How should you wear a bandage? Types of bandages for pregnant women. A bandage during pregnancy is a useful accessory if used correctly Bandage for pregnant women how to wear

21.09.2024 Children

You need to use a bandage during pregnancy when there is a need to support a heavier belly. It reduces the feeling of fatigue, relieves back pain, and supports the position of the fetus inside the uterus.

This linen Reasonable use Quality
pregnant woman doing exercises
heavy dress

It is recommended to wear it more often from the second half of the term; without special recommendations, it is not necessary to use this device.

Why is it needed?

Experiments with health, especially in pregnant women, are not recommended. Although many people wore a bandage during pregnancy, whether it is needed in a particular case is decided by the woman herself together with the doctor.

There are indications when its use will help solve problems. Then a specific type is prescribed, even to the point of writing a prescription. There are also contraindications that can even cause harm.

First trimesterWearing a special bandage is prescribed extremely rarely, from about 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, for pathologies of the abdominal muscles (for example, discrepancy after a previous pregnancy), back, spineThe presence of an allergic reaction to materials, a subjective feeling of discomfort
Second trimesterPain in the back muscles, threat of miscarriage or premature birth, pathologies of the cervix, its prolapse or the presence of scars, abdominal surgery for a year and a half or later, pinched sciatic nerve, multiple birthsSame as in the first trimester
Third trimesterThe same as in the second, plus the risk of transverse or breech presentation - the bandage during pregnancy will hold the baby “in place”The same, plus incorrect position of the fetus (will prevent it from turning)
After childbirthOptional. Helps to quickly restore shape, promotes the “return” of internal organs “to their place.” It is possible to prescribe a special type after cesarean sectionTransverse suture after cesarean section, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, skin diseases

The presence of indications during pregnancy does not mean that you must wear an uncomfortable bandage. Suffering in uncomfortable underwear, even orthopedic, will be more harmful than problems that can be solved in other ways. Contraindications make its use impossible.

On the contrary, when a doctor does not recommend wearing a bandage, but a woman is comfortable and needs it during pregnancy, there are no categorical prohibitions other than those indicated in the table. Reasonable use, several hours a day, cannot damage the muscles. During this period they will not be weakened, contrary to some erroneous statements. And for a working woman leading an active lifestyle, this remedy will bring the necessary relief.

What are the benefits of a bandage during pregnancy?

  1. Subjectively, it makes the stomach “lighter”; this is especially important in case of multiple births.
  2. Reduces tension in the spine and pelvis.
  3. Relieves back pain.
  4. Reduces leg fatigue.
  5. Helps prevent stretch marks if they are associated with weak abdominal muscles. But during pregnancy, these troubles often appear for other reasons, so there is often no need to wear a bandage unless there are other indications.
  6. Prevents the uterus from descending prematurely.
  7. Reduces the risk of miscarriage.
  8. Helps keep the fetus in the correct position.

How to choose a model

Appearance is not the main thing, quality is desirable. It is important that the bandage does what it is intended to do during pregnancy. The device should gently support the stomach without causing discomfort.

There are three main types that pregnant women use.

  1. Panties or shorts. It is a specially designed model of underwear, with a high waistline and an elastic strip running in front under the belly and in the back at waist level. This bandage can be worn during pregnancy instead of regular underwear; it is invisible even in summer; for winter there are insulated models (look at the photo). The advantages of this model are ease of use, invisibility, and a wide range. The downside is that it requires daily washing, although it can be worn over regular swimming trunks.
  2. Belt. Looks like a wide elastic band with a sticky fastener. Thanks to it you can adjust the size. There are often adjustment valves to prevent the waistband from being stretched too thin. You need to wear such a bandage correctly while lying down or standing; during pregnancy, it is especially convenient in the summer, since it covers a very small surface of the body. They wear it over underwear, tights, and trousers. Valves and Velcro can come out under clothing and stick to it.
  3. Universal. This type is used before and after childbirth. Made in the form of an orthopedic belt. One side is much larger than the other, it has supporting bones and a rigid padding. During pregnancy, such a bandage is worn with the wide side backwards; after childbirth, it is turned. This is the best option for a problematic back, and also provides good savings for the family budget. But after giving birth, you may still need help closing the adhesive clasp on your back.

Even the most suitable bandage during pregnancy can cause discomfort during the first few days. But if on the third or fourth day of wearing it you still “feel” it, even more pressing and rubbing, it means that it was chosen incorrectly.

