Lily tattoo name in English. Tattoo with a picture of a lily: how to interpret this sign? The history of the lily as a way to decorate the body

16.03.2023 Childbirth

Tattoos are permanent images applied to the skin by traumatization with the introduction of multi-colored dyes under the skin. The design that is applied to the skin is chosen only by the customer and most often remains with him for life.

Each image has its own hidden meaning. The meaning of a tattoo depends on the design applied and on the meaning of this symbol in different ancient cultures and religions.

Therefore, not all drawings may suit every person. If a tattoo does not suit a person, then there is some discomfort and a desire to get rid of it. And of course, some drawings may not be suitable for men or women in their semantic meaning. It’s rare that a man would want to regularly see a flower or a butterfly on his skin, but women, on the contrary, would be happy about this. Flowers on a woman's body are like identifying the beauty of a woman's body with nature.

In general, tattoos that contain images of flowers can have a rather deep meaning, much greater than just drawings on the body. Flowers are the embodiment of nature, a manifestation of its mystery and beauty. The meaning of flower images varies across different countries and cultures. The most famous are lotus, rose, lily, sakura. It is very important what color the design is made in; it can seriously influence the meaning of the tattoo.

The lily is the most common ancient symbol of peace, purity, nobility, glory, greatness, tranquility, pride and innocence. In terms of importance in countries, the lily is comparable only to the lotus, although their meanings are largely similar. The lily is often considered a feminine symbol, so it can mean youth, resurrection and, in rare cases, early death. Thanks to some beliefs, the white lily occupies a rather honorable place among flowers, personifying wealth.

In Christianity, the lily symbolizes the Virgin Mary and, therefore, modesty, purity, innocence, humility. In the culture of many nations, the meaning of the Lily tattoo was fertility. In Germany they believed that elves lived in these wonderful flowers. In France, the lily was the sign of kings.

The most important meaning of the Lily tattoo is nobility. And then this tattoo can be understood as fragility, tenderness, innocence, that is, directly as female symbolism, the personification of female beauty. If this flower is surrounded by thorns or herbs, it means the sinlessness of the soul. Several flowers on one stem are considered a sign of immortality or rebirth. A yellow lily means arrogance and pride, a tiger lily means eccentricity, a white one means purity, and a pink one means youth. If lilies of light colors are associated with day and purity, then flowers of dark shades are associated with passion and the beauty of the night. In the Middle Ages, designs in the form of lilies were made for women of easy virtue, and because of this, some interpretations of such tattoos are still unclear.

In general, lilies belong to women's tattoos because of their beauty and meaning. Although not all girls think about the hidden meaning of the drawings. In general, depending on the color of the applied design, what the owner wants to get in the end also depends. It is impossible to clearly name certain types of girls who will definitely get such tattoos; usually any tattoo is done by an independent and determined person who does not care about other people’s opinions, and this tattoo is unlikely to be an exception.

We find one of the clearest examples of the lily as a symbol in Christianity, where the flower personifies the purity and purity of the Virgin Mary. Part of the lily can be seen in the hands of the Archangel Gabriel on numerous icons.

The ancient Greeks and Romans also saw the lily as the personification of femininity. In the culture of that time, the lily was seen as a symbol of hope. Interestingly, the flower was also depicted on coins of the Roman Empire.

In Ancient Egypt, the lily was considered a sign of fertility. Residents of medieval Europe sincerely believed that fairies and elves lived in lily flowers. Byzantine culture presents us with a slightly different interpretation of this symbol - the lily means prosperity and greatness of royal power. In Crete, many noble dynasties used this sign as a distinctive feature of their family.

We see that the lily occupies a place of honor in the symbolic hierarchy. Let's find out how this flower resonates with the modern rhythm of life.


The white lily is an amazingly beautiful tattoo. Regardless of whether it is tattooed on the muscular male body or the graceful female form, it symbolizes nobility, beauty and independence. Among the popular modern interpretations of this symbol, we highlight the following:

Places and styles

The most successful styles for applying a lily tattoo are traditional, watercolor and new school. But there are also wonderful experiments in alternative directions. As for places, we note the most popular women's options:

For men, such locations as the chest and forearm would be quite acceptable. Some guys also stuff themselves with flowers, including lilies, in the calf muscle area.


A tattoo with the image of a lily is not so popular among celebrities. However, we found owners of such tattoos among celebrities. Among them:

  • Katrina Jackson;
  • Lily Allen;
  • Anya Ayang Chi.

What is a lily tattoo? This is a very beautiful and feminine design. As a rule, a lily tattoo is tattooed in the form of one flower. Although some people prefer to stuff even whole bouquets.

Flower sizes can also range from very large to very small. Sometimes pictures are drawn along with heart-shaped leaves and stems.

Lily tattoo - main nuances

So, more details. A lily tattoo can be associated with various qualities. With femininity, purity, virginity, modesty, rebirth and beauty. In Egypt, the lily always meant fertility. In Europe - innocence (white flower), and orange - hatred. Such tattoos in most cases have a triangular shape. Apply to calves, ankles, forearms, shoulders, sides, stomach and back.

Noble flower

A lily tattoo is not just a drawing. Such an image can even be found on icons of the Annunciation. For example, in the hands of Archangel Gabriel. This flower symbolizes the Virgin Mary herself. Therefore, it is held in high esteem by every believer.

In Egypt, these flowers were used to decorate the bodies of young dead girls. People believed that they would have many children in the next world. In addition, the lily indicated, again, their innocence and purity.

Well, if you believe German medieval legends, then elves live in lilies - fairy-tale good creatures.

General value

Next point. The “lily” tattoo has a complex meaning. But first of all, the flower speaks of calm, harmony, naivety and humility. However, the meaning also varies depending on the color.

