About “negative” emotions during pregnancy. Or the main myth of pregnancy. Negative emotions during pregnancy: how to deal with them? One emotion for two

07.09.2024 Childbirth

In the previous article, we talked about where strong negative emotions come from and why it is so important not to suppress them. This, of course, is relevant not only for pregnant women.

If you have been denying or suppressing them for many years, or, on the contrary, have often lost self-control, then it is important to gradually and carefully heal this destructive response pattern, replacing it with a conscious, timely recognition of your feelings: “Yes, right now I’m angry/furious/upset and I have every right to be…”

The algorithm for working with negative emotions is approximately the following:

1. Allow feelings to be! Without suppressing or resisting them.

“Feelings should always be taken seriously. They have the right to exist simply because they exist; they do not need any other reasons or justifications.” Udo Baer

2. Call the feeling by its proper name.

3. Direct attention to the body, bodily grounding (grounding is a way to be in deep contact with consciousness, emotions, feelings and the body).

4. And finally, live to the fullest.

“Feelings cannot be measured, cannot be dosed... Feelings always need expression.” Udo Baer

And only then identify and, if possible, satisfy the need, the unrealization of which lies behind the emotion.

Before we finally look at ways of living, let's turn to what else is important to know. After all, during pregnancy, all these points are also relevant, only with the adjustment that you are not alone here now. In the words of Deepak Chopra: “During those nine months while your child depends on you, like an astronaut on his spaceship, he constantly turns to your database of this world.”.

In the modern world, it has long been no secret that a child in the womb feels all the emotions of the mother. And again in the words of Deepak Chopra: “Your perception of the world around you is transmitted to your unborn baby through the filter of your body. And he readily learns to associate sensory impulses with feelings and emotions, experiencing pleasure or discomfort ... "

A fair reminder here is the importance of recognizing rather than suppressing your feelings. After all, while the mother for the time being may not notice her fears and worries, deliberately distracted by films, books, eating or talking about her feelings, the child cannot open a book or turn on the TV, he is left alone with this without the opportunity take cover.

The consequences may be: difficulties with basic trust in the world, increased anxiety in the newborn, intermittent, restless sleep, severe colic, frequent crying and other unpleasant manifestations in the first months of a little person’s life. After all, he has already realized that the world is not safe and he has something to worry about.

We have access to the achievements of perinatal, transpersonal psychology, spiritual knowledge, descriptions of various experiments with hypnosis and much more, which indicates that intrauterine events influence the formation of the subconscious, mental and behavioral reactions of an adult for the rest of his life.

Therefore, now you can and should take care not only of your feelings, but also of the feelings of the child. For example, if some unpleasant situation has occurred, you can tell your child about your feelings, that you are sad or scared now, but he has nothing to do with it, that such feelings also happen, but you always have the strength to cope with it that your world will always take care of you, and you, in turn, will always take care of it, no matter what happens. Touch your belly at these moments, stroke it, try to relax, establish a mental connection with the child.

Even if the achievements of perinatal psychology are alien to you and, especially in the early stages, it is still difficult to believe that there is already a feeling baby inside you, this will help you develop an important skill for the future in communicating with your child about feelings, and speaking out loud such an affirmation is guaranteed to help you relax and calm down. Agree, reminding yourself that “I can always handle everything” is never superfluous.

How to live emotions environmentally?

First of all, try to return attention from outside to inside. When an emotion “overwhelms” us, we tend to lose ourselves and our sense of self in space. Someone starts eating everything they see, someone runs from corner to corner, etc. The fastest way to “return to the body”: feel the floor/ground/support with your feet and hold this feeling for a couple of minutes. Of course, having an established contact with your body will be important here, but this is a different and no less extensive topic. In the meantime, let’s look at the ways of living available during pregnancy point by point:


Breathe deeply, observing and being aware of inhalation and exhalation;

Perform acceptable physical exercises, do cleaning;

Stomp, dance, express with movement;

Cry, allow yourself to be completely sad, grieve;

Laugh, clap, jump.

