also a naughty man, a mischief maker and a prankster.
With him, my every day turns into a holiday.

My dad is cheerful, but strict and honest.
It's interesting to read books and play with him.
And it’s boring to go sledding without dad.
Nobody can laugh that loud.

My dad is a wizard, he is the best.
It instantly turns into whatever you ask for.
He can become a clown, a tiger, a giraffe.
But what he does best is be a dad.

I will hug him and quietly whisper: -
My daddy, I love you dearly!
You are the most caring, dearest,
You are kind, you are the best! And you are only mine!

Host: All children dream of being like their parents. Girls imitate their mothers, boys imitate their fathers.

Child 9:

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
Like him - wear a suit and hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.

Be strong, smart, don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

Host: Today we had an interesting time, played, and gave each other joy. If you, dads, want your children to say Thank You when they grow up, then never lecture them, but teach them life by your example! We wish you a lot of love and patience with your children, may your home be a full cup! We would like to present all dads with a diploma of the best dad in the world. (Diploma presentation). To remember our meeting, your children have prepared gifts for you. (Children present salt dough medals to their fathers).

We invite everyone to a tea party!

Leisure scenario “Journey to the land of childhood”

Joint event with parents. Senior group.

One of the priority tasks of modern preschool education is to ensure a high level of social and communicative development of future first-graders as a prerequisite for their successful adaptation and socialization into the children's community.

By playing communicative games with children, adults provide practical assistance to children in social adaptation. Develop means of non-verbal communication: facial expressions, pantomime, gestures. They create a positive attitude towards their own body and develop the ability to manage it. They develop the ability to understand each other, to delve into the essence of the information received. They learn to identify an emotional state and reflect it through expressive movements and speech. Develop trusting relationships with each other. Develop non-verbal imagination and imaginative thinking.

Purpose of the event:

Creation of partnerships between parents and kindergarten in order to improve the psychophysical and emotional state of children, the formation of health-saving behavior.


1. Provide children and adults with emotional pleasure, evoke a feeling of joy, develop motor activity, respond emotionally to the proposed games, and form a friendly attitude towards each other. 2.Create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of motor and psychophysical abilities, strengthening the health of preschool children and forming habits for a healthy lifestyle. 3. Stimulate the attention of preschoolers to issues of a healthy lifestyle. 4. Teach children and parents to use active and communicative games in everyday life: on walks, while relaxing together.

5. Formation of knowledge among parents on the issues of preserving and strengthening the mental and physical health of children 5-7 years of age.

6.Increasing the professional competence and interest of teachers and parents in preserving and strengthening the psychophysical health of children.

Integration of educational areas: artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, social-communicative, physical, speech development

Equipment: sports mats, hoops - 10 pcs., small balls - 20 pcs., cardboard tubes for the game - 2 pcs., game parachute, plumes, tunnels - 2 pcs., ropes for webs - 2 pcs., tables - 2 pcs., hats: 4 adults and 4 children, pictures - cards depicting the inhabitants of water, land, air, small golden balls.

Progress of the event:

To the music, parents and children enter the hall hand in hand and are greeted

two clowns Cartoon and Pultyashka.

Cartoon : Hello children, hello adults!

Funny clowns greet you: I am a Cartoon,

Remote: I am the Bullet:

Cartoon: I want invite everyone - adults, and, of course, you guys - to go on a fun journey through the Land of Childhood. Do you agree?

Remote: I propose to travel by train, under the wonderful name “Bukashka”. Guys, take your mats and sit down. And parents can also take seats in the carriages. (Parents remain in their places and turn to face the audience.)

Cartoon: Well done!: So, everything is in place, it’s time to go to the Land of Childhood!

Game-dance “Steam locomotive “Bukashka”.

Track No. ___3___ (While the children are putting down the rugs, turn on the music “Childhood Country”)

Cartoon: So, we're there, come out, take a seat.

(Parents take chairs and sit opposite their children. Children remove the rugs and also sit on chairs opposite their parents.)

