Water leakage at 32 weeks of pregnancy. How dangerous is amniotic fluid leakage? Normal amount of water

24.11.2022 Upbringing

During pregnancy, the female body is characterized by various types of discharge. The reason for this is changes in hormonal levels, the presence of diseases, colds. The discharge may be clear, watery, or thick. It is quite natural to have beige or brown clumps. This phenomenon can seriously frighten the expectant mother, who does not yet know how to recognize their character, which is quite logical.

Table big diagram
baby inside measurements
pain observation development
pregnant mother drinking

Very often, discharge indicates the development of a pathology that requires urgent medical intervention. This type of pathology includes leakage of amniotic fluid.

What is dangerous and does smell matter?

What is amniotic fluid? Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is a biologically active substance located inside the fetal membranes. It provides protective, shock-absorbing and other functions and is fully responsible for the vital functions of the fetus.

It is normal for the amniotic fluid to leak before natural labor begins according to the established timing. During contractions, the cervix dilates and the membranes burst, after which the waters break. Rarely can the process begin without contractions. In this case, the pregnant woman is immediately sent to the maternity ward.

When the situation is not happy

There are cases when amniotic fluid is released in small amounts long before labor begins. This phenomenon indicates that the integrity of the fetal bladder is compromised. As a result, the sterility inside it is at risk. The closer to birth a pathology is detected, the less threat it poses to the child, which means the medical prognosis will be better. It is important to know how to distinguish leakage of amniotic fluid from pathological discharge, sexually transmitted infections and other diseases.

Leakage of amniotic fluid contributes to the development of infection, which can reach the baby through cracks in the bladder. Untimely provision of medical care for the release of amniotic fluid in late pregnancy leads to premature birth, termination of pregnancy, and fetal death in utero. In addition, the pathology leads to weak labor at the onset of labor, as well as the development of infectious complications in the mother.

Causes of amniotic fluid discharge

It is difficult to determine the cause, as well as to understand how the pathology occurs. There are several main reasons for this phenomenon. These include the following.

  1. Infections affecting the genitals. This reason often occurs during premature pregnancy, in particular at 39 weeks.
  2. The cervix develops rapidly, as a result, enzymes are released that have a stratifying effect on the placenta. The fetal membrane softens. Lack of medical intervention can lead to fetal hypoxia during labor, as well as severe bleeding from the uterus.
  3. Incorrect presentation of the fetus or narrow pelvis of the expectant mother. In this case, the pathology develops in the first stage of labor, the opening of the uterus occurs very slowly.
  4. Cervical insufficiency leading to rupture of membranes and leakage of amniotic fluid at 40 weeks of pregnancy. This pathology occurs in approximately a quarter of all pregnant women in the last trimester. As a result, the amniotic sac protrudes, causing the fetus to become vulnerable. Viruses that enter the amniotic fluid lead to rupture of the membranes with minimal physiological impact.
  5. Bad habits, chronic diseases. This includes women with alcohol addiction, smokers, anemia, dystrophic pathologies, and connective tissue diseases.
  6. When carrying two or more babies.
  7. Anomalies in the development of the uterus. This includes a shortened uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency and the presence of a uterine septum. Diseases such as colpitis, endocervicitis, tumors of various kinds also cause pathology. The use of invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis is indicated, that is, amniotic fluid sampling and biopsy.

It is very important for a woman to know how to determine leakage of amniotic fluid at home using special tests.

Examination by a doctor

Symptoms of pathology development

There are cases when the amniotic fluid comes out all at once when the amniotic sac ruptures. Then the selection becomes obvious. However, there are cases of periodic leakage of a small volume. At the same time, it is difficult for a woman to determine the development of pathology.

Many women mistakenly confuse the signs of amniotic fluid leakage during the third trimester with urinary incontinence. In rare cases, pathology is normal in late pregnancy. During pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, which is quite possible in the early stages. Thus, the presence of colpitis, mistaking amniotic fluid for normal discharge, causes the development of symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage in the third trimester.