Sing, shout;

Talk, speak out to someone who is guaranteed not to judge; You can even talk to yourself into a voice recorder;

Call the emotion by its name;

Exhale with sound. Each time, allowing yourself to exhale louder and louder, listening to the body’s needs, it always knows what sound will help release the emotion that is stuck in the throat;

Mantra, prayer depending on your spiritual tradition.


Freewriting (free writing). There are many techniques, you can read in more detail on the Internet (for example, from the authors Julia Cameron or Armen Petrosyan);

Radical forgiveness questionnaires, letters of grievances. You can also download it on the Internet. They have a very effective effect;

Diary of feelings. This useful tool allows you to track and notice your response patterns, see the range of feelings you experience, which will allow you to accept them, and at the same time identify cause-and-effect relationships.


Art therapy techniques;

Expressive Arts;

Intuitive painting, right-hemisphere drawing;

Working with clay, plasticine;

Psychodrama, playback theater (methods available in special groups).

Listen to yourself and choose the method that seems most suitable for you at the moment, observe your emotions, allow them to be seen and heard, remember that this is the only way to let them go.

Important! If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, do not neglect contacting a specialist. During pregnancy, deep-seated feelings and childhood traumas can rise to the surface, which are not always safe to face alone. Even one visit to an experienced art therapist, psychologist, body-oriented psychotherapist can help solve many troubling issues. In addition, a specialist will help you identify a suitable and accessible way of experiencing emotions specifically for you. It can also be classes in special groups in which a trusting atmosphere is created, a circle of women, where all conditions are created that facilitate not only letting go of worries and anxieties, but also expressing them through creativity, thereby gaining new experience and pleasure.

Also, do not forget about possible physiological reasons for increased emotionality. Such seemingly simple factors as a lack of certain vitamins and micronutrients, insufficient water and sleep, and lack of regular deep relaxation can cause excessive irritability, depression and other negative protracted conditions. These factors should be excluded first.

And, most importantly, do not rush yourself and do not demand quick results, thank yourself and your body every time for living the next experience more consciously. Take care of yourself and your peace of mind.

When an expectant mother finds out about her pregnancy, she begins to be overwhelmed with a lot of different emotions. This is joy, the expectation of a miracle, a feeling of happiness, delight. But, in addition to positive emotions, pregnant women are characterized by frequent mood swings, anxiety, excitement, irritability and tearfulness.

Pregnancy is a special state not only for the body, but also for the soul of a woman. Not only hormonal and physical changes occur, but also psychological ones. If before pregnancy a woman was mainly responsible only for herself plus worry about her family and friends, then in a state of pregnancy the woman’s psychological state is burdened with worry not only about herself personally, but also about the new life that has arisen. And all this throughout the entire gestation period, which lasts about nine months.

The many anxieties surrounding a pregnant woman lead to an aggravation of all feelings and a change in the woman’s character. Even the most steely ladies become soft like wax during pregnancy. Any little thing can affect the psychological state of a pregnant woman, not to mention more serious problems encountered in everyday life or at work.

The emotions that a woman experiences directly affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth, and the attitude towards the child before and after his birth. A child whose mother receives positive emotions develops more correctly than one whose mother suffers from nervous breakdowns, depression or other negative feelings and emotions.

And during this period, the role of positive emotions is more important than ever. A woman needs support in everything from her husband and immediate family. And all in order not to succumb to negative emotions, not to become limp and not to harm the health of the pregnant baby.

To make it easier psychologically and physically to bear the state of pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Even two months before the expected pregnancy, or better yet six months before it, you need to prepare your body and psyche for the upcoming tests.

To do this, you need to physically strengthen the body, walk more often, get a full rest at night, receive positive emotions and postpone all household renovations until better times.