Remote: Guys, do you think your parents like to play? Maybe they love you, but they often don’t have time. So let’s today, since we are in such a wonderful country, “The Land of Childhood,” let’s give them this opportunity to play with us and remember their childhood.

Cartoon: And we promise that the games will be interesting and fun. Well, our dear parents, do you agree? Then let's begin!

And the first game is “Relay Race”.

  1. Relay: “Magic Trumpets”.

Description of the relay: two teams. Run up, take the ball, throw it into the pipe, catch it on the way out, put it in the basket, come back, pass the baton to the next player. (Place two balls for each player).

Game "Underwater Kingdom".

And now we propose to play game "Underwater Kingdom". I explain the rules of the game to parents, and the kids already know. The parents will be algae, and the boys will be fish. The fish swim to the music; as soon as the music ends, the fish swim (hide) in the seaweed. (“Algae” holds a hoop above his head and slowly circles around himself; as soon as the music stops, the fish swim in and the hoop lowers.)

A) First task: parents of fish, children of algae.

B) Parents are algae, and children are crayfish

B) Parents are algae, and children are starfish.

  1. Game "Magic Algae". Goal: removing bodily barriers, developing the ability to achieve goals using acceptable methods of communication.

Cartoon: Guys, come to me and let's stand in a circle. Look what's happening to the algae. They are growing (parents interlock hoops (algae), forming a large circle.) How do we get out of here now?

Remote: I know that these are unusual algae, they understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let out of the circle, or may not let it through if asked badly. And if each of you comes up to the seaweed, touches it and gently asks you to let you out of the circle, they will do it. I hope you know the magic words? It is advisable that you try to ask in different ways, using different words. I'll try to ask first. (Children climb through the hoop, but adults are allowed through).

Dear algae, please let me through. (The bullet passes).Then the children take turns politely asking the algae for permission to go out, touching one of the adults (algae). Children sit on chairs.

Remote: Well done! And we continue to play. And the game is called "Sky, land and water."

Parents are holding a parachute. Children are divided into fish, animals and birds. To the music, parents walk in reverse with a parachute, and children, to the music, perform tasks as directed by the clowns.

When they hear the word “Sky,” children with cards with pictures of birds run into the circle.

(Children make pictures on balls: different types: fish, animals, birds)

  1. Game "Sky, Land and Water".

Cartoon: And now for you fun game.

  1. Relay: “Gold Diggers”.

This is just a very difficult task. Therefore, the guys will do it, you are faster than your parents, you can crawl through any crack. Isn't that right? You need to find and bring gold bars that are hidden in the cave.

Game description:

Children are divided into two teams. Parents make a web (from ropes). Children run, make their way through the web, crawl into a tunnel, take a gold bar from a cave (a table covered with a cloth), run back, and pass the baton to the next player.

  1. Game "I trust you"

Goal: to develop the ability of parents to trust their children, and children to trust their parents.

Children and parents are divided into pairs: “mother” and “child”. The parent puts a blindfold on, and the child guides him, helps him avoid various collisions with objects, and gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given holding hands. Then the participants change roles. Each child thus goes through a certain “school of trust.”

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to answer who felt reliable and confident, who had the desire to completely trust their friend. Why?


And my task is even more interesting.

  1. Outdoor game "Five Islands"

(For children from 5 years old).

Goal: activation of attention and physical activity, development of the ability to cooperate, unity of the group, establishment of trusting contact between children.

Target: activating attention and physical activity, developing the ability to cooperate, uniting the group, establishing trusting contact between children and parents.

There are five different colored rugs on the floor, large enough to accommodate all participants. Ask everyone to choose the island they would like to live on. Warn the participants that one of the islands will very soon sink into the sea, and the inhabitants of this island will be forced to quickly move to other islands. Let everyone settle down, and then shout out the color of the island that is sinking. Participants run to four other islands. The game continues until everyone is gathered on one island.

Pay attention to the fact that in this game you need to show mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Cartoon: And now we have an interesting offer for you. I want to ask you: - Do you want to remember this holiday for many years, remember these fun moments when you played with your children, and for a while, return to childhood? Then let's shoot a memorable video together. To do this, you will need to stand in a column of two: parent and child. Pultyashka and I will show you now.