Reasonable use

Rules for choosing a bandage during pregnancy.

  1. The size is selected according to the circumference of the waist and hips
  2. in wider places. There are no universal size lines, so these parameters are indicated on the packaging.

  3. You need to purchase it at a pharmacy, a specialty store, or, alternatively, at a consultation. There should be a choice, a competent consultant who will help you take the correct measurements. He will also tell you which model to choose during pregnancy, depending on why the bandage is needed. It’s better to try on a few and move around in them.
  4. Shorts should have a wide elastic strip; the larger it is, the better the effect.
  5. The belt should also be of sufficient width; the tighter it is, the more comfortable it will be during use (it will not slip or roll up).

Correct way to use

You need to start wearing a bandage when undesirable sensations appear during pregnancy - heaviness, fatigue, back pain. This occurs around the fourth month, with an intensive increase in the size of the abdomen.

It is removed just before childbirth. There is one exception - if the bandage prevents premature descent of the fetus. In this case, stop wearing at 38 weeks.

If a woman needs to wear a brace during pregnancy, it is important to learn how to put it on correctly. This is not difficult, especially since instructions are always included in the package.

The most difficult situation arises with those models that are put on while lying down. This is easy to do at home, but when you need to go to the toilet at work, problems begin. Solving them is simple - just lean back slightly, press your stomach a little with your hand and fasten the Velcro.

There are different sizes

It is important to remember that even the most comfortable bandage, worn correctly, cannot be worn around the clock. In general, you can safely use it for up to six hours a day. If you need to wear it all day, remove the belt every three hours for about half an hour. Under no circumstances should you sleep in this device.

There are situations where harm from a bandage is possible during pregnancy, even if you started wearing it without problems. It is necessary to urgently loosen or even remove the device in the following cases:

  • there was a feeling of excessive pressure;
  • there is not enough air, shortness of breath appears;
  • The baby is worried and kicks a lot.

Whether it is worth using this device at all, when to start, how long to wear it, a woman is quite capable of deciding on her own. Provided that there are no critical situations and the doctor does not prohibit it. A correctly chosen and wisely used bandage is not capable of causing harm to either the mother or the unborn child. A .

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy always raises questions among expectant mothers: how to choose it, how to wear it and how long to wear it. This information is very important for the bandage to effectively perform its functions. Is it possible to sleep and sit in a brace during pregnancy?

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

After the expectant mother has decided on the choice of a prenatal bandage, she will have to master the science of putting it on and wearing it. Her well-being and the development of her child depend on how correctly a girl uses this accessory. A well-chosen bandage does not slip off the pregnant woman’s tummy, does not put pressure and does not cause discomfort.

We will tell you in detail whether it is possible to sit in a prenatal brace, when it is best to wear it and when you need to rest from it.

How to put on a maternity bandage correctly

How a girl puts on a bandage determines its effectiveness, as well as the comfort of the pregnant woman herself. Most expectant mothers, when purchasing this accessory, do not know how to put on a prenatal bandage. This information must be indicated on the product packaging. In some cases, there are even pictures on the box that tell you how to properly put on a prenatal bandage from this company.

First of all, you should know that the bandage can only be put on while lying down.

The girl should lie on her back and place a pillow or cushion under her buttocks. This way the load will be evenly distributed throughout the body, and the baby in the womb will be able to move from the bottom of the abdomen to the top. The pressure on the bladder will decrease, and the bandage can be put on and fastened tightly. A properly worn accessory passes under the stomach, rests on the pubic bone and hips. However, he should never put pressure on his stomach!

When to start wearing a brace during pregnancy

One of the most common questions from expectant mothers is: when should you start wearing a brace during pregnancy? In most cases, this accessory is required when the baby begins to actively gain weight and the tummy begins to grow. It is then that a lot of pressure appears on the spine and legs of the expectant mother. To find out from what week you should wear a maternity bandage, it is better to first consult with a gynecologist. On average, the period varies from 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. During multiple pregnancies, a prenatal bandage is required; your gynecologist will tell you when to start wearing it. Most likely, it will be less than 20 weeks, depending on the girl’s well-being.

Information about which month to wear a bandage for pregnant women with a uterine scar or polyhydramnios may vary. Most often this is a period of 4 months. It is worth adding that if there are medical indications for wearing a bandage, only a doctor can determine the start date for its use. Each pregnancy proceeds individually, so in order not to harm yourself and the baby, consult a gynecologist.