After all, the yellow lily speaks, on the contrary, of disobedience and pride. Pink indicates tenderness and youth. Brindle or orange communicates independence, intransigence and even hatred.

Thus, when you meet a person with such a tattoo, pay attention to its color. He can tell you a lot.

In women

Tattoos for girls - lily - are found in a wide variety of variations. For example, you can meet a girl with a heraldic (royal) flower on her body. This suggests that the lady is passionately in love with a man and dreams of staying with him throughout her life. Such a lily involuntarily brings thoughts of France to others. It was she who was always depicted on the coats of arms of the French monarchs, and also spoke of faith in nobility, greatness and all the best.

These tattoos are mostly done by the fair sex. However, let’s not forget about one more point. In ancient times, such drawings were made exclusively by women of easy virtue. Today, the nature of such an image depends on what exactly the girl wants to put into it.

In any case, it is worth noting that a woman with a lily tattooed on her body is beautiful and charming. At the same time, she is absolutely not alien to such qualities as kindness, modesty and tenderness, as already mentioned above. She can be a faithful and submissive wife, a reliable companion for her other half.

In addition, the owner of such a tattoo is a person who is not devoid of creativity. Such a woman has well-developed artistic abilities. She is distinguished by a very subtle mental organization.

In men

A tattoo (lily) can have a certain meaning on the body of representatives of the stronger sex. However, only in a specific case. When a man has a lily on his shoulder next to a sword. This speaks of nobility, masculinity and loyalty to one's ideals. In addition, for such a man the concepts of honor, friendship and loyalty to his own word will be of great importance.

In prison

A lily tattoo on the shoulder in the underworld is found in most cases on women. Zonov's pattern can mean unconventional orientation or easy behavior.

So, the meaning of this tattoo is very rich, varied and not always positive. Don’t forget what was already mentioned above: at one time, easily accessible women, prostitutes, were branded with this image.

However, the more beautiful a flower looks, the richer and deeper its symbolism. The more difficult it is to fully comprehend and understand.

The main thing is that the owners of these tattoos cannot even imagine themselves without them. They seem to merge with them as one. They complement each other. And let some people consider the lily to be a stigma. Doesn't matter. For the owner of such a design, it is a sign of distinction, a way to stand out from the surrounding gray crowd. Rest assured, such people do not go unnoticed! After all, a well-stuffed flower is also very beautiful!

Since ancient times, the lily has been considered a symbol of nobility, purity, harmony and innocence. This is one of the most ancient images for body paintings, a strong and beautiful amulet. The sketches are most suitable for girls and are made in various techniques and styles. The original color scheme, theme, size and location of the picture are chosen - all together it becomes a unique and significant decoration.

A little bit of history

In the Christian religion, the lily is considered a symbol of the Virgin Mary; in France, the heraldic image of the flower was available only to the nobility, and in Egypt it was a sign of fertility. In ancient Rome, the lily was minted on gold coins and signified hope. Among Jews, the image of a lily is still considered a sign of belonging to Judaism. Such rich historical significance is widely reflected in contemporary body art. The lily is considered a female tattoo, which can be placed anywhere, depending on the size of the image. This is perhaps a rare case when a tattoo looks great on a girl’s foot, hand or forearm. Panoramic and color designs are good on the back in the center, stomach, waistline or shoulder blade. Young men also put compositions of a lily and a sword on their shoulders, which means masculinity, faithfulness to the word and nobility. In prison symbolism, lily tattoos mean gayness or accessibility. A competently and skillfully stuffed flower or branch or bouquet merges with its wearer and always makes him stand out from the crowd.

Lily symbol meaning

The more beautiful the flower, the deeper and stronger the meaning of the tattoo. For example, flowers on a single stem speak of eternal life, and snow-white lilies in the midst of weeds show purity of thoughts and meekness of disposition. The color of the flower is important and conveys the character of the owner:

  • white flowers - purity, purity;
  • yellow - pride, intransigence and capriciousness;
  • brindle - unusualness, originality and unpredictability;
  • pink - delicacy, fragility and youth;
  • dark - passion and emancipation.

The creation of a unique flower arrangement, taking into account the slightest nuances of the image, should be entrusted to an experienced professional. The master will apply a unique design of lilies, which will become your business card and at the same time a stylish decoration.



Lily tattoo meaning

Before decorating your body with a tattoo, you should study what meaning it carries. The lily tattoo is very popular among girls; the general meaning of such a design is harmony, self-knowledge, nobility and tenderness.

In various cultures, the lily has been a symbol of fertility. In ancient Egypt, this flower was placed on the bodies of dead girls. In culture, this flower was depicted on coins; it was considered a symbol of hope. In medieval France, the lily adorned the country's emblem and meant respect.

In art, the lily is often depicted next to or with any other lily to symbolize both innocence and guilt. Girls used to often use lilies as decoration, stabbing them in. Such an accessory meant that its owner was gentle and faithful.

A lily tattoo can be drawn, at the request of a person, in the form of one or several flowers. The color of a tattoo can be very diverse. The white lily denotes purity of motives, tenderness and fragility. The lighter the lily, the more elevated the energies that govern it. A dark flower is associated with a passionate nature and bright beauty. Pride is symbolized by a yellow lily, pink - tenderness. The orange flower is an indicator of independence and passion.

In tattoo art, a lily can be depicted in a single copy, in a bouquet of several different flowers. It can also be painted in various colors. It is often combined with sketches on a theme - next to or at the feet of a saint. An animal holding a bouquet of lilies in its teeth is not uncommon in tattoo art.

Most often, lily denotes tenderness. If you want to give it a more attractive look, you can entwine the flower in the picture or paint it in a dark color. Such a pattern on the body will speak of its wearer as a multifaceted person who can be kind and gentle, while also having a strong character.