  1. The game is called: “Memorable Clip”

Game description:

You need to run around the stands with a bouquet of flowers, stand in a small hoop, hug, run up to and through the large hoop and wave at the camera. And then return and give the bouquet to another couple.

So, let's begin? Mom (dad) and child stand up.

Cartoon: Time flew by quickly in the Land of Childhood, and before we had time to look back, it was time to return home. And we will return by car, do you agree? Disassemble the steering wheels, let's go!!!

(Parents and children take the wheels and perform tasks to show the clowns).

Game - dance "Bi-bi-ka".


So we returned to kindergarten. I want to ask you guys, did you like it in the country of your childhood? Did you, our dear parents, like it? Then I suggest we meet more often. Do you agree?

Cartoon: We are finishing the holiday.

Goodbye, kids!

We wish you farewell

Always be healthy!


We wish you good sports health.

Active mood.

And now I propose to take a group photo.

Thanks everyone! Goodbye!

Leisure activities for children and parents in the senior group of kindergarten on the theme: “Fun gatherings.” Scenario

Leisure scenario for children and parents in the senior group. "Happy Gatherings"

Goals: Introducing children and their parents to the spiritual values ​​of Russian folk culture. Creating a joyful mood.
To form the basic culture of the child, create a friendly atmosphere for children and adults. Develop a sense of success.
Preliminary work: asking riddles, learning rhymes, making invitation cards for parents for the holiday.
Material: Hats for outdoor games: turnips, bears, cockerels, scarlet flowers.
- Our dear guests: beautiful girls, kind fellows, small children. Today, according to the old Russian tradition, we gathered for fun gatherings: to relax, have fun and play games. What would a get-together be without some fun fun?!
(Russian folk melody “The Moon is Shining”)
Two playful girls - parents - enter the hall.
1st playgirl: Hello, dear kids.
2nd amusing girl: Yes, good people!
1st amusement girl: We gathered to have fun and have fun!
2nd fun girl: Play, joke, laugh!
Both together: Laughter and fun!
1st playgirl: Autumn pleased us with a rich harvest. The honest people have worked hard, they have collected the entire harvest, they can relax and solve riddles.
(makes riddles)
Came without paints
And without a brush
And repainted it
All leaves.
I grew up in the garden
My nasty character:
Wherever I go
I will bring everyone to tears.
Our green tail is not needed
All you need is a red nose.
You'll throw it into the ground
A little flea,
She'll lie down for a while
And look - it's already growing
Samovarchik is a root vegetable.
Well done, you guessed all the riddles, and now let's play the game "Turnip-Turnip".
The turnip sits in the center, the children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say:
Turnip - turnip,
Grow strong
Not small, not big,
To the mouse's tail
The children run away, the turnip catches them.
Not a single gathering in Rus' would be complete without fun games. Good fellows and beautiful girls loved the fun game “Pull and Push.”
In this game pairs competed in running.
(The teacher invites 2 pairs: an adult and a child. The child stands in front, and the adult stands with his back to the child. Which pair will reach the finish line faster). Game "Push and Pull".
1st funny girl: Who will be able to talk to whom!
2nd funny girl: On the street two hens and a rooster are fighting, two beautiful girls are watching and laughing!
1st funny girl: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! How we feel sorry for the rooster!
Come out cockerels for a cockfight.
Children are divided into pairs and stand 3-5 steps apart from each other. Couples pretend to be fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. Outdoor game "Cockfight".
The teacher addresses the girls:
-What did you girls come with?
What did you bring to the gathering?
Maybe a ball of thread?
Maybe a scarlet flower?
(A girl with a scarlet handkerchief comes out and invites everyone to play the game “Scarlet Handkerchief”). Game "Scarlet Handkerchief".
To the music, children stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief goes behind the circle, puts it on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs around the circle, the one who was given the handkerchief takes it in his hand and runs after the driver. Everyone tries to take a free place in the circle; whoever takes the first free place becomes the driver.
1st amusement girl: And now we invite both big and small to compete.
2nd joke: Who can remember more counting rhymes?
Together: That’s why we’ll clap louder!
(a competition is held among teams of parents and children “Who can remember the most counting rhymes”).