There is only one contraindication when you cannot wear a bandage during pregnancy. If by 30 weeks the fetus has not taken the correct head-down position. Then wearing a bandage will prevent the baby from changing position, and you will have to wait, even despite severe back pain.

Let's summarize. From what stage of pregnancy you should wear a bandage, only the attending physician who is caring for your pregnancy can tell you for sure. He will tell you until what week to wear this accessory. For medical indications, the bandage is usually worn until childbirth, only from the 38th to 39th week is wearing limited in time, since the tummy is already beginning to descend, and the baby is moving along the birth canal, preparing for birth.

How long can you wear a maternity brace?

When purchasing, not all expectant mothers know how many hours pregnant women can wear the brace without a break. Usually doctors recommend wearing it for 3 to 4 hours if the girl has a long walk on foot. If you plan to wear the brace all day, take a 30-minute break every 3 hours. At this time, it is advisable to lie down, if possible. The bandage must be removed at night. It is best to wear it when the girl walks or sits a lot.

If you are uncomfortable in the bandage, dizziness appears, and the child becomes very active, you should immediately remove the bandage.

The attending physician determines how long to wear a brace for pregnant women if there are special medical indications. For example, for severe lower back pain, it is worn daily throughout the day until childbirth. Remember to take breaks and rest. If the bandage brings significant relief to the pregnant woman, then doctors allow it to be worn constantly, removing it only at night. However, all these cases must be considered individually, taking into account the pregnancy history of each girl.

Sooner or later, any expectant mother is faced with the need to use a bandage during pregnancy. But few women know how to wear it correctly, so that it is comfortable, nothing is squeezing anywhere, and the most important thing is that the main function is performed - supporting the tummy. Some people mistakenly believe that it is all simple. He pulled it on, fastened it and went. In fact, it's not that easy.

Why a bandage during pregnancy?

The bandage should support the tummy and prevent pressure from the uterus on the internal organs and abdominal wall. It helps ease the last months of pregnancy, especially when the baby's head is already falling and pressing on the pelvic bones and cervix. Not a pleasant feeling. And if the uterus and baby are fixed correctly, then a certain lightness will come. Even walking will become easier.

In addition, some women noted that wearing supportive underwear and belts is an excellent prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen. And if you add moisturizing cream twice a day, the effect will only improve.

Someone says that there is no benefit from the bandage, that the child still puts pressure on the pelvic bones, and stretch marks appear. And the only reason for this is the incorrect putting on of support underwear. Therefore, we will tell you how to choose the right bandage and how to wear it.

How to choose a bandage

When purchasing a bandage, adhere to the following rules.

Choose a bandage for yourself

First of all, you should be comfortable. There should be no pressure anywhere. Otherwise it will be bad for blood circulation. Both yours and your future child. Remember, your belly is growing. Therefore, the fabric must be not only elastic and dense, but also elastic. Look at the seams. They should not be rough so as not to put pressure on the skin and cause you discomfort. In addition, the material must be breathable.

Each woman has her own parameters. Therefore, measure your parameters in the abdomen, under it, hips, and only after that proceed to the choice. Otherwise, there is a high probability of purchasing either one that is too narrow, which will squeeze you like a vice, or one that is too wide. And such a dangling bandage cannot keep the stomach elevated.

And remember that you can buy a bandage that can be worn both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Postpartum belly support helps tighten your shape faster, tighten your belly, and your uterus will shrink in a shorter period of time.

Remember hygiene

There are models of bandages that look like oversized panties. So they should be worn over underwear. It is better to purchase several pieces at once (preferably after trial wear) in order to wash them. Why after trial wear? What if you feel uncomfortable? Well, not immediately, but in a couple of days. And then what will you do with all the supplies?

You need to buy several, but only those that both support and do not interfere with you. The ideal bandage is one that is practically not felt by the body, but its “work” is noticeable.

Pay attention to Velcro

You should not buy some dubious bandages in unknown places, without certification. Pay attention to the quality of the Velcro if you take a belt and not panties. Small hooks on it are unacceptable. They should hold firmly. Still, Velcro has to “remember” the position in which the bandage belt should be.

You can buy a bandage at any pharmacy or specialized stores for expectant mothers. The price for it varies from 600 rubles and above, depending on the model and manufacturer.

Photo of a bandage during pregnancy

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy

Let's say you bought yourself support underwear, and now let's figure out how to wear a maternity bandage correctly. It is wrong to wear it while you are standing. Unless you gently lift your stomach. But still this will not give the desired comfort. Don't give your back the necessary relief. After all, he takes on part of the load.

In order for the bandage to be truly beneficial, it must be worn correctly. To do this, lie on your back. If you can’t lie down, then at least sit comfortably and lean back as much as possible. Then lift your hips (lift your pelvis away from the support). This will lead to the fact that the uterus, under the influence of gravity from the highest point (the pelvis, which has become higher than the level of the body), will “roll” closer to the chest. This will free up the abdominal wall area. But don't overdo it. After all, you are pregnant, not a gymnast. And you don’t need to stand on the bridge.

So, the pelvis is raised. Take the bandage belt and fasten it tightly. If the bandage is panties, then put them on immediately, and pull the supporting part over your tummy in a position with your pelvis raised. This way you will fix the uterus in an elevated state. And it will not cause you pain or discomfort. In some cases, you need to get used to the bandage. But be sure to take it off at night.
Some are against such “supports”, citing the fact that they compress blood vessels, impair blood flow, thereby causing hypoxia in the child. This only occurs in 2 cases:

  • If the bandage is purchased in a smaller size than what is actually needed.
  • If the bandage is too tight, if there are Velcro.

You'll know if you've overtightened the fastenings. The baby usually reacts quickly to this, begins to push strongly, toss and turn, and “be indignant.” Then you need to lie on your back again, slightly raise your hips and pelvis, loosen the fastening a little, and re-fasten the bandage. Lower your heel to the starting position. Get up slowly. But don’t forget that you first need to carefully “roll” onto your side, and then just lower your feet to the floor and carefully, slowly, get up.

Now about how the bandage should be positioned. On the back it should be strictly at the level of the lower back. Not on the fifth point, not on the shoulder blades, but clearly on the lower back. It is permissible to go a little into the buttock area. In front, it should be under the stomach, extending slightly onto it to secure it, and it must be located on the pubic bones. It is recommended to wear the belt with the wide part at the back. But some people find it much more comfortable when the wide side supports the stomach. If in doubt, ask your gynecologist to teach you.

Typically, a bandage is prescribed at 22-30 weeks. However, the obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe it later (after the first complaints of lower back pain appear, so as NOT TO REPLACE THE WORK OF YOUR OWN MUSCLES WITH A BANDAGE.


Let's start with an academic rule - it's better not to experiment with your health! So if all your friends and acquaintances already wore a bandage during your term, this does not mean that you need to follow their example. You should purchase special underwear only when indicated.

These include:
- back pain (to reduce the load on the spine, the bandage was
- threat of miscarriage, underdevelopment of the cervix;
- low position of the fetus with weak abdominal muscles (the bandage fixes the child higher and does not allow him to fall down prematurely);
- a scar on the uterus (after a previous cesarean or other gynecological operation); surgery on the abdominal cavity within one and a half years before pregnancy (the bandage prevents the abdomen from hanging over the seam and getting wet);
-neurological pain caused by pinched nerves in the lumbar spine (without a bandage, the pain in the leg can become so intense that it becomes difficult to walk);
- twins or triplets (a heavy uterus puts a particularly large load on the spine).

Without support
Not everyone needs a bandage. If you do not have the listed indications, if your abdominal muscles are developed and your back does not hurt, then there is no need for a bandage. Most often, tall, slender ladies manage without outside support, but large and short ladies need additional support.
Other contraindications include skin reactions to products made from synthetic materials and breech or transverse presentation of the fetus. The bandage fixes the baby's position, and if the baby is not presented correctly, it will be almost impossible for the baby to turn back, which means the risk of complications and surgical intervention during childbirth increases. Therefore, if after the 24th week of pregnancy the presentation is not cephalic, no matter what the back pain is, a bandage is not prescribed.

Dressing procedure
If a bandage is prescribed, your doctor will help you choose the right size. To do this, he measures the abdominal circumference in the navel area in a standing position. It is advisable to purchase underwear where you can try it on. This is rarely the case in pharmacies, so it is better to contact maternity clothing stores. A doctor should show you how to put on a bandage, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often the underwear is worn too high on the model (in this case it can squeeze the fetus). For the first time, you should try on the bandage while lying down - this makes it easier to feel the pubic bone. In general, the process of putting it on is reminiscent of wrapping a loincloth - the bandage should go along the lower part of the buttocks, pass entirely under the stomach, resting on the hips, and grab the pubic bone in front. The doctor should also adjust the model so that you feel comfortable, not too tight and not too loose. However, it is worth remembering that as the abdomen grows, it is necessary to adjust the degree of tension.
After you learn how to properly adjust the ties, you can perform the procedure while standing (after all, you will not always be able to lie down during the day).
Contrary to popular belief, bandages do not protect against stretch marks. Striae appear primarily due to decreased skin elasticity and hormonal changes. Unfortunately, the bandage cannot influence this.