Mommy is worried

The symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage are simple. However, not everyone knows how to recognize them correctly. Many women wonder what amniotic fluid leakage looks like. There is only one rule for determining them. Amniotic fluid is odorless and colorless.

Many women wonder what amniotic fluid smells like? There is only one answer - the discharge has no odor.

If at any month of pregnancy a woman detects discharge of an unknown nature, even if it is a false suspicion of leakage of amniotic fluid, she must immediately seek help from a doctor. It is difficult to independently determine the presence/absence of pathology even with the help of a special test. Medical attention will be required here. The photo shows what leakage of amniotic fluid looks like.

Diagnosis of amniotic fluid discharge

Only a doctor confirms the presence/absence of amniotic fluid in the third trimester. To do this, an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair. During examination, a pregnant woman should cough to increase pressure on the intra-abdominal area. So, if the bladder ruptures, a new portion of amniotic fluid will be released.

This is what intrauterine development of the fetus looks like

Additionally, a smear is taken on the water elements, and a test is performed for the presence of leakage of amniotic fluid. How to check for leakage of amniotic fluid at home using medical supplies? A test pad for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid, the price of which starts from 2000 rubles, is based on the determination of placental microglobulin. If the strip changes color upon contact, it means there has been a leak. To determine what amniotic fluid looks like when leaking, an ultrasound is performed.

How to prevent water leakage

When treating amniotic fluid leakage at 34 weeks or any other period, there is no specific technique or single therapy that would help all women equally. All treatment is aimed at eliminating the problem that caused this type of pathology, as well as maintaining the health of the fetus and mother within the framework of safety. The time of the last exit plays an important role; a safe period is considered to be no more than six hours. A pregnant woman is prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection of the fetus.

Leakage of amniotic fluid, as in the photo of the pad, in the long term indicates an imminent birth. If after three hours there are no contractions, stimulation is carried out medically. To do this, a hormonal background is first created for the ripening of the cervix. An alternative is a caesarean section.

If the pregnancy is premature, expectant management is generally used. It is very important to monitor the viability of the fetus. The woman is under the supervision of doctors at all times and is on bed rest.

At the slightest signals from the body, consult a doctor

To prevent the release of amniotic fluid at week 25, it is recommended to carry out antiseptic treatment of the genital tract, as well as other mucous membranes to prevent and remove infection. To determine the leakage of amniotic fluid, there are special pads for home use, the Amnishur test. The test pad shows, depending on the color of the inner shell, the presence/absence of pathology.

When amniotic fluid is released, the expectant mother remains powerless. Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of pathology in advance. Do not neglect testing and hygiene. If you detect suspicious discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. As support, you can visit forums of mothers who share their experiences, you can find friends who have had the pathology, and read a lot of reviews.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

It is no secret that the fetus in the womb is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which is also called amniotic fluid. They play a very important role in the development of the fetus, so their outpouring occurs already during childbirth. If fluid begins to leak earlier, this is fraught with complications or premature birth. In this publication we will look at the signs of amniotic fluid leakage and why this situation is dangerous for the woman and child.

Main symptoms of leakage

In the third trimester, there is a physiological process of increased secretions. At this stage, it is very important to determine what kind of discharge the woman has started. Naturally, this should be done by the gynecologist in the residential complex who is observing the pregnant woman. But life circumstances do not always turn out well and it happens that a woman cannot see a doctor in the next few days. Therefore, it is very important for the expectant mother to independently recognize the premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

  • the fluid released increases when moving or changing position;
  • if this is a small rupture of the amniotic sac, then water can flow down the legs and the woman, even with tension in the pelvic muscles, cannot hold back the discharge;
  • if the gap is very tiny, then the leakage can only be determined using a test or smear in the LC (antenatal clinic).

What does amniotic fluid look like?

Quite often, women try to determine by the color of the discharge on the pad whether leakage has begun. This is quite difficult to do, most waters have a clear, less often pink, greenish, brown or cloudy tint.