A cuckoo walked past the net,
And behind her, we are children.
Cuckoos are asked to drink
Come out - you should drive!

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out,
Stay at your hem
Look at the field.
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market,
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty samovar!

Somersault along the path
Bunny jumps barefoot
Bunny, don't run
Here are your boots
Here's a belt for you
Don't rush into the woods
Come join us in a round dance
Make people happy.

Early, early we get up
We call the watchman loudly
Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Go out and feed the animals.

Folk outdoor games were loved in Rus'! Our miracle heroes were famous for their strength and prowess. There were many forests in Rus', adults and small children loved to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And there you could often meet a bear. The children depicted a meeting between a bear and people in the forest. This is how the game “Bear in the Forest” arose. Let's play this game too. Take baskets and baskets, let's go into the forest.
(The outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest” is played. Children and parents take part in the game.)
Now let's play and show off our dexterity! After all, the game is a serious matter. In the game "Who's Faster" you need to listen carefully to the music and quickly take an empty chair when it ends. Game "Who is faster".
Not a single get-together would be complete without fun games where you have to show off your wits. I have such a game and it’s called “Forfeits”.
The teacher goes around the players and says:
-They sent us a hundred rubles
Buy what you want
Black, don't take white,
Don't say "yes" or "no"!
Game "Fanta".
-Will you come to our party? (I'll come)
-Which dress will you wear: white or black? (any color except black and white)
-What's wrong with you, are you sick? (healthy)
-What is sold in the bakery? (bread, etc.)
-Which bread, black or white? (round)
-Did they buy you a new jacket? (new)
(The players answer the host’s questions quickly. If the answer is incorrect, a forfeit is given. At the end of the game, everyone who is left without a forfeit buys it back: they sing a verse of a song, repeat a tongue twister, grunt, jump on one leg, read a poem, etc.)
Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew and loved the game "Stream". Let's play with you too. The rules are simple: the players stand one after another in pairs, join hands and hold them high above their heads. A corridor is formed from clasped hands. The one who did not get a match goes to the beginning of the stream, and, passing under clasped hands, takes with him the one he likes. The new couple makes their way to the end of the stream through the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning of the stream. Game "Stream".
1st amusing girl: Time for business - time for fun!
2nd amusing girl: So our gatherings are over!
Together: We invite everyone to a tea party!

1. Russian folk holidays in kindergarten, M.Yu. Kartushina, Moscow, 2007.
2. Thematic riddles for preschoolers, V.P. Gudimov, Moscow, 2002.
3. Russian folk outdoor games, M.F. Litvinova, Moscow, 1986.
4. Folklore holidays for children of preschool and primary school age “Ringing gusli”, S.I.Merzlyakova, E.Yu.Komalkova, Moscow, 2001.
5. And at our gates there is a merry round dance, M.A. Mikhailova, Yaroslavl, 2001.

Entertainment scenario for children and parents “Winter gatherings”

Target: 1. Deepen children’s knowledge about Russian folk customs;

2.Develop communication skills; the ability to act in a team, develop children's creative abilities and fine motor skills.

3. Foster a respectful attitude towards Russian culture.

4. Introduce children to making Russian folk dolls.

5. Raise the emotional tone of children and parents.

Methods and techniques : 1. gaming (appearance of the interior of a Russian hut);

2. visual (showing the making of a folk doll);

3.musical (ditties, games, dancing, playing on

musical instruments);

4.practical (doll making);

5. verbal (conversations, stories, humorous dialogues,

tongue twisters, riddles).

Equipment: village hut with benches, spinning wheels, tub, etc. samovar, teaware. Teachers and children in Russian . Children enter the hall to a Russian melody and sit down: boys on chairs, girls on benches with spinning wheels.