Very important relationship between spouses, which can develop positively, or can cool down due to the spouse’s lack of understanding of the woman’s new status. Psychological support also plays an important role. Psychological support– this is, first of all, emotional support, that is, the ability of spouses to sympathize, empathize with each other’s problems and help in overcoming difficulties. Frequent mood swings can be perceived as ordinary female whims, and not the reaction of a woman’s psyche to her new state. That is why men should also prepare themselves for a new status in advance. And then the wife’s pregnancy will be perceived as a joy, and not as a natural disaster.

Plays an important role psychological preparation for pregnancy. The peculiarities of psychological preparation for pregnancy are that the expectant mother is helped to achieve a state when she becomes calmer, she develops unity with the future baby, and she more subtly feels the connection that has arisen with him. If a woman is worried about something, stress hormones begin to be transmitted to the baby through the blood. They reach the baby through the placenta.

How do positive emotions help during pregnancy?

Positive emotions during pregnancy provide favorable conditions for the development of the baby in the womb. And when stressful situations arise, especially those based on fear, there may be a risk of adverse consequences for the health of the fetus. The stress experienced by the mother can seriously affect the baby's endocrine system and embryonic brain development. If a pregnant woman is constantly in stressful situations and experiences negative emotions and fear during pregnancy, then there is a risk of having a premature baby who is hyperactive or irritable.

Stress hormones that pass through the placenta to the baby worsen the blood supply to the fetus and also affect the baby’s mental character. When positive thoughts arise during pregnancy, the female body begins to produce happiness hormones, the so-called endorphins or encephalins.

The harmonious and relaxed state of a pregnant woman is useful because the hormones produced during such a state are similar to natural ones. The emergence of positive thoughts during pregnancy contributes to the formation of a healthy nervous system of the baby.

How to improve your mood during pregnancy?

There is no universal way that can improve the mood of a pregnant woman in any situation, and that would help all expectant mothers. But you can change the situation with bad emotions by using the following psychological methods of emotional self-control:

  • Take a break when you feel emotionally low. Get up, walk down the street, get some fresh air.
  • Concentrate on something else, even if only for a few minutes.
  • Try to communicate more with your significant other and, if possible, spend more time together.
  • Negative emotions visit you more often if you are very tired and have little rest. Therefore, try to get a good night's sleep, setting aside the necessary time for this. Also try to maintain proper nutrition during pregnancy.

  • Breathing exercises and yoga for pregnant women help with low mood. Perinatal massage and meditation help to relax. Walking in the fresh air also helps normalize breathing.
  • Talk about your mood with friends, relatives, or discuss it with work colleagues. You can also consult your doctor about this.

Remember: Positive emotions during pregnancy are the key to a happy pregnancy and a healthy baby with a stable psyche!

Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh... or emotions during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman is a special creature, she is a delicate and vulnerable soul, even if before that the woman was a lady of steel! A whole nine months of waiting for happiness changes a woman greatly. During pregnancy, hopes appear in the soul, plans for life are made, dreams about the future, and the baby and life with him are imagined. However, along with this, anxiety also appears - “will I be able to cope, will I be able to be a good mother?” Many mothers, especially those who have had bad experiences with previous pregnancies, worry whether they will be able to carry and give birth to the baby, is everything okay with him? Others are unsure of their spouse, have cramped living conditions, or have problems at work. Anything can happen and it ruins a pregnant woman’s life, bringing fear and anxiety into it. How not to become despondent, not to succumb to depression and not to become limp? There are many ways, but you need to start with analyzing yourself.

Where to start?

It seems that pregnancy should bring only positive emotions, because you are giving birth to a new life. But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. But most women remember the state when suddenly tears well up in their eyes even from a simple children's cartoon. Or a state of inexplicable euphoria attacks. All these are our pregnant hormones - and this is normal, they are the ones that give unusual sensitivity, vulnerability, sentimentality, because of them a woman becomes touchy and tearful. Pregnant women are characterized by increased emotionality and irritability, especially if they suffer from toxicosis, and their mood can change several times an hour. Often young couples turn to a psychologist for help during this difficult period in order to prevent conflicts in the family.