Tests for leakage of amniotic fluid

  1. You do not need to purchase any equipment for this test. Go to the toilet briefly, wash yourself and dry yourself very thoroughly with a towel so that there is no moisture left anywhere. After this, lie down on a dry, clean sheet. If after 15-20 minutes wet spots appear on it, there is a high probability of amniotic fluid leakage. The reliability of this method is approximately 80%.
  2. A gasket that allows you to determine the likelihood of leakage can be purchased at a pharmacy for literally 290-330 rubles.

Dear women, remember, at the first sign of leakage, immediately contact your gynecologist at the residential complex or maternity hospital. If the baby is left without water for a long time, it is dangerous for his health and even for the life of the baby.

How does amniotic fluid leak normally?

In most cases, the following sequence of events occurs:

  • at 38-42 weeks of pregnancy, labor begins;
  • during one of the contractions, the amniotic sac ruptures and the liquid pours out in one stream;
  • if there is no rupture of the bladder, then the obstetrician-gynecologist on the chair independently punctures the amniotic sac - this process is called Amniotomy.

What are the consequences of leakage for the woman and the fetus?

If the waters completely break in the second trimester, this can lead to infection of the fetus, which in this case will easily pass through all the protection.

As soon as the obstetrician-gynecologist determines that the pregnant woman is leaking amniotic fluid, the woman will be sent for ultrasound diagnostics to determine the degree of maturity of the child in the womb. If the respiratory system and kidneys of the fetus are ready to function outside the uterus, then labor will be stimulated. This is necessary to prevent the consequences of infection. If the baby is not yet ready to be born, then a number of measures will be taken to prolong the pregnancy. The woman will be prescribed antibacterial drugs and means to stop labor, and will begin to wait until the child reaches the developmental threshold that will allow him to breathe on his own.

Amniotic fluid is a substance that normally has no color or strong odor. 97% is water, which includes a variety of nutrients: proteins, mineral salts. Also in the amniotic fluid, upon closer examination, skin cells, hair and alkaloids can be found. In addition, the smell of the liquid, according to scientists, resembles the smell of mother's milk. That is why, immediately after childbirth, she reaches for her mother’s breast.

The discharge of amniotic fluid is one of the sure signs that labor has already begun. However, it is not uncommon for the water to break earlier. And it is very important not to miss this moment, because the fetus can live without them for only 12 hours.

If there are any problems with the fetus, the waters may turn green or even brown. If the expectant mother sees dark water leaking, she should immediately call an ambulance.

What does waste water look like?

Normally, if everything is fine with the mother and the child, the water looks like ordinary water. Very often, women at the initial stage of labor go to the shower to make it easier, so they may not notice that their water has broken, because... against the general background they will be completely invisible. In some cases, after the water breaks, a woman may feel uterine contractions, which signal that labor has entered a new phase.

However, it often happens that water begins to leak long before labor begins - sometimes even 2 days before. In this case, you need to very carefully monitor the amount that comes out. For example, it is believed that normally this can be a natural discharge of liquid in a volume of approximately one tablespoon. Sometimes pregnant women even confuse this with urinary incontinence. This loss of amniotic fluid is completely natural and does not cause any harm to the child, especially since the water is restored.

On average, the amount of amniotic fluid before childbirth is 1.0-1.5 liters. Their role is difficult to overestimate: they contribute to the normal development of the fetus, protecting it from compression by the walls of the uterus and from external physical influences.

If there are still more than three months before giving birth, and the amount of amniotic fluid leaking exceeds the norm, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. The ideal option is to call an ambulance. Exceeding the norm may indicate the onset of premature labor.

How to calm yourself down

If you're worried about your water leaking, don't sit at home and be afraid. You have two options. The first is to go to the doctor for a consultation. The gynecologist will carry out all the necessary manipulations and determine whether this is the case. If you are suspicious, and it seems to you that your water is constantly leaking, naturally, you won’t rush to the doctor. In order not to torment yourself once again, just go to the pharmacy and buy a special test. Outwardly, it is quite similar to what is done at the very beginning of pregnancy. This test quite accurately determines water leakage and allows the expectant mother to gain peace of mind and confidence that everything is going well and nothing threatens the health of her baby.