Denis Gorbunov

Saveliy Poteryaev

Egor Dremin

Adeliya Raimanova

Lena Burova

Polina Soboleva


Olesya Ustyugova

Alena Istomina

Angelika Zhulanova

Maxim Petrov

Dasha Pervova

Hello, dear guests!

We have been waiting for you for a long time,

Let's not start the fun.

But today we have winter gatherings.

Yu.A. Filimonova:

On a bench in the light

Or on some logs

Gatherings of old and young gathered.

Did you sit by the torch?

Or under the bright sky -

They talked, sang songs and danced in a circle.

V.G. Petukhova:

A How! On the burners! Ah, the burners are good!

In a word, these gatherings were a celebration of the soul!

Yu.A. Filimonova:

Winter days are short and dark.

So as not to accidentally fall asleep

Maybe we should drag out the song?

Round dance "Who is good with us" performed by 2nd junior group

V.G. Petukhova:

You sing well, but it’s just a bit boring.

Yu.A. Filimonova:

Why are you bored? What can you do to amuse us?

V.G. Petukhova:

And we will tell you humorous dialogues

Joking dialogues (parents and children talk)


- Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

- The caftan was burned.

- You can sew it up.

- Yes, there is no needle.

- How big is the hole?

- One gate remains.


- Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

- Yes, I caught a bear!

- So bring it here!

- He's not coming!

- So go yourself!

- He won't let me in!


- Son, go to the river for some water!

- My belly hurts!

- Son, go eat some porridge!

- Well, since mother orders, we must go!


- What are your girls doing?

- They sew and sing.

- What about mothers?

- They spank and cry.


We came to have fun, to look at you, and to show ourselves off.


Do you know ditties?


We know a lot of ditties!

Make sure of it now.

We'll sing at gatherings

Well, no worse than you!

Yu.A. Filimonova:

Well, then start singing, and we’ll pick you up!

The girls put away the spinning wheels. Everyone stands in 2 lines. Ditties


Oh, dear girls!

Let me tell you:

We have an offer

Take a walk with you!


Little white girls

Where did you get whitewashed?

We milked the cows yesterday

They washed their face with milk.


Sorry, girlfriend.

That I didn’t come to you:

Dad's pants are big

But I didn’t find mine!


We know a lot of ditties

All ditties are different!

You are good guys

And your palms are dirty!


Wider the circle, wider the circle

Give me a wider circle

I'm not the only one going to dance

There are four of us.


Your legs are clubbed,

They don't stomp to the beat.

Look at our...

How fervently they spank!

Sit down

V.G. Petukhova:

Sing merrily! Well done! Do our dear guests know ditties?

Parental ditties


Allow me in this house,

Let me dance,

We won't stomp too much

Let's just sing along.


Samovar, you are a samovar -

Golden leg.

I sowed peas -

The potatoes have grown!


Vova was lazy in the morning,

Comb your hair

A cow came up to him

I combed my tongue!


We respect antiquity

We protect the antiquity

We dance better than the fellows

We'll sing louder than the fellows.



I'm built that way

I'm in the mood to sing and dance

I won't dance for one day

The other one I'm going crazy.

We know a lot of ditties

Both good and bad

It's good to listen

Who doesn't know any.

Yu.A. Filimonova:

Beautiful girls, how much yarn have you spun in a day?



Yu.A. Filimonova:

I worked too. I sewed handkerchiefs. Look how beautiful they are! (Takes a tray with handkerchiefs)

I'm walking around the upper room

And I’m holding the tray in my hands.

And there are scarves on it.

They're fun for the kids!

Who chooses the handkerchief?

He offers fun!

Yu.A. Filimonova approaches the guests with a tray and offers to take a handkerchief.“Dance with handkerchiefs” 2nd junior group


Tongue twisters about winter

I suggest you tell me.

Let someone speak quickly.

I ask the rest to be silent!

Tongue twisters for the older group.

On a winter morning from the frost, the birches ring at dawn.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

They gave Varenka small felt boots.

V.G. Petukhova:

Do our guests know tongue twisters?

Yu.A. Filimonova:

Ay, well done! We praised winter! But you can’t re-speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all the tongue twisters!