What influences?

Remember what your psychological state was before pregnancy, this is important for understanding the essence of what is happening. During pregnancy, the central nervous system (CNS) affects the production of hormones that are necessary for conception and for further pregnancy. You and I now lead a very active lifestyle, sometimes working two or more jobs, dabbling in cigarettes and alcohol, and spending a lot of time on the computer and the Internet. How much do you rest, how long and how well do you sleep? All this has overloaded your nervous system for many years, and this, in turn, does not go away without leaving a trace. The nervous system, like a driven horse, is accustomed to working hard. And then you suddenly slowed down and switched to a new rhythm... Your body will not immediately be able to understand and adapt to a new wave - hence the outbursts of emotions, depressed mood and even depression...

Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that a woman prepare for pregnancy both physically and psychologically - a couple of months in advance. Better yet, six months before the expected conception, reduce the stress on your body, stop smoking, rest your body and soul more often, and do not forget about proper sleep, nutrition and outdoor recreation. Remember that various diets, moving, renovations and job changes also put stress on the body - put them off until better times.

Let's adapt to the new situation.

Mood changes will be with you throughout your pregnancy - these are hormones, and there is no escape from them. But they will be more pronounced and stronger in the first 2-3 months. After all, the body needs to adapt to the new position. In addition, drowsiness, increased fatigue, and irritability may occur. And if you also have toxicosis, then for some time it makes sense to take light sedatives so that they help you control yourself. After all, with toxicosis there is a feeling of helplessness, anxiety, it seems that no one wants to help you and does not understand you.

Don’t be scared and don’t reproach your family, everything that is happening is temporary and natural, and everything will get better soon. Talk to other “bellies” and you will realize that you are not alone, many experience similar feelings.

In addition, you need time to understand yourself in a new role - a future mother, and not just a wife and beloved, so talk more often with your spouse or loved one about what worries you. Then there will be no misunderstanding.

If the pregnancy is difficult, hospitalization is required or there is a threat to the baby. This also affects the woman and increases her anxiety level. When I was carrying my son myself, I had to stay in the hospital three times - it was a difficult time. I just wanted to lie there and look at the ceiling, I was afraid to move and didn’t want to see anyone. The constant injections and drips were depressing. My husband's support helped.

Understand yourself.

During pregnancy, a new spark may appear in the relationship with her spouse, however, discord may also arise when a woman wants to receive support, but there is none, or her husband distances himself from her problems. It is difficult for a man to understand how his pregnant wife feels; he is also worried and worried, but in his own way, because from now on his status is also changing. And he worries whether he can provide for you, whether he can maintain his status, and is even a little jealous of the baby’s future. Be tactful. Gently involve him in what is happening. Tell us what appears in your baby, ask him to massage his legs, stroke his tummy and caress him - you both need this. Sex, if there are no contraindications on the part of the baby, can become a new discovery for you and a source of vivid emotions - after all, feelings become more intense during pregnancy.

I don't like myself...

Often the source of negative emotions and depression for a woman is changing her own body. During pregnancy, your figure undergoes quite significant changes: your breasts become larger, their shape changes, kilograms are added, and stretch marks, varicose veins, and other unpleasant phenomena may appear. A woman’s concern is understandable - we all want to be beautiful at all moments of life. Concerns about the figure are especially important in the creative professions of the expectant mother - actresses, singers, dancers. Although every woman dreams of giving birth and immediately fitting into her favorite jeans.

In addition, there is always a subconscious fear that something is wrong with the child or one’s health. This is especially fueled by horror stories from the Internet, stories from girlfriends or just neighbors on a bench in the yard. Against this background, the woman becomes tearful, she is depressed and afraid.

At the end of pregnancy, dissatisfaction with your body is also accompanied by fatigue - a big belly, agonizing anticipation, nerves. Classes in preparation for childbirth or various creative studios help such women well - they relieve tension and tightness. Psychologists will help you let go of anxiety and calmly go into labor.