Approximately 12 days after conception, an amniotic sac forms around the growing fetus, which is filled with so-called amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid. During the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, this fluid consists mainly of water. After this period, it also contains hormones, nutrients, the baby's urine and antibodies.

The fetus and fluid are contained in the amniotic sac, which usually ruptures when labor begins. But sometimes its integrity is broken earlier, which is called premature rupture of membranes (PROM) and is accompanied by leakage or even premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

If you experience any abnormal vaginal discharge other than urine and (heavy white discharge), you should see your doctor. This is especially true if the discharge has an unpleasant odor. Leaking amniotic fluid is usually clear, odorless and is constantly released.

Functions of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid performs many functions:

  • Fetal protection.
  • Relieving the umbilical cord of physical pressure (that is, preventing it from being compressed, which can limit the flow of blood and nutrients to the baby).
  • Providing warmth to the child.
  • Prevention of infections in children.
  • Helps develop the lungs and digestive system. The baby breathes and swallows amniotic fluid, thereby practicing the use of muscles in the respiratory tract and digestive tract.
  • Helps develop muscles and bones. The fluid allows the baby to swim and move around inside the amniotic sac, which promotes proper development.
  • Preventing fusion of fingers and toes. Amniotic fluid lubricates the baby's limbs. If there is not enough of it, membranes may form.

Normal amount of amniotic fluid

The level of amniotic fluid throughout pregnancy is determined using ultrasound and can be as follows:

  • 12th week of pregnancy: 60 ml;
  • 16th week of pregnancy: 175 ml;
  • Weeks 34-38 of pregnancy: 400-1200 ml.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid should decrease in preparation for childbirth. Normally, the amniotic sac ruptures during the first stage of labor. At this time, the remaining fluid begins to flow through the cervix and vagina. .

Signs of amniotic fluid leakage

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine what exactly you find on your underwear or while using the toilet. However, amniotic fluid is a little different from urine and heavy vaginal discharge. Amniotic fluid:

  • Typically odorless.
  • Continues to leak, sometimes in a continuous stream.
  • Underwear and pads need to be changed frequently.
  • The fluid is mostly clear, possibly white, and may contain mucus or blood.
  • If there is a greenish or brownish tint, contact your doctor immediately as this may be a sign that your baby has had a bowel movement.

You may also experience cramping and discomfort, but this does not always happen.

It is unlikely that this is leakage of amniotic fluid if:

How can you confirm a leak at home?

At the pharmacy you can purchase a special test system in the form of a pad or tampon with a test strip and other necessary elements, depending on the type and principle of operation of the product.

But the prices for such tests are quite high, so for starters, you can try to get by with a regular sanitary pad to distinguish amniotic fluid from urinary incontinence, which is often observed in the third trimester.

Color of discharge on a regular sanitary pad


Women who are pregnant less than six months after their last birth or are carrying more than one child have a higher risk of PPROM.

Other factors that can lead to PROM:

What is the threat?

About a third of the amniotic fluid is replaced every hour. This means your baby won't be dry, even if there is leakage. But it's possible that rupture of the membranes could mean labor is imminent and/or bacteria could enter the uterus. For this reason, it is important to seek treatment if you suspect amniotic fluid leakage.

Although a small amount of amniotic fluid may be normal, too much can lead to a number of other complications. They include:

  • Stillbirth.
  • Premature birth.
  • Slow fetal growth.
  • Complications during childbirth. For example, the umbilical cord may become pinched and the baby will be deprived of oxygen.
  • The likelihood of a cesarean section is increased, which may be necessary to prevent fetal hypoxia and other complications.
  • Infection. If there is a tear or puncture in the amniotic sac, dangerous bacteria can enter the uterus and harm the baby.
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). This is a type of brain damage in newborns that can occur when there is insufficient oxygen supply.