V.G. Petukhova (takes a tray with handkerchiefs):

I'm walking around the upper room

I also offer handkerchiefs.

Who chooses the handkerchief?

He offers fun!


I choose a handkerchief

And I offer a riddle:

Wooden girlfriend

At leisure - fun

And feeds everyone around.

Well, dancing is your best friend.

He carries the porridge directly into his mouth

And it doesn’t let you get burned.

Children guess the riddle about the spoon

Yu.A. Filimonova:

The riddle has been solved! Get on the carousel.

"Carousel" general game

Yu.A. Filimonova:

I'm walking around the upper room

I also offer handkerchiefs.

Who chooses the handkerchief?

He offers fun!


Spoons, tambourines, bells

Get ready .

Only there is no conductor -

To start everyone off together.

There are no empty seats in the hall,

It sounds right now.

Children guess the riddle about the orchestra

V.G. Petukhova

What instruments do you know how to play? ? I'll come with a tray, and you choose!

Orchestra - game “Vanya is coming to visit”

Children and guests

One day Vanya was going to visit.

And the horse in the stable is already knocking its hooves (spoons).

Vanya took an arc with bells (bells).

Attached a scooter sled (ratchets)

and went (rustles!

All instruments

Vanya harnesses

A horse in a sleigh.

The path is crooked,

The horse is lame.

The harness broke

The horse fell off.

And to the yard without Vanya

The sleigh has arrived!

Yu.A. Filimonova (takes a tray with handkerchiefs):

I'm walking around the upper room

I also offer handkerchiefs.

Who chooses the handkerchief?

He offers fun!


I choose a handkerchief

And I offer a riddle:

I twist and turn and I don’t sweat

I'm just getting fatter.

Children guess the riddle about the spindle.

Yu.A. Filimonova:

We guessed the riddle again, so let's play again! I invite my dear guests into the circle.

Game "Motalochka"

2 times with guests.

Yu.A. Filimonova:

I'm walking around the upper room

I also offer handkerchiefs.

Who chooses the handkerchief?

He offers fun!


It comes with oatmeal,

With rice, meat and egg,

It comes with sweet cherries.

First they put him in the oven.

Children guess the riddle about the pie

V.G. Petukhova:

What would a get-together be without pies! And our pies are tall, wide, and soft. Come out - come here those who love pies.

Senior group with parents

Pie game

Children are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other, with a participant depicting a “pie” sitting between them.

Yes, he is so tall, raise your hands up

Oh, he’s so wide, they spread him apart

Oh, how soft he is, stroking his belly

Cut it and eat it!

Immediately after the words “cut,” one participant from each team runs to the pie. Whoever touches the “pie” first takes it to his group, and the loser becomes the “pie”. The group that takes the most pies wins.

V.G. Petukhova

What would a home be without an elegant toy? I suggest you make a doll as a gift

Master class on making folk dolls

1. In order to make a doll, you need to take a large square of fabric, twist it into a tube, bend it in half, and tie it with thread where the neck will be.

2. Then you need to take a square piece of fabric of a smaller size, also roll it into a tube,

3. They can be tied with thread where the wrist will be.

4. We will also wrap and tie a thread along the waist line.

5. Now the doll can be dressed. You can choose who your doll will become.

V.G. Petukhova:

Thank you all from the owner

For the smile and for the laughter

And for games and jokes

I thank everyone.

Yu.A. Filimonova:

We had a lot of fun at our winter get-togethers! What would a get-together be without refreshments? We invite all dear guests to !

Gatherings with parents in the senior group “The conversation was fun”

Software tasks:
consolidate the ability to sing drawn out, clearly;
promote the formation of skills in performing dance movements;
introduce children to the home of the Russian people, to the hut, through objects of ancient Russian life;
consolidate knowledge about works of Russian folklore.

introduce children to Russian folk culture.

to form ideas about Russian life. The hall is decorated like a Russian hut. There are benches covered with homespun rugs along the wall, and in the middle of the “hut” there is a table with a samovar. A Russian folk melody sounds. The hostess enters the room.
Mistress: Hello, good people! I'm glad to see you in my room. There will be a big holiday, a joyful holiday - according to ancient custom, it is called gatherings. I invited guests from all the volosts. And here they are...
Children with a teacher and parents enter the hall to the music.