During this period, a woman begins to narrow her interests to home and everyday life, arranging a “nest”,but everything related to other areas of life becomes of little interest. Relatives need to be patient and obediently listen to long conversations about diapers and choosing a crib, otherwise there will be tears and frustration again. Shopping for your baby can be a good anti-stress and anti-depressive remedy during this period - buy him rompers, socks, nice little things - this will help you relax and have fun.

How to get rid of a bad mood?

The main thing is to always give yourself the opportunity to rest, especially in the first weeks and at the very end of pregnancy. Don't blame yourself for mood swings - it's a natural part of you, like any pregnant woman. However, you shouldn’t manipulate your relatives at the expense of your position - it’s also difficult for them now. Don't let a bad mood take over you - look for positive moments everywhere and maintain a sense of humor.

Sports and massage of the back and feet help well, just consult your doctor about what you can and cannot do. Swimming and baths with the addition of herbs and sea salt relieve stress well. Try to walk a lot in the air, and contemplating views of nature is generally relaxing and calming. Listen to the sound of the rain, the sounds of the surf, the singing of birds, everything that brings peace to your soul.

Find yourself a hobby or entertainment - write books, read, knit, sew. Whatever you like relieves stress.

If you want to cry, don’t hold back your emotions and give them a way out - it’s good for your health; it’s harmful to push your resentment inside yourself and hold it back. And pregnant women are recommended to cry on your husband’s shoulder, so that he gently strokes you - share your worries and experiences, you will feel better. But you shouldn’t make a scandal and sort things out; forbid them to do this in front of you and your loved ones.

Be patient to wait out the most emotional time, because soon you will meet your little one, this will be the happiest moment of your life. And the bad mood passes quickly. Do not worry about your well-being - the doctors are monitoring you and the baby, they will not allow anything to disturb your peace. If something worries you, do not hesitate to ask the doctor questions, he will answer them in detail and tell you what is happening to the two of you. If possible, talk to fellow “bellies” like you. Share your doubts; together it is easier to get through difficult times.

Every time, tell yourself that your baby needs positive emotions and a positive attitude; he feels everything and reacts to your mood. Try not to worry about all sorts of little things, maintain a positive attitude, listen to music, watch good films, communicate with nature, have conversations with the baby. We must remember that everyone worries before childbirth - this is natural, especially if it is the first and the unknown is scary. Go to a course on preparing for childbirth - they will tell you everything and show you everything, teach you how to breathe and relax, many courses also deal with psychological preparation.

What could be dangerous?

If you periodically worry, this is not bad, but if your anxiety does not let you go day or night, does not allow you to sleep, spoils your appetite and poisons your life, it is time to consult a specialist. These are the first signs of impending depression. Depression is a dangerous state of mental depression that also affects the general condition - physical weakness, refusal to eat, insomnia, headaches, and blood pressure disorders are manifested. This condition already requires treatment, since it is not a harmless condition that can also affect the baby.

The fact is that constant tension tones the uterus, changes hormonal levels and can lead to problems with pregnancy; do not hesitate to complain to the doctor - he will prescribe you effective and safe treatment. In addition, communication with a psychologist will help you, and of course. The most important thing is the support of your spouse and family.

Pregnancy is a time of peace and harmony. Try to achieve it as early as possible, and leave problems for later, you don’t need them now! Happy birth!

Pediatrician is the most important doctor your child, in view of which it is advisable to scarlet years to be observed a proven and sufficiently qualified doctor. If you feel unwell or detect symptoms of diseases, you must make an appointment and consultation with a pediatrician; this can be done either by visiting the clinic in person or on the DocDoc.ru website.

Everyone knows how important peace and good mood are for an expectant mother. But how to get rid of sad and anxious thoughts while being in the very epicenter of instability? Just supporting each other!

A mother’s negative emotions affect not only her health, but also the formation and development of the baby’s nervous system. It is even believed that the mother’s mood during pregnancy to some extent determines her future relationship with the baby. Therefore, the most popular recommendation for expectant mothers is: “Look at the beautiful, think about the good.” But how to do this when this is happening around?!
Finding a positive side to what has been happening to our country lately is quite difficult. Regardless of your political beliefs - your own or those around you - the situation itself is so unstable that it is difficult to remain calm. The expectant mother is worried and worried, this is understandable. During pregnancy, a woman already feels very vulnerable. And the hormonal levels are off the charts, turning mommy into a kind of emotional radar. Any news or spoken word can throw her off balance, deprive her of peace and sleep.
The terrible thing is that an acute political situation can divide the spouses themselves.
There are many cases where couples in which the husband and wife had different views on what was happening simply broke up. In other words, difficult times are always accompanied by severe stress, which can not only become chronic, but also be overshadowed by psychosis, breakdowns, scandals and quarrels. People simply cannot stand the psychological stress.
Of course, the first advice that comes to mind is to distance yourself from everything, isolate yourself from negative information: don’t watch TV, don’t listen to the radio, don’t read news on the Internet. But this is hardly possible. The information flow cannot be stopped, but every day it can
anything can happen. Well, we need to accept this, come to terms with the fact that we have to go through difficult times. Moreover, during this period you can also bear and give birth to a baby. And the main task that now lies with you is to make sure that the baby is born healthy.
And one of the prerequisites for this is your peace of mind. A big role in this, of course, is played by such qualities as resistance to stress, the ability to withstand stress.
How to help yourself?
Some exercises will help you calm down, put your thoughts in order, and save yourself from panic.
Sit in a comfortable position and focus on the child inside you. How can he feel now? Think about how good and comfortable it is for him to sway steadily in the amniotic fluid. Think about the love he has for you and you for him. Imagine yourself in his place: here you are, rocking rhythmically on the waves, you feel good and calm, you are protected by the love of your mother, who also carried you inside her. It is useful to remember this when you go somewhere. The baby feels your every step and catches all the shades of your mood! Such thoughts will help you calm down, tune in to the good, and feel more confident. Your attitude will definitely be passed on to your baby. In a situation of stress, remember the feeling of security that came to you during the meditative exercise, then it will not be easy to bring you out of balance.
Switch things up. You can't follow the news non-stop now. Switch things up periodically: watch good films, read books, go for walks, quietly do household chores.
Don't get involved in online disputes. Remember, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone - neither on thematic forums, nor on social networks. Stop any attempts to drag you into controversy. The best way to win an argument is to avoid it!
Don't force yourself to communicate with people you don't like. Previously, you could afford it. Now it's not worth it. Gently avoid communication, postpone meetings until next time, without entering into open conflicts.
Support each other with your husband. Difficult times also test the strength of relationships. Be tolerant of each other, try to be attentive and take care of each other. After all, no matter what happens, it’s easier to go through difficulties together. Your husband is now experiencing no less stress than you, because the responsibility for the entire family falls on his shoulders. Help him lighten his burden, first of all psychologically. Put aside long-standing conflicts, soften your complaints, support each other. Troubled times will pass, but your family will remain.

Pregnancy is a very big emotional experience. Your emotions and pregnancy put a lot of stress on your psyche. You may have already noticed that doctors, your friends and family focus mainly on your physical health. Their main task, of course, is that you and your child are healthy. In addition, your physical health is something more concrete and visible to outsiders than your emotions. However, many pregnant women believe that pregnancy and emotions, as well as mood swings, are as important as physical condition.

Many women look forward to the magical moment of motherhood in their lives. But once you get pregnant, whether your pregnancy was planned or not, your feelings may be different from what you expected before. Women who expected fear may feel quite confident, but those who thought they were prepared may suddenly feel insecure.

Not long ago, scientists discovered that the activity of the right hemisphere in women increases during pregnancy. This is what makes them more sensitive and emotional during this period. This is how the mother’s body prepares to form a close bond with the child. The study helped to understand the changes occurring in a pregnant woman. The brain begins to react differently to what is happening, more actively responding to the emotions of others. Experts examined the neurophysiological activity of the brains of several women. They were asked to look at images of faces with different emotions – negative and positive. The right hemisphere functioned much more actively in pregnant women. This was especially clear when they looked at positive faces. Women carrying a child become sensitive and vulnerable. The reason for the changes lies precisely in the different functioning of the brain. Research results should help determine the causes of postpartum depression.

“You have to give yourself a positive attitude”

Pregnancy and the emotions that change in each trimester are a phenomenon that, as a rule, almost all expectant mothers encounter. Thoughts about the future haunt mommy. During the first trimester, the expectant mother may not yet realize that she is pregnant. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman can focus on the fact that she will soon give birth to a baby. In the third trimester, mommy can devote most of her free time to thinking and realizing that she will soon be awarded such a great joy as being a mother. All these experiences and thoughts associated with pregnancy require emotional adaptation from the woman.

Your emotions and pregnancy will require a lot of effort from you. We will try to help you with a couple of recommendations.

Here are some tips to help you cope with mental and emotional problems during pregnancy.

  • Don't be shy about doctors

As soon as you feel that you are beginning to develop emotional or mental problems, do not wait and talk to your doctor. Even if you are not experiencing any particular problems, but are experiencing stress, sadness or anxiety during pregnancy, contact him. Your doctor can help you determine whether your behavior is normal during pregnancy or due to depression. Emotions and pregnancy can make you feel depressed. Your doctor may prescribe therapy to help you cope with your emotional swings. Or he will redirect you to a more specialized specialist. There are also some depression medications that are considered safe for pregnant moms. However, under no circumstances should you buy them on your own!

  • Collaborative groups

Your hospital may host co-ed groups for expectant mothers. Ask if there are any at your clinic. If not, then there may be such groups in gyms in your city. There are also collaborative groups for moral support for pregnant mothers. When communicating with other expectant mothers, you will feel less lonely and isolated, this will help you fight or prevent possible depression and your emotions will become more positive.

  • Physical activity

Many pregnant women are wary of exercise during pregnancy, but moderate exercise during pregnancy has never harmed anyone. There is no harm in taking your dog for an extra walk. You can also turn your attention to water aerobics or perhaps you will be interested in yoga courses for pregnant women. Don't forget that moderate exercise will promote good emotional health during and after pregnancy.

  • Stay connected with friends

When you become pregnant or have already given birth to a baby, some of your childless friends may no longer understand you in some way. However, such people are not common. Stay connected with your friends no matter what. Try to find some time to go shopping with someone or just get out of the house for a walk.

  • Positive attitude

Pay attention to how you talk to yourself, for example:

“My body works exactly the way it should to carry a healthy baby.”

Now, more than ever, you must love yourself and your body. You must give yourself a positive mindset.

  • Keep a diary

Sometimes the practice of writing down your feelings can help you sort through them. Pregnancy and the emotions associated with it will haunt you for several more months. So feel free to write about all your experiences. Spit out everything that's been building up inside you onto paper.

If you're going through a particularly difficult time in your life and you're having trouble coping with your emotions, it might be helpful to confide in a close friend or family member. They can help you put things into perspective and allow you to release anger or frustration.

  • Proper nutrition

Eating right is very important. Too much sugar or caffeine can increase feelings of stress and anxiety. Stay hydrated and eat well-balanced meals to feel your best. Your emotions and pregnancy can play a cruel joke on you and you may develop an unhealthy appetite, or, on the contrary, a lack of it. Remember that in your situation you need to avoid extremes.

  • Use Internet resources

On the Internet you will find a lot of resources for pregnant women. Chats, websites and forums are created to help expectant mothers during pregnancy. By visiting our website for expectant parents, you will find a lot of tips, recommendations, useful and important information about pregnancy. You can discuss all your accumulated emotions and your pregnancy on the pages of our website. We try to help expectant mothers at all stages of pregnancy.