Many sports moms are interested in whether it is possible to wear a bandage during fitness classes. It all depends on the condition of the woman herself. If you are used to leading an active lifestyle, have strong abdominal muscles and a healthy back, you may not need a bandage at all. If the doctor recommends wearing a bandage, and you feel comfortable in it during training, then you can play sports in a bandage.
Model range
Bandages are divided into prenatal and postnatal.
Prenatal bandages are most often made of synthetic materials, but they are also made entirely of cotton - for mothers with sensitive skin. Some manufacturers have up to six sizes.

Bandage tape It is a dense wide tape made of elastic material with a wide part in the middle and narrower ends. It is adjustable with a fastener (usually Velcro) in the front, and two more on the sides. Some manufacturers have perforated tape - thanks to the holes, the material “breathes” and it is not so hot in the bandage. This model is preferable for back problems, especially if support is not needed throughout the day. The tape can be used both during and after pregnancy. In the first case, the wide part is at the back, in the second, at the front. Panties. The bandage tape runs inside maternity panties (both high, covering the stomach, and low, passing under it). The tape itself is not as wide and dense as in the previous model. There are models with an adjustable clasp between the legs like a bodysuit - this is convenient for those whose thighs become very fat during pregnancy. Such bandages are sometimes trimmed with lace; they are quite convenient to put on and take off. But many are confused by their main drawback - they need to be washed daily, like any underwear. Belt. The bandage is reminiscent of high-top maternity panties, with the difference that a thin elastic band runs only from the side of the abdomen. And the model itself is adjustable only from the side. This option is suitable for those for whom it is more important to prevent the baby’s head from drooping, but lumbar support is not so important. Some manufacturers have a fabric insert above the bandage made of a special “breathable” material with a “second skin” effect.

Postoperative bandages you can choose based on prenatal volumes. However, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy the hips move apart and do not always quickly return to their place, so you may not be able to guess the size.
“Regular” ones look like high-rise panties with fastenings on the sides or both sides of the stomach, often with a lower fastening, like a bodysuit. Most often made of synthetic materials that help compression and provide microcirculation of air. There are also cotton models that help restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscles due to the tight insertion and strong tightening. Some manufacturers have models trimmed with lace.
Postoperative - special bandages for those who gave birth by cesarean. They resemble a very wide belt - from the waist and almost to the pubis, with a clasp along the entire width. This type of bandage is softer than a regular postpartum bandage and is designed specifically for wearing after surgery.

A bandage in the form of a band is preferable for back problems. Especially if support is not needed throughout the day.
The “belt” model is ideal if you need to secure your baby’s head from drooping. Lumbar support fades into the background.

If you gave birth yourself, it is advisable to refrain from wearing a bandage. It replaces the work of the abdominal muscles, and they come into shape more slowly. Better help your muscles with exercise.

How long to walk:
After the bandage is prescribed, you should wear it until birth, especially for those who spend a lot of time on their feet or lead a sedentary lifestyle. Some doctors recommend not wearing the brace for more than three hours at a time. However, if it fits perfectly, no breaks are needed. If your back starts to hurt only after walking for several hours, you don’t need to wear a brace all the time.

After cesarean.
If you gave birth by caesarean section, then you cannot do without additional support (with the exception of a longitudinal suture). You can put on a bandage almost immediately after the operation and walk in it for 40 days. However, it is better to clarify this issue with a specialist in the maternity hospital or antenatal clinic. The doctor will be able to recommend the right model for you.

It turns out that the bandage can be harmful if used incorrectly.

For some women, pregnancy is associated with many fears: stretch marks, swelling, pain, excess weight... In fact, more unpleasant consequences can be prevented by wearing a bandage.

A maternity bandage is a special medical underwear that supports the abdomen and relieves stress from the back. Both among expectant mothers and doctors there is no consensus on whether a bandage is needed. The final decision is made after examining the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby in the womb. Still, in most cases, such a product will not hurt if used correctly.

Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy:

  • supports the stomach with weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • reduces the likelihood of stretch marks;
  • relieves stress from the back;
  • prevents varicose veins;
  • relieves discomfort during separation of the pelvic bones;
  • prevents early descent of the fetus;
  • helps keep the fetus in the correct position.

If you have health problems or a tendency to develop stretch marks, your doctor will most likely prescribe wearing a bandage. But under no circumstances make a decision on your own! Under certain conditions, such underwear will cause more harm, but we’ll talk about that a little later.

As soon as you find out about pregnancy, a plan of action is immediately formed in your head: what to do, what to buy, etc. In the first months, you don’t have to worry about buying a bandage, but think in advance about what model you plan to buy in the future.

Your doctor will also tell you when to start wearing a brace during pregnancy. This question is individual and depends on the period at which the expectant mother’s belly begins to noticeably grow. Usually such changes occur in the fourth month.

By the way, not all women are in dire need of supportive underwear. Some ladies manage to do without it altogether and remain in excellent physical shape and excellent health. But in the following situations, a bandage is a necessity:

  • active lifestyle;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • large fruit;
  • scars on the uterus;
  • recent abdominal surgery;
  • repeat pregnancy;
  • weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • back diseases, osteochondrosis;
  • low position of the child in the womb;
  • varicose veins

Product selection

Today there are several models of maternity bandages on sale. When choosing, you should focus on the following characteristics:

  • type of bandage;
  • material (necessarily natural, breathable and elastic);
  • degree of comfort;
  • price.

There are universal models that combine the properties of all types of products, but they are more expensive. But you can save money by eliminating the need to purchase 2-3 auxiliary products.

Do not order a bandage online! It is best to make a purchase at a pharmacy or specialty store. Be sure to try on the product to make sure that the size suits you, the material and fasteners are of high quality, and nothing presses.

Panties or belt?

The main classification involves dividing support underwear into two types: panties and girdle. There are models created by combining them into one product.

Panties are considered the cheapest and easiest to use. They are panties with an elastic insert on the stomach. It reaches approximately to the navel and stretches depending on the stage of pregnancy. The downside is the impossibility of adjusting the degree of tension of the elastic band.

Since the material loses its properties more and more after each wash, wear bandage panties over your underwear. Choose one size larger than usual.

The second option is a belt. The wide part supports the back, and the narrow part is secured under the stomach. There are several variations. In some models, the stomach is picked up both from below and from above. Try on several options to choose the one that suits you best. If the elastic bands are pressing, it is better to do without supporting underwear.

There is another model - a corset, but such products are uncomfortable and can squeeze the stomach, which is unacceptable.

Differences between prenatal and postnatal models

Prenatal bands are used to support the back and abdomen. These are high panties or belts, fastened with a wide part at the back. Postpartum bandages help the abdomen recover faster. Their action is based on compression and tightening of muscles. In universal models, the wide part of the belt is turned forward. That is, it is more profitable to buy a mixed product so that after childbirth you do not have to look for a new bandage.

To get the maximum benefit and not harm the baby, it is important to use the bandage correctly. Remember a few rules:

    You can wear the bandage for a maximum of 3-4 hours at a time. It is advisable to remove the product every 2-3 hours. This way you will prevent disruption of the blood supply to the fetus and give the child the opportunity to move. In addition, the abdominal muscles must be challenged to avoid weakening.

    At night, support underwear is not used. If you have the opportunity to rest during the day, this is an excellent reason to remove the bandage.

    If you feel discomfort or pressure on your stomach, remove the bandage immediately! It should provide relief, not add additional stress.

    In rare cases, the doctor may recommend continuous wearing of such underwear, but in any case, rely on your own feelings. If the child begins to be overly active in the abdomen, the bandage may be bothering him and blocking the blood supply.

If you feel fine without a bandage, doctors recommend doing without it. In any case, underwear does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against stretch marks, because the individual tendency to the appearance of such defects and hormonal levels play a big role, and in the absence of indications, there is no point in wearing it.

There are also some restrictions. For example, a bandage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • when there is a threat of weakening of the abdominal muscles due to lack of load on them;
  • allergic skin reaction due to the use of synthetic products;
  • incorrect position of the fetus (butt forward).

There is controversy around the last point, since some doctors are convinced that it is the bandage that prevents the fetus from taking the correct position, while others believe the opposite. There is an opinion that underwear helps the baby turn over on his head and fixes him in this position until birth.

In any case, to avoid negative consequences, consult a doctor before purchasing a bandage. Proper support for your stomach and back will allow you to stay active and healthy even in the last trimester, and after giving birth you will get into shape faster.