Mistress: Welcome, dear guests! Make yourself at home! I have a place and a word for everyone.
Teacher 1: Guests are forced people, where they sit, they sit there (sit on a bench)
The second group of children enters the hall.
Hostess: Come in, dear guests! Honor to the guest, honor to the owner!
Parent 1: There pigeons fly, where they are welcomed! (sit on the bench)
Children of the third group enter the hall.
Mistress: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we won’t start the holiday without you!
Child: Sitting at home won't do anything. We decided to look at people and show ourselves! (sit on a bench).
Mistress: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it? Was there enough room for everyone?
Parent 2: As is well known, there was enough space for the guest, but isn’t it a little cramped for the hosts?
Mistress: In cramped conditions, don’t be offended! It’s burning in the stove, let’s blow it to make it hotter. And the samovar puffs. Let's show you how (puff-puff) - ex. for breathing.
Guys, look, there are still guests in our room, let's say hello and get to know them
Speech game "Name"
1. name one after another - name, clearly pronouncing the syllable;
2. each syllable, marking with claps;
3. pronouncing the name and slapping the knees for each syllable.
Mistress. Oh, guys, do you guys feel how delicious it smells? These are our pies being baked, and to make them bake faster, we will sing a song, and our body will be the musical instrument.
Song "Ladushki"
Okay, okay, - to the right in a circle in a round dance step
We baked pancakes.
They put it on the window - to the left in a circle in a round dance step
Left to cool.
As soon as we’ve cooled down, we’ll eat – we clap our hands rhythmically in eighth notes, on the last syllable – a quarter
And we'll give it to the sparrows.
The little sparrows sat down - squat down and slap your knees in rhythm
We ate all the pancakes.
Shoo, shoo - let's fly! - stand up, use your hands to “scare away the birds”
They sat on their heads! - put your hands on your head.
The pies are almost ready
You just have to wait
Well, so as not to get bored,
We will sing, joke, and play!
Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun
And in our whole yard
Even better conversation:

Children: Play the pipes!
Mistress: Cats
Children: In spoons!
Mistress: Cockroaches
Children: Drums!
Mistress: Seagulls
Children: Balalaikas!
Mistress: Cuckoos
Children: Hit the beaters!

Mistress: And we. Guys, can we play some instruments?
Children: Yes.
“Look, we have something in the workshop”
performed by a children's ensemble of Russian folk instruments

What was more fun was for everyone to participate, be bold,
Let's take the tools in our hands
And so that there is no boredom here,
We will play in front of the people: “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”
Ensemble with parents “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” - r. n.p.
What, dear guests, are you depressed?
What can you say, how can you amuse me?

Guess what, guys?
Musical riddles!

Wrinkled Tit
The whole village is having fun!
What is this Titus?

Children: Accordion

Mistress: And now a little
Let's play the harmonica. (children imitate playing the harmonica)

Here's my second riddle:
Wooden girl
He can sing loudly and loudly.
Come on, guess what it is?

Children: Balalaika. (children imitate playing the balalaika)

Listen to the third riddle:
What tools can you use to slurp cabbage soup?
Children: Spoons!

4-parent: And now, guys, the most difficult riddle, listen:
They cut off the branches with sharp knives,
Each one sang with seven voices.
What kind of instrument did it turn out to be?

Children: Dudochka.
Hostess: The pipes started playing,
The pipes are horns! (children imitate playing the pipe)

Mistress:(takes out a pipe)
Oh, doo-doo, oh, doo-doo,
The shepherd lost his dudu.
And I found a pipe
She gave the shepherdess (gives the pipe to the child).

Boy: Without a pipe, that’s the problem,
My feet are going in the wrong direction
How can they smell the pipe?
The little feet themselves are dancing! (the boy dances to the r.n.m.).