Oligohydramnios, PROM, and other complications associated with amniotic fluid leakage can be very dangerous. These problems can cause serious birth injuries, illnesses, and lifelong disabilities, including the following:

When to see a doctor?

If the fluid is not urine or natural copious discharge, it is best to consult a doctor.

Women who experience the following symptoms should also seek help when they notice:

  • brown or green vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • fever;
  • soreness and sensitivity of the uterus;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • decrease or absence .

While waiting for medical attention, a woman should not use tampons or do anything else that could introduce bacteria into the vagina.

The doctor may take a sample of the fluid to determine if it is amniotic. He may also perform an examination to determine the cause of the leak.

The examination may include a vaginal examination to see if the cervix is ​​dilating and if the woman is in labor. An ultrasound can help doctors check how much fluid is left.


Treatment will depend on the cause of the problem, as well as the age, health, and development of the fetus.

A pregnant woman faces various kinds of difficulties throughout the entire period of bearing her baby. The remarkable thing is that many people carry a child without serious problems or postpartum complications. However, there is a percentage of women who are unlucky enough to have a certain type of pregnancy pathology. An example of such a pathological condition is leakage of amniotic fluid, which is dangerous to life and health baby circumstance.

Amniotic fluid, also called amniotic fluid, are a special biological environment for the embryo. Their synthesis occurs in the amniotic membrane of the baby. Filling the cavity of the pregnant uterus, they surround the fetus and play a huge role in ensuring the normal development and growth of the child in the mother’s tummy.

In terms of its composition, amniotic fluid is a complex liquid that contains many nutrients and other substances:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • lipids;
  • vitamins;
  • enzymatic, hormonal systems;
  • mineral components;
  • immunoglobulins;
  • gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide);
  • fetal skin lubrication;
  • vellus hair.

Main functions of amniotic fluid

The main functions of amniotic fluid are:

  1. Providing the child with all the necessary nutrients in addition to the main source of nutrition through the placenta and umbilical cord. All the necessary substances are absorbed by the baby’s skin, and in later stages of pregnancy the baby himself swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid and receives some of the nutrients orally.
  2. Maintaining a constant temperature(within 37 degrees), as well as constant pressure.
  3. Providing a protective function in relation to the baby - reducing the force of shocks from the outside, mitigating vibrations inside the fertilized egg.
  4. Protective antibacterial function mediated by the presence of antibodies in water.
  5. Ensuring free movement and the movements of the child in the womb.
  6. Reducing the intensity of sound exposure from outside.

Thus, amniotic fluid is vital for the baby at any stage of intrauterine development.

How does normal rupture of amniotic fluid occur?

Normally, during any pregnancy, there comes a moment when the amniotic fluid begins to flow. This happens in the form two main options.

  1. In the first option, the fetal membranes, tearing in the center, provide instant outpouring about 250 ml of amniotic fluid. The tear occurs right near the exit of the uterus. At such a moment, a pregnant woman feels a sudden wetness of her underwear and clothes.
  2. In the second option, the rupture of the baby’s membranes occurs on their lateral part, that is, above the exit from the uterus. This ensures that there is no immediate expiration, as well as gradual leakage of amniotic fluid in small quantities over a period of time.

As mentioned above, amniotic fluid can be released only when the integrity of the amniotic membrane of the fetus is damaged. Amniotic fluid leaks are a rather dangerous phenomenon., first of all, for the child.

  • Firstly, if medical care is not provided in a timely manner, it threatens miscarriage or even spontaneous abortion. Secondly, there is a risk from the walls of the uterus, asphyxia of the child.
  • Thirdly, leakage of water can provoke disturbances in the normal labor process, that is, its reduced or increased intensity. A particularly important consequence is the formation of respiratory distress syndrome in a newborn premature baby.

Causes of amniotic fluid leakage

During the normal course of pregnancy, amniotic fluid will be released only after the end of the first labor period, that is, after the cervical canal has sufficiently opened. But in some cases, a woman observes leakage of water in an earlier period of gestation. Thus, leakage of amniotic fluid is considered to be its early expiration earlier in the course of pregnancy.

The list of etiological factors that can cause leakage of amniotic fluid includes:

  • The presence of cervical insufficiency, leading to “protrusion” of the bladder in which the fetus is located, which only increases the risk of the child becoming infected with an infectious disease.
  • Infected genital organs of the mother, which leads to increased ripening of the cervix and high rates of production of specialized enzymes that can provoke placental abruption and softening of the membranes of the fetus.
  • Small transverse dimensions of the pelvic ring of the expectant mother.
  • Incorrect position of the baby in the womb.
  • The presence of development of several embryos in the uterine cavity (multiple pregnancy).
  • Abnormal structure of the uterus (uterine septum, congenital shortening of the organ).
  • Chronic general somatic diseases (anemic syndrome, dystrophic changes in organs and tissues in various manifestations).
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking history.
  • Incorrectly planned and illiterately carried out invasive diagnostic techniques in the prenatal period.

Symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage

How do amniotic fluid leak? In almost all cases, symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage appear in the late stages of gestation. In the early stages, the appearance of such signs is also possible, however, their determination is quite difficult due to the small amount of fluid released. There is so little of it that, mixed with normal vaginal discharge, it will go completely unnoticed by the woman.

In certain cases, a pregnant woman may mistake the minimal discharge that has occurred as a manifestation of urinary incontinence. In the later stages of pregnancy, leaks will be distinguished by their abundance, and the woman will not confuse them with anything else. Often the amount of discharge increases with tension in the pelvic muscles or active change of position.

What does amniotic fluid look like? Amniotic fluid can have a different character. In some cases it is a colorless transparent liquid, and in others it is reddish, with a brown or green tint, with a pronounced odor, which clearly indicates the presence of a pathology from pregnancy.

How to diagnose amniotic fluid leakage

Currently, there are many methods that make it possible to accurately determine the presence of excessive secretion of amniotic fluid at the first suspicion of the mother. Developed by specialized tests for amniotic fluid using indicator test strips.

One such test for amniotic fluid leakage is Frautest amnio. The essence of it is that a pregnant woman wears a special pad on her underwear, which contains a test strip. When you feel the pad getting wet, it is removed, the strip is taken out and placed in the case included in the kit for half an hour. Next, the color of the strip is assessed: if it turns yellow-green, the test can be considered positive.

The formation of such a color reaction is associated with determining the acidity of a woman’s discharge, or to be more precise, amniotic fluid has an alkaline reaction, and ordinary vaginal discharge has an acidic reaction. This allows us to distinguish them from each other. The main advantage of the Frautestamnio amniotic fluid test is its ease of implementation and highly sensitive reaction to even minimal traces of amniotic fluid in the discharge.

Another type of test "AmniSure ROM" is based on a method for determining alpha microglobulin protein, which is highly specific for the composition of amniotic fluid. The kit includes a swab, a vial of solvent and a test strip.

After collecting the secretions using a swab, it is placed in a test tube for one minute. Next, the test strip is immersed in the same test tube, and the results are read from this strip on a clean, light surface. The presence of two stripes indicates the presence of amniotic fluid in the pregnant woman’s discharge.

In addition to quick tests, the following are used: research techniques, How:

  • Collection of a woman’s gynecological history, information about pregnancy, examination and instrumental examination.
  • Taking a smear from the vagina.
  • (ultrasound).
  • Carrying out amniocentesis with dye injection.

All therapeutic measures are aimed at preserving the life and health of the baby. But patient management tactics with full-term and premature pregnancy differs significantly.

Prevention of leakage of amniotic fluid

  • Timely detection and treatment of cervical insufficiency.
  • Timely conservation therapy for the fetus (prevention of spontaneous miscarriage).
  • Sanitation of chronic foci of infection in a woman’s body, including in the genital tract.

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