Mistress: Why are you guests sitting here?
Don't you want to dance?
Get into the circle quickly
Hold your hands tightly!
Round dance “We were in a round dance” - r.n.p.

Mistress: What's that noise, what's that hum?

Two neighbors come out and talk, interrupting each other.
Neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard?
Mistress: What did you hear? I don’t understand anything...
You neighbors, take a rest,
Yes, tell me everything.
Neighbor 1: At Ivan's yard
The water caught fire.
The whole village put out the fire
But the fire was not extinguished.
Neighbor 2: Grandfather Thomas came
Graying beard,
He drove the people into the barn,
One fire was put out.
Neighbor 1: How Thomas put out the fire,
He didn't say anything about it.
Only heard from the side,
What was he putting out with his beard?

Mistress: Sit down, neighbors. Sit with us and relax.
(neighbors pass by and sit down, continuing to chatter)

Neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard? Haven't you really heard anything?
Hostess: I see, it’s time to play the silent game.
One, two, three, freeze!

Game "Silence"
Neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard? Haven't you really heard anything?
Mistress: Well, chatterers, the game is not over yet, but you started talking? You will have to complete some task (thinks)… I figured it out!
To you, talkative girls,
We'll have to sing ditties!

Neighbors: Yes, this is the case for us
It's very simple!
Eh! The soul has become younger
About... ninety years!
Mistress: Ninety??? Yes, this is complete nonsense!

Neighbors: Of course, nonsense!

"Nonsense" - ditties - Russian folk melody

Neighbors: Listen, guys.
We will sing awkward things.
A pig grazes on an oak tree,
A bear is steaming in the sauna!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense,
Pure nonsense!
Chipa-chipa, a-ha-ha-
Really, nonsense!
Neighbor 1: There's nonsense on the fence
I made jam.
I saw a spider-
I lost my sight!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense...
Neighbor 2: There is a watermelon on the table,
There's a fly on the watermelon!
The fly is angry at the watermelon, which does not fit into its belly!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense...
Neighbor 1: A camel grazes on the mountain
In white embroidered pants.
And a flea rushes after him
In high heels!
Children: Nonsense, nonsense...
Neighbors: We sang ditties for you,
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that we could be applauded.

Mistress: Thank you, neighbors, for the funny ditties!
Where the song flows
Life is easier there!
But in the old days, at gatherings they not only sang and danced, but also worked. And in my upper room there will be work. While we were singing, my kitten unwound all the balls of thread. You need to wind up the balls so you can knit.
Come on, handicraft girls, come out and show off your skills!

Game “Wind the thread into a ball”

Mistress: Our girls did a good job. Thank you.
There is laughter outside the door.
Mistress: Who is laughing so merrily? I'll go and have a look...
Girls run into the hall laughing.
Girls: We are cheerful friends.
We are girlfriends - laughing girls!
And on your holiday
We will dance “Lady” for you!

Mistress: We love dancing very much.

Dance “Barynya” (danced by children of the preparatory group)

Hostess: Thank you, girls. Come into our room - you will be guests.
Teacher 1: Hostess, we stayed too long.
Shouldn't we play "Traps"?
Teacher 2: Maybe it’s better not to go to “Lovishki”, but to “Gorelki”?
Hostess: Well then?
Let's play Burners, guys.
Entertain your guests with a fun game!
Game “Burn, Burn Clear” - Russian folk melody

Teacher 1: Oh, we had a lot of fun and played, but we also need to know the honor.
Everyone sings: We had a nice walk
On our holiday.
Haven't seen it anywhere
We are more beautiful than the holiday!
So be healthy
Live richly
And we're leaving
To the house, to the hut!

Hostess: Well, dear guests, are you in such a hurry? After all, a hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies! See
The samovar is already chugging,
He says in my ear:
“It’s time to invite you to the table,
Treat your guests to tea!”

Children: We love tea and pies,
With bagels and pretzels!

Mistress: Then go to another room, sit down at oak tables, patterned tablecloths, and help yourself to your health! (children go to the group for